
Showing posts from November, 2020

Covd, Covid,Covid and the holidays?

So... it truly  feels a lot like we are in prison. I am lucky enough or unlucky enough (denpending on one's point of view) to be let out for"work release" every day Monday- Thursday. I get to leave my appartment every day, travel to work and go home at the end of the day on public transportation wearing triple masks (N95, surgical type two and black Coppermask to cover up the other two masks). So far so good, apparently My staff and I have remained Covid free even though our office has been open and increasingly busy since June 8th. It could be a lot worse, since we are not incarcerated in an actual jail and  choosing wisely to remain safe, and somewhat isolated, until things are more sorted out.  This is sensible, since our goal is to put off getting this virus for as long as possible. The longer we delay getting it the better. Treatments are continuously improving  and multiple seemingly effective vaccines are about to be released. It  Now that the holidays are app

Caveat Emptor, or “let the buyer beware?

 I really hate to write this post. We are taught not to criticize other dentists but given what I am seeing when some of my patients choose to leave the fold and then return can leave me deeply disturbed. Twice in the last 30 days patients have returned to my practice after seeking care closer to home, only to find that they were diagnosed with five or more cavities that need restoring.  Upon examination and reviewing their radiographs I could not find the need for any of their diagnosed fillings.  We dentists are taught not to criticize other colleagues, but some of the clinics that my patients have gone to  are guilty of violating the public's trust. After all, as dentists we have a legal and moral obligation not to perform  unnecessary procedures. It saddens me to think that some of my colleagues are more concerned with paying their bills than doing the right thing Ethics is currently a topic of concern for many health professionals today and dentistry is not an exceptio

Buds for Life: Your Tongue & Taste

Full disclosure before your Salt Lake City dental team at Natural Smiles Dentistry starts dropping knowledge on the muscles in your mouth that are partially to thank (or blame) for the foods you love: we’re hungry as we write this and are envisioning pizza; yummy, savory pizza with cheese that stretches when you grab a slice, crust with just the right amount of crunch, sauce with the best blend of veggies and herbs…what were we going to talk about? Oh yeah, taste buds ! Wait—are you craving pizza now, too? Let’s go halfsies on some ‘za! Gusta-what?! The scientific term for your taste buds is gustatory receptor cells . Jot that down because there will be a quiz later (we joke). These taste buddies (that’s just more fun to say, isn’t it?) form before we evacuate the womb. In fact, based on their sensitivity to sweet and bitter tastes, newborns may have more taste buds than adults. For an image to distract from the pizza that may still be on your mind, picture babies trying new foods.

Should I Let My Teen Whiten Their Teeth?

Do you remember feeling like standards of beauty were unattainable when you were a teenager? Heck, many of feel this way as adults! It makes sense that teenagers might be concerned with the appearance of their smile and pine for bright white smiles the same way adults do, because they’re often exposed to the same media that displays stunning smiles nonstop.  There’s a lot to be said for defying those expectations, but if there were a simple, safe, and widely available treatment that could make a world of difference for your teen’s self-confidence, would you be ok with it?  Your Dentist Can Help If your teen has expressed that they’d like to have their teeth whitened, you might be inclined to gasp and reply, “Your smile is perfect as it is!” We understand, and at Michael Colleran DDS, we do love how unique smiles are from person to person, and we want everyone to feel comfortable with their natural smile just as it is.  However, maybe it can lead to a productive discussion and info

Mouthguards – Do They Really Work?

Sore jaw? Restless nights? Play sports? If any of these apply to you, you might be surprised to hear that you could use a mouthguard!    Functions of Mouthguards Mouthguards are solid pieces of plastic that keep your teeth and jaw in a specific resting position. The basic function of a mouthguard is protection. Mouthguards help prevent accidental mouth injuries, ease pain from grinding your teeth, and can even help patients with trouble sleeping.  They usually only cover the top row of teeth, but can sometimes be made to cover the bottom row too. You can buy a mouthguard pre-made, custom-made, or use the “boil and bite” method for something in the middle. Custom mouthguards from your Brooklyn dentist offer the highest level of protection and the most comfortable fit, but no matter where you get your mouthguard, actually wearing it is the most important part.   Types of Mouthguards All mouthguards look and function mostly the same, but they might be slightly different based on th

Pregnancy & Your Smile

Before we begin talking about the changes pregnancy can cause in your mouth, we want you to know your smile is entirely unique and will remain so during your pregnancy, and your Gwinn dental team does not want you to be alarmed. We’re here to answer questions and address concerns as you need, and wish you a smooth, happy pregnancy!  Pregnancy and becoming a parent changes everything, so it’s not surprising you might experience oral health changes while you carry a bun in the oven. Speaking of buns in ovens, you’re probably more sensitive to smells and tastes, right? Your gums and teeth are more sensitive due to hormonal fluctuations, too. Along with sensitivity, you may experience swelling during pregnancy; the swelling might be localized to your ankles, which is common, or it could include your gums. Swelling of the gums may indicate pregnancy gingivitis ( gum disease ), so if you notice this symptom, you should definitely schedule a visit with Dr. Gwendolyn Buck for their care rec

