
Showing posts from June, 2017

Your Patient’s Smile Is As Essential As Your Website: Five Cost-Effective Ways to Build a Brilliant Site

An attractive website leaves a lasting impression for your visitors. Even if your dental practice is local and you run by word of mouth, patients are likely looking for you on the web. In this blog post, we will share five cost-effective ways to build a beautiful dental practice website. 1) WordPress – An open source platform that powers approximately 27% of websites. Through WordPress, there is access to hundreds of free themes (templates) to build your dental site. There are also hundreds of free plugins to enhance your site through social media sharing, contact forms, website optimization, videos, and more., for example, offers many premium WordPress themes that start around $20. 2) – Provides “drag and drop” tools to easily create and customize your dental website. They offer a free plan that includes the “Wix” name in your web address along with their branded ads. Upgrading to premium plans removes Wix branded items and also provides you with more stora

What does if it hurts when I bite down on my implant restoration?

In my experience, this is a really ominous symptom. Implants are meant to be housed in bone and have no ligament attached to them. Bone has no nerve endings and can't sense pressure. when a bone "hurts" its usually from soft tissue adjacent that  has nerve endings. When an implant "hurts" it usually means it is failing. If I have a patient with a sensitive implant my first thought is to send him or her to see the surgeon who placed the implant. If that is not possible, I send them to a different, surgeon who I know well , in order to assess whats going on. Usually it ends up that bone around the implant is no longer ( or never was) " integrated ". Sometimes a radiograph taken of the implant clearly shows bone dissolution adjacent to it. Usually implants that are painful to biting pressure end up needing to be removed and the bone regrafted before my surgeon can place another one. Implants with inflammation that has caused bone loss around the top

Need a Tooth Extraction? Don’t Be Afraid!

We’ve all had a toothache at some point at some point or another. While you should always consult your Columbus dentist, it’s not always a serious problem. Often, the issue can be fixed with a filling or a root canal. However, many Columbus residents have found themselves in a situation where the tooth is not salvageable, and the only solution is for Dr. Barry & Dr. Love to perform an extraction, or remove the tooth. Today, Dr. Barry & Dr. Love at Lifetime Dental Health  would like to talk about what you can expect from an extraction and why it’s not something to fear! Pulling Teeth isn’t like “Pulling Teeth” Anymore Just like root canals, tooth extractions have a pretty bad reputation. Many Columbus folks may refer to something difficult by saying it was, “like pulling teeth.” However, Dr. Barry & Dr. Love will be the first one to tell you that the technology and techniques of modern dentistry have made the process of extracting a tooth fairly simple and with minimal d

DDS vs. DMD: A Dental Degree Breakdown

If you are looking for a dentist in Portland, you may have picked up on the fact that there are two types of dental degrees – DDS and DMD. Perhaps you’ve noticed that there are far more of one than the other, or maybe they are split 50/50. Either way, you’re probably wondering what the difference is, and how this will affect your dental care. At Family Dental Health, we love to spread the word about all things dental, so here are the facts, straight from Dr. David Case . The Difference Between DDS and DMD You have the right to know what training your health care professionals have received so that you can choose the best fit for your needs. Most Portland folks know there are specialties in dental medicine, such as orthodontics (braces), periodontics (gums), and cosmetics, but what about the degrees? Don’t worry, Dr. David Case has even known dentists that are still confused about this. So what is the difference between the two degrees, anyway? The short answer is…exactly one letter.

Prevention vs. Treatment of Oral Health

The World Health Organization defines health as “A state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” Sadly, in our fast-paced culture, many of us settle for less-than-healthy or even truly sick conditions every day. We allow ourselves to be tired, achy, stressed and in pain more often than not. Why? Because it’s hard to prioritize our long-term health in a world of so many immediate needs competing for our attention. But long-term health is actually the most important need of all. Without our health, we won’t truly be able to enjoy life or contribute to a greater good. Dr. Jeremy Gordon offers a few points on how to seek wellness and prevent oral health problems before they even start. Starting Upstream It’s easier to stop pollution from entering a stream in the first place than to try cleaning up the mess afterward. By starting upstream and taking your preventative health seriously, you will see immediate benefits and

