
Showing posts from April, 2019

All About Amalgam Fillings: Are they safe? Should you have them removed?

Should I be concerned about my dental amalgam (silver) fillings? How do I know if I’m suffering from mercury toxicity? The topic of amalgam (silver-colored) fillings has been researched, reviewed, studied and restudied for years. As technology advances, research reveals more about the potential effects of mercury vapor exposure in the body and how it affects oral health. By the end of this article, you should know the following: What silver fillings are Why dental amalgam fillings are controversial Potential effects of mercury vapor exposure to the body Alternative dental filling materials Options to minimize effects of mercury exposure (amalgam fillings removal is not the only option) What to know about having silver fillings removed How to find the right dentist, if fillings removal is the option you choose Simple ways to detox mercury from the body What are amalgam dental fillings and why are they controversial? Amalgam dental fillings (also referred to as metal, silve

Coffee in the morning, coffee in the evening, coffee at suppertime?

Our newest coffee machine I stole my post's tittle from the McGuire sisters song " Sugartime ". In between patients, while my assistant is cleaning the operatory, I often indulge myself with a lttle treat. Cake and cookies are good for my mood but bad for my waist line, so more often than not I nurse an ever present cup of coffee. Sometimes its hot and sometimes its cold but it always give my spirits a small lift! Unlike the McGuire sisters, I leave the sugar out. For my birthday this year I bought the office a new coffee machine and it just arrived.  I am drinking my first cup as I write this post. We have offered our patients coffee or tea for over thirty years and while many patients don't want any some come in and request a fresh cup of Java, before or after treatment. My staff and I try and treat our patients like guests in our office and want them to feel right at home. Dental offices don't have to be scary or intimidating places and many of o

Am I a Good Candidate for Dental Implants?

Dental implants can change the look of a smile that has been compromised due to missing teeth or from damage or decay. For those who suffer from insecurity or an inability to eat or speak normally, replacing teeth with dental implants is a life-changer. Whether a patient is missing one tooth or multiple teeth, the Lifetime Dental Health team can make a difference by discussing the option of dental implants and getting the ball rolling towards a better looking and functioning smile. For those who are curious about what dental implants are all about or are ready to make a change for the better and get started with this solution, here is more information to get you better informed about the process. We have been replacing teeth with dental implants for a long time, and patients have been extremely satisfied with the stunning results. Natural looking and comfortable, dental implants are a real game changer for those seeking repair and renewal. Will anyone notice my dental implants? Den

Adult Dentistry: It’s Never Too Late for Dental Care

Good News for Grown-Ups “Adulting” can be hard. Between rent, bills, kids, a career, and other responsibilities, it can be tough to make time for yourself. But independence, parenting, fulfilling work, and the wisdom that comes with age can be pretty fantastic, too. So how does your oral healthcare fit into a grown-up lifestyle? Dubuque Periodontics serves adults from all over Iowa. Read more for our tips on how to care for your oral health at this particular stage in life. Priorities : You manage a lot on any given day. Brushing your teeth and making a dental appointment may not feel like the most pressing of matters, but you know they are important in the long run—so you do it. Family Life : Many people are more motivated to take care of themselves when good habits easily fit in with family life, and others are looking to you to set a positive example. Whether you are caring for children or aging parents, preventative oral healthcare is more likely to happen when done together

It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane, It’s…Invisalign®!

If you have a crooked tooth, odd spaces between your teeth or a poor bite, you might be considering all of your orthodontic options. Orthodontics is a specialty in dentistry that realigns your bite and teeth for the best possible look and function. Did you know that our ancestors actually had naturally larger jaws? This meant they had more room in their mouth for all of their teeth to fit comfortably. But over time, due to genetic changes, human mouths are smaller than ever before. One out of every five people will have a problem with how their teeth fit and line up in their mouth! Invisalign® is one great option for the modern human who wants straighter teeth, without unsightly metal brackets and wires. If for any reason you aren’t fully comfortable with your smile, Gordon Dental Associates wants you to know your options. Read more below about orthodontics and Invisalign. Malocclusion When your mouth is closed, your top teeth should rest comfortably on top and a little to the f

Gum Disease: More Than Just Gums

Your Mouth: A Picture of Health Did you know that when a dentist looks at your mouth, they can tell a lot more than just how often you’re brushing? It’s true—your oral health is like a window into your lifestyle and habits. Dr. Berglass at Central Avenue Dental should know. We’ve seen mouths from all over Charlotte in our office! If you’re not taking care of the rest of your body, your gums will give it away. Hormones, sickness, stress, diet, smoking, prescription medicine, and more can all affect your gum health, and that goes both ways. If you don’t take care of your gums, the consequences will stretch beyond just your mouth. Unhealthy gums can lead to an unhealthy heart, diabetes, pregnancy complications, memory problems, tooth decay , and more. Your mouth is naturally good at washing away and fighting germs. But without proper oral hygiene, those bacteria can lead to gum disease. When it comes to your oral health, it’s more than just pearly white teeth you want. Healthy gums p

The Buzz on Electric Toothbrushes: Are They Really Worth the Investment?