Dental Sealants Keep Cavities at Bay

A trip to the dentist should be a pleasant experience. That’s what we want for our kids: happy associations with that twice-annual visit to Dr. Cimino & Dr. La . Nothing ruins the good feeling at a dental visit faster than the dreaded words, “I found a cavity.” A cavity in a baby tooth is bad news, but not the end of the world. A cavity in a newly erupted permanent tooth is more cause for concern.  So what is a cavity? How do they form? And, what can we do to keep them from ever getting started?    What is a Cavity? Simply, a cavity, also known as dental caries, is a hole in the tooth enamel. A tooth has an outer layer of hard enamel surrounding an inner layer of dentin, which covers the tooth pulp, which contains blood vessels and a nerve. A cavity forms when the enamel is weakened then fails and no longer covers the dentin.  A small cavity can usually be drilled to remove any decayed portion and stop further decay, then filled with strong material, like resin, to re-strength

Cosmetic Dentistry – A Beautiful Smile is a Powerful Thing

There is a law of nature that states: “function follows form.” This saying means that how something appears determines how it works. For example, you may own many screwdrivers of different sizes and shapes (form) to loosen all different kinds of screws (function). Think of a watering can with a long spout that’s perfect for pouring water right where you want it, versus one with a broad spout meant to cover large areas more quickly. When you think about it, this principle also applies to your smile. A mouth with missing teeth isn’t nearly as functional as a mouth with a full set of chompers. Enter: cosmetic dentistry. While the word “cosmetic” makes these treatments sound optional, many times they are necessary to improve physical function or mental and emotional well-being. Read more from Dr. Kevin Brewer to learn about cosmetic dentistry and the positive impact it can have on your life. Types of Cosmetic Dentistry Whitening  — an absolute favorite when it comes to confidence-boost

What’s Lurking in Your Saliva?

Saliva . Just the word can conjure an array of images in your imagination. From salivating at a delicious meal to studying Pavlov’s dogs to watching a baseball player spit, life is full of saliva! And that’s a good thing because saliva is very important for oral and overall health. Problems with saliva can lead to dry mouth, cavities, and bad breath. Read more below from Atlanta dentist, Dr. Ceneviz to learn more about your saliva. Composition of Saliva Saliva is 98% water. It also contains electrolytes, mucus, enzymes, hormones, and antibodies. Saliva travels to all parts of your mouth via “saliva ducts.” Saliva is made in your salivary glands and the contents come from your blood. Ancient doctors believed saliva and blood were “brothers” when it comes to a person’s wellness.  Because saliva is so similar to blood, research is growing on how to use saliva samples to test for diseases. Saliva samples are already used to test for HIV, but studies are finding you can also detect breas

Life Hacks: One Simple Way to Protect Your Child’s Smile

Did you know that sports-related injuries are the leading cause of emergency room visits for children and teenagers between the ages of 12-17? For children between the ages of 5-14, recreational activities (e.g., riding a bike) account for an estimated 3.2 million emergency room visits.  With statistics like these, it’s no wonder parents want to find ways to keep their children safe while they play, and when you learn that the most commonly injured areas are to the face, head, eyes, and mouth, preventive wear like helmets and mouthguards become even more important! Don’t Leave Home Without It The American Dental Association recommends mouthguards for many sports and recreational activities that you might not think would require a mouthguard, so it’s important to do your research and give your child the best protection available! If you’re wondering whether your child should be wearing one, don’t hesitate to contact Harp Pediatric Dentistry today. Dr. Mark Dawoud loves fitting P

What is the difference between an inlay and a filling?

Emax onlays  In 2007 I wrote a post about inlays and it probably is time for another post on this topic. Inlays and their cousin, onlays , are restorations that are fabricated indirectly(usually) and then cemented or bonded into a patients tooth. direct composites and amalgams are placed into the filling directly. Fillings are the more affordable restoration but when they are large they may not be the most optimal way to restore a tooth.  Presently direct composite restorations are the dominant type of filling used for patients. These usually involve placing uncured composite directly into a restoration and setting it with a bonding light. The curing always causes some shrinkage (1.5-3 %) and this shrinkage can cause problems, especially for the restoration of larger cavity preparations.  Also it can be difficult to achieve "tight" interproximal contacts when restoring some large fillings. Using a proper technique direct fillings can be a long lasting and troub

A Better Alternative to Bone Grafting

A Better Alternative to Bone Grafting Traditionally, when a patient with bone loss is seeking  dental implants , the first factor in question is: “How much jawbone do you have?” Implants embedded in weak or eroded bone have a high rate of failure. Tooth roots reinforce the structure of the jawbone and, when they are missing, the structure of the bone is compromised, usually leading to decay. This bone loss is quite common among wearers of dentures who have gone many years without any kind of fixture to reinforce their bone. A solution for this problem has existed for a long time: in the form of  bone grafting . The technique of bone grafting allows for jawbone quality to be manually rebuilt until it is sufficiently thick and dense enough for implants to placed. The Inconveniences of Bone Grafting Cost/Time Increase : Bone grafting requires one or more surgeries and a healing period of a few months after each procedure. This process must be completed before the implants can be plac