Dental Inlays & Onlays

Bite. Crack. Ouch! A cracked or broken tooth is a real problem. Unlike other bones in your body, a tooth will not heal itself and you need to take care of it immediately. Depending on how bad the damage is and where it is located, your dentist will likely recommend an inlay, onlay, or a crown . All versions of the same idea, these restorative dentistry treatments are custom-made covers to protect your tooth and restore it to it’s full, healthy functioning condition. Another reason you may need an inlay, onlay, or a crown is due to extensive tooth decay that is breaking down your tooth that requires more than a simple filling to fix. Here’s how your options compare: Fillings : only fill a small, center portion of the biting surface of your tooth and is not a treatment for extensive damage Inlays : fill a larger portion of the biting surface than a filling contained within the cusp Onlays : fill and cover the biting surface of your tooth including up and over the rounded ridges (

Don’t Get Kicked in the Teeth…But If You Do – The Importance of Mouthguards in Sports Safety

It’s no secret that residents of Charlotte love sports! The folks around here work hard and play just as hard, whether it’s football, baseball, basketball, or the numerous other high-impact sports that can cause harm to your family’s mouths. In fact, at least 13% of all oral injuries happen during sports activities. Dr. Michael Berglass wants you to know how to keep your teeth out of harm’s way and still enjoy a good game, so please read on and learn how to win big with a safe, healthy smile. It’s About More than Mouthguards We know what you’re thinking, mouth guards are the key to staying safe on the field, right? Yes, they are a big part of it, but it takes more than just a mouthguard to keep your kids from getting a chipped tooth while scoring a touchdown. Sports safety for oral health means getting the right mouth guard and wearing it the right way. After all, the best defense is a good offense! Do I Need a Mouthguard? If you or a member of your family is considering a mouth

Professional Dental Cleanings Make a Big Difference

You’ve been hearing it for years – “make sure to visit Dr. Brickey or Dr. Provine twice a year for your regular cleanings.” Just in case you’ve ever wondered why regular dental cleanings are so important, we at Natural Smiles Dentistry would like to take this opportunity to let Salt Lake City residents in on some information you don’t often hear. Let this article serve as your personal guide to the benefits of getting your teeth cleaned. If you have any questions or find that you are suddenly inspired to visit Dr. Brickey or Dr. Provine for a cleaning, feel free to give us a call ! Why You Should Get Your Teeth Professionally Cleaned Unfortunately, some folks in Salt Lake City believe that visiting the dentist is unnecessary if you brush and floss regularly. That just isn’t the case. In addition to keeping your teeth clean and healthy, regular visits to our expert hygienists at Natural Smiles Dentistry ensure that we can have a good look at your pearly whites and make sure nothi

When a Toothache is Not a Toothache

Most of us in San Luis Obispo have experienced a toothache. At their mildest, toothaches may cause just enough discomfort to get on your nerves and disrupt your concentration, but at their worst, they can be debilitating. Because the pain feels like it’s coming from your tooth, it’s natural to assume that all toothaches are caused by cavities, gum disease or some other tooth-related problem. However, Dr. Michael Colleran would like you to know that not all toothaches are related to your teeth . Wait, what? Toothaches that have nothing to do with teeth? Yes– as anyone at Michael Colleran, DDS will tell you –it is possible and it does happen. That being said, most toothaches are tooth-related. How can a toothache not come from your tooth? Your mouth is a complex organ that contains a number of different types of tissue, nerves, and microorganisms. While run of the mill dental problems like tooth decay and gum disease are responsible for the majority of toothaches, there are many othe

Dental Insurance FAQ: The Basics

We at My Dentist for Life understand that dental insurance can be a tricky thing to navigate. Evaluating dental plans and considering deductibles, benefits, which treatments are covered, and the mountain of other information insurance companies provide can be a headache in and of itself. Dr. Rizvi wants every Plantation resident to have the power to control their own health, so here’s a simplified guide to the basics of dental health insurance. As always, if you have a question, don’t be afraid to give us a call ! Dental Insurance Dental insurance is an excellent investment that helps Plantation residents ensure a lifetime of healthy smiles. However, in order to get the best value from your dental insurance, there are a few things you need to know. Here are the answers to the most common questions we hear at My Dentist for Life: What is dental insurance? Having dental insurance means that an insurance provider will pay for a percentage of the dental care that you need every year.

