Our 2,000,000th pageview?

Sunday,  I was checking my screen showing the overview for my blog and it indicated that we had just gotten our two millionth pageview. That seemed like an impressive milestone, assuming that most are not visits from bots and such.  I enjoy writing my blog since it keeps my mind occupied and affords me a creative outlet.

Twelve years ago I started this blog. I decided that it would be in a question and answer format and primarily answer questions commonly asked by my patients. I figured that others might be searching for "no nonsense" answers to these same questions. I hoped this would be doing a public service and chose to not have any advertising on the blog.

Our main referral source has been Google and some of our "greatest hits" have turned out to be:
Why does my tooth hurt after root canal? (409,142 pageviews), Should a tooth thats broken to the gum line be fixed? ( 94,542 pageviews) and My crown broke, What should I do? (90,830 pageviews).  In retrospect, even after writing over eight hundred posts, I still can't predict which posts will end up being widely read, since it tends to be related to  the queries that people make and Google's algorithm.

As it stands now, I have branched out and I have been including more posts that are aimed at young dentists, who may benefit from advice on dental procedures, patient management and details about the running of a dental practice. While there are many great sources of dental information on the internet, many require paid for subscriptions or are promoting products or services through advertising.

Although making a living is a necessity and I have made a good living through dentistry, I went into dentistry, at least in part, so I might be some help to others.  Hopefully, some of the information in my blog.posts has been helpful and I will continue publishing Ask Dr. Spindel for the foreseeable future.

from Ask Dr. Spindel - http://lspindelnycdds.blogspot.com/2017/12/our-2000000th-pageview.html - http://lspindelnycdds.blogspot.com/


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