Don’t Get Kicked in the Teeth – At Least Wear a Mouth Guard

According to the American Dental Association , at least 13% of all injuries to the mouth occur during sports activities. While helmets, shoulder pads, shin guards, and the like do a great job of protecting most of the body, Dr. James Fili would like to make sure that every athlete knows how to keep their teeth safe from harm. No Dubuque parent should have to worry about their child’s teeth during the game, so at Dubuque Periodontics we would like to talk about how to take sports safety to the next level. Mouth Guards and Sports Safety In Dubuque, we live for a good game. Our athletes train hard to win, so it’s not hard to imagine why they don’t shy away from contact. However, that doesn’t mean that your family has to suffer the consequences of a sports-related oral injury. Mouth guards are the key to oral safety in sports. When to Get a Mouth Guard Let’s say your child has decided to sign up for a high school team, or maybe you’ve joined a local Dubuque league. Now you’re wonderi

Stop Tooth Pain and Sensitivity Now!

Why Are My Teeth Sensitive? There are a ton of specialized toothpastes, mouthwashes, and toothbrushes available to Las Vegas residents suffering from sensitive teeth. It is a very common problem that lots of products claim they can solve, but have you ever wondered why it exists? Today, we at Wagner Dental would like to explain what causes tooth sensitivity and how these products work. Dr. Ron Wagner, Dr. Kent Wagner, Dr. Rich Cannon, Dr. Tom Lawler & Dr. Rich Nelson want everyone in Las Vegas to enjoy a pain-free mouth, so feel free to give us a call with any questions or to setup a consultation . What Causes Sensitive Teeth? Do you find yourself ordering beverages without ice, drinking room temperature water, and waiting a long time for your coffee or tea to cool down? If you do, it’s probably because you have sensitive teeth. Enamel, which covers of the crown of your teeth, is the hardest substance in your body; tooth roots have a similar substance called cementum. However,

Teaching Your Kids to Brush and Floss

As a parent, you will have numerous opportunities to teach your children valuable skills and each one will yield priceless memories. Your child’s first step, your child’s first word, your child’s first bike ride, your child’s first unassisted brushing and flossing session…Well, maybe that last one won’t be as memorable, but Dr. A.J. Gollofon  wants to remind all Seattle parents that good oral hygiene habits begin in childhood. So, today, we at AJ Gollofon, DDS would like to take this opportunity give you some tips on teaching your kids to brush and floss. Good Brushing Habits Last Forever Just in case you have that nagging question about baby teeth, we’ll settle it right now. What’s the point of taking care of baby teeth, if they get a whole new set in a few years? As baby teeth come in, they are literally setting the stage for adult teeth. An early loss of a tooth can mess up the corresponding adult tooth’s placement. Bad hygiene in the early years can also cause infection, difficu

HPV and Oral Cancer: What you need to know

We love to talk about the fun and interesting sides of oral health, but today, there is something much more serious on our minds. We care about the health of everyone in Gwinn, and as dental care professionals, we feel it is our duty to educate you on how to be as safe and healthy as you can be. While you have probably heard of the human papilloma virus and oral cancer, most people don’t know that they are linked. Here is some information from Dr. Buck about the topic. If you have any questions, please feel free to give Northern Trails Dental Care a call . What is HPV? Human papilloma virus refers to a family of nearly 200 strains that infect the epithelial cells of skin and mucous membranes, such as the inside of the mouth, tongue, tonsils, throat, vulva, vagina, cervix, penis (through the urethral opening), and the anus. HPV is transmitted primarily through sexual contact (oral and genital) and it is one of the most common viruses in the country. According to the CDC, 8 out of 10

Are You Singing the Toothache Blues?

Are you or a loved one suffering from the toothache blues? Don’t wait around in pain for the problem to resolve itself. Although, at Brewer Family Dental , we do enjoy spending quality time with our patients, we don’t want any Lexington residents to have to undergo dental procedures that could have been avoided. A toothache can be a sign of a much more serious problem that should be addressed immediately, but there are a few things you can do at home, in the meantime, to get temporary relief from toothache pain: Home Remedies: Painkillers – This one might be fairly obvious, as painkillers are one of the fastest, most effective ways to temporarily relieve mild to moderate pain and inflammation. Salt Water – Salt has natural antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic properties. Add a spoonful of salt to a warm cup of water. Gargle the dissolved solution several times daily. Cold Compress – Just like any other injury, a cold compress can work wonders at reducing the swelling, i

What are the best dental blogs of 2017?

I am very pleased that " Ask Dr Spindel " was included in a short list provided by ValuePenguin's post "Best Dental Blogs 2017" .  These days I have a lot of completion from other blogs, but when my blog started back in 2005 there weren't many others.  Over time I have witnessed an ever expanding number of dentists and others writing "dental blogs".   Many have come and gone, probably because it's easy to run out of ideas or lose ones enthusiasm. Luckily for me, my conversations with patients stimulate ideas for future posts. I try and write them down  and when its time to post, I have ideas ready. I  post between four to eight posts a month and I must confess coming up with new ideas can sometimes be a challenge. I am not expert on all things dental but I do try and stay up to date and I attend three different study clubs in N.Y.C. to help keep my dental knowledge fresh. My blog currently gets about 4000 visitors a month on average (half

TO: Dr. Saba Rizvi & Staff of My Dentist for Life

FROM: Lawrence Borland “Prior to getting my new dentures, I was self-conscious about my smile due to a poor and unflattering fit. The care and attention to detail and the time spent by the staff was surprising. They took the time to measure, align, and work with my bite. I am so pleased with the results! I have a newfound self-confidence and the compliments keep coming: Mesmerizing Hypnotizing Dashing Awesome Thank you so much! ” from My Dentist for Life

Twenty Four hour days for Dentists?

In 2017 many people do not have true down time since we are potentially always available to our work via text messages, cell phones,  and emails. Increasingly I too have been dealing with practice matters when my office is closed. While I don't often have to open my office during off hours for emergency, I do often have to deal with office appointments and patient enquiries. We participate on Zocdoc and patients are able to book appointments 24 hours per day. When they do use Zocdoc to make an appointment a follow up email ( or two...) is generated and I am reminded that the appointment needs to be confirmed. Also, more and more of my patients feel it is ok to contact me via messaging either on my cell phone or Facebook. I actually do not mind and even give my cell phone number out on my answering machine message. When Zocdoc emails me, usually if I am home I can use Logmein to remotely log onto my office server to enter their appointment in my office management software so t

Super Smiles for Superheroes

Before After While the country is abuzz with the release of Wonder Woman, Wagner Dental in Las Vegas had the pleasure of taking one hero’s smile from special to spectacular. Lara Preston Duffin is a patient that designs costumes for cosplayers (costume players) all over the world, and heads a non-profit organization called Heartfelt Heroes. Heartfelt Heroes is dedicated to spreading hope and sparking imaginations in all kinds of volunteer work, like visiting children in hospitals, participating in arts and crafts with children in shelters, and reading books to children in elementary schools while dressed as superheroes. Heartfelt Heroes also designs personalized superhero capes for children all across the country. We are so happy Lara came to us for veneers and teeth whitening. We know that her increased confidence in her smile means she’ll be radiating more joy to everyone she reaches through her work and charity. For more information on Lara’s organization and her costum

Dentists Are Doctors, Too!

There are many kinds of doctors – Doctors of English, Doctors of Philosophy, Doctors of Medicine, Dr. Pepper… (wink). Of course, when we use the term doctor, we most often mean a physician or doctor of medicine. But did you know that dentists are doctors, too? Every doctor has a specialty, and a dentist’s specialty is oral health.   Dr. Ron Wagner, Dr. Kent Wagner, Dr. Rich Cannon, Dr. Tom Lawler & Dr. Richard Nelson , your Las Vegas dentists explain how dentistry is a specific branch of medicine, and what it all means for the link between oral health and overall wellness. Dentists Are Doctors   Dentists are every bit as trained and educated as physicians. They have the same general education in science as physicians before they get clinical training in dentistry. This background education helps dentists look at you, the whole package, when taking care of your teeth.   Dentists are specialists in the science and mechanics of oral health, which extends to your head, face, an

How Dental Night Guards Can Help You

It’s common to see people wearing mouth guards in St. Augustine during all kinds of sports, such as football, basketball, and boxing, but did you know that lots of folks wear mouth guards at night for their dental health? People who grind their teeth (bruxism) and people with sleep apnea can get relief from their symptoms simply by wearing a specially-designed mouth guard at night. Dr. Gordon  has helped tons of St. Augustine residents improve the quality of their life with night guards and we at Gordon Dental invite you to come visit us today to find out more. Night Guards for Bruxism Bruxism, or teeth grinding, is a very common condition. Everyone grinds their teeth at some point, but some St. Augustine folks do it so much (especially at night) that it causes severe damage to their teeth, headaches, jaw aches, TMJ (temporomandibular joint disorder)  issues and more. The problem is that most bruxism sufferers don’t know that they are actually clenching and grinding their teeth. The

Teeth Grinding, Clenching, and Bruxism

There is a good chance you have heard Dr. Gollofon  or someone else at AJ Gollofon, DDS mention the term ‘bruxism’ and discuss the problems it can cause for your oral health. At the office, we talk about a lot of technical dental stuff that doesn’t necessarily concern our Seattle patients, but bruxism is something we definitely want you to know about. Stress and bruxism go hand in hand, and we are going to tell you exactly what that means and how it affects your health. Alright, we know you are on the edge of your seat! What is bruxism and why does it concern you? Well, how often do you find yourself clenching your jaw or notice others doing just that? Bruxism is a common condition characterized by jaw clenching and the grinding of teeth. It is perfectly normal to clench your jaw and grind your teeth from time to time, but it can be very damaging if it gets to be a regular habit. The biggest issue with bruxism is that people are rarely aware that they suffer from this condition, and

Crowns, Bridges, Dentures, and Implants: The Facts

Crowns, Bridges, Dentures, and Implants: The Facts There are lots of ways to deal with missing or damaged teeth. You’ve probably heard one of us at Michael Colleran, DDS talking about implants, dentures, bridges, and crowns, but have you ever wondered what they are and how they work? Dr. Colleran knows that folks in San Luis Obispo like to be informed, so think of this as your personal guide to things that might end up in your mouth. As always, if you have any questions, feel free to give us a call! Crowns, Bridges, and Dentures, Oh My! At some point in time, most of us will lose at least one adult tooth. The most common cause of tooth loss is gum disease, but it could also be an accident, a sports injury, or a cavity on steroids. Some people are even born without the ability to develop one or more adult teeth! Either way, the point is that most San Luis Obispo residents will one day face a decision: how do I replace my lost or damaged tooth? There are many ways to fill a gap in

Is it ever too late for dental work?

Let’s be honest. If you are like most Portland folks, you’ve probably put off going to the dentist at one time or another. Some of us have even avoided seeing a dentist for years at a time. In fact, one in three Americans avoid going to the dentist regularly. After a while, that time spent away from Dr. David Case’s chair adds up, and so does the cost of dental work. You start to feel and even see that your teeth are not in good shape. Plaque and tartar buildup, toothaches, sensitivity to hot and cold, bleeding gums, deep, dark stains, perhaps even loose, clearly decaying teeth. Either way, by the time you get to this point you are probably wondering – is it too late to see the dentist? Here’s what Dr. David Case has to say when it comes to oral health: It is never too late to seek dental care! No matter how old you are, what condition your teeth are in, or how long you’ve been avoiding a trip to your local Portland dentist, there is something we can do to help. Even if you are mi

Diabetes and Oral Health: What Your Dentist Sees

It’s no secret that diabetes is a health condition that must be treated because of the problems it can cause throughout the body—including in your mouth.  Consider that nearly 26 million children and adults in the U.S. who, according to the American Diabetes Association , have diabetes. Columbus dentist, Dr. Barry & Dr. Love want you to know the side effects diabetes can have on oral health. When people with diabetes experience high glucose levels, those levels could also be helping bacteria thrive—causing major problems for their teeth. Some diabetics have chronic inflammation and infections in their mouths. Because of the risk, it’s important that diabetics take extra special care of their teeth. People with diabetes have special oral care needs, so it’s vital that you share this information with your dentist. Common dental conditions associated with diabetes are tooth decay, gum disease, saliva gland dysfunction, infection, delayed healing and more. Everyone—especially tho

If You’re Avoiding the Dentist

We’ve all got our reasons. Money. Time. The fear of pain. Juggling insurance. Facing one more reminder that we really should be flossing more. Any of these might cause us to avoid and put off regular visits to the dentist. Has it been so long since your last dental appointment that you’re not even sure how to find a dentist you can trust? Or perhaps you know and love your dentist but you dread the idea of trying to catch up on life with the hygienist while your mouth is being propped open by a tiny plastic jack. (Yes, we think about that too!) Denver dentist, Dr. Paini, and our staff are happy to help you prioritize your dental health, which is why we go to great lengths to remove any barrier that might keep you from stepping through our doors. Sedation options , flexible payment plans, plentiful office hours, and competent staff team can become your personal assets to achieving your best smile. Our relaxed office is comfortable from the waiting room to the dentist chair. Advanced