Electric toothbrushes have been on the market for years now, and whether you’re a devout user or a critical skeptic, you may still be wondering: do they really work better, or have we all been duped? Wagner Dental is here to break down some of the myths and separate fact from fiction to give us the spin on electric versus manual toothbrushes. What’s Wrong with Ol’ Trusty? Well, nothing… really. People have been brushing manually since the Middle Ages and continue to use manual toothbrushes effectively today. So why reinvent the wheel if it already rolls? Simple—technology and innovation drive us forward. Wheels today aren’t made of stone, they’re made from high-tech metals and rubber because we’ve discovered better materials and designs that fit our modern needs. Yes, they both accomplish the same end goal, but one is clearly more efficient than the other. So, the question becomes not what is wrong with manual toothbrushes, but what’s wrong with how we’re using them? With the pro

“Lasers”: A Groovy Tool for Dentists

San Luis Obispo dentist Michael Colleran, DDS takes pride in staying ahead of the curve when it comes to the latest and greatest in dental treatments and technologies. That’s why we think dental “lasers” are truly smashing. And if you’re worried about paying one million dollars, rest assured laser treatments are more accessible and affordable than ever. Austin Powers jokes aside, we’re here to tell you how lasers work in dentistry and how they can benefit your smile—and make for a more comfortable dental experience! How do dental lasers work? Advanced laser technology has been one of the most important improvements in modern medicine and dentistry, allowing us to hang up our other tools while providing treatments that are less invasive, more comfortable, and with healthier results than ever before. All lasers work by creating energy in the form of light, but the precise function in dentistry depends on the type of procedure. With surgical and other types of restorative dental trea

Why Do We Have Baby Teeth?

Baby teeth, also called deciduous, primary, milk, or lacteal teeth, have many different purposes. Salt Lake City dentists Drs. Laura Provine and Thomas Brickey are asked the purpose of baby teeth often. So what’s the answer? Tiny Teeth for Tiny Mouths Child-sized mouths are not large enough to accommodate a full set of adult teeth, so the primary teeth become placeholders in the jaw, saving spaces for adult teeth to grow in as they begin to surface from under the gums. Baby teeth usually begin to erupt around 6 months of age, but may begin forming in the womb even before birth! By the age of 3 years, children should have all 20 of their baby teeth, which remain in the mouth for the bulk of childhood—roughly 8-10 years. The presence of baby teeth allows children to eat solid foods and helps as they learn to speak clearly and quickly. They Grow Up So Fast The first adult tooth erupts where the baby teeth have been lost around 6 years of age. By age 13, all permanent adult teeth—ex

Is Fluoride Safe for Kids?

At Family Dental Health, we know that Portland parents work hard to prioritize their child’s health and happiness—you can count on us to do the same! The smiles of your children are a contagious expression of delight, and our role as their oral healthcare provider is to protect those precious pearly whites. That’s why we fill Portland parents in on the ways we can help prevent their child from experiencing the pain of cavities. Fluoride treatments are a quick, painless way to strengthen teeth and keep decay-causing bugs away. Are Fluoride Treatments Safe for Children? Yes! They are an especially important prevention method in communities that don’t have fluoridated tap water. When combined with dental sealants , fluoride treatments have a 95% success rate in cavity prevention. The reason fluoride is one of the main ingredients in toothpaste and offered as a varnish is because of its ability to prevent cavities by making the hard, outer shell of teeth less susceptible to the acid er

Dental Implants – A Security System for Your Smile

Your mouth is an intelligent system made to work with every piece doing its part. When you’re missing a tooth, the empty spaces are more than unsightly; they can be dangerous. Your other teeth, your gums, and even the bones in your face rely on you having a full smile. Enter: dental implants . Thanks to improved technology, you can replace a single tooth or a whole row of teeth quickly and effectively. Dental implants can improve your overall oral health and are now considered the gold standard in tooth replacement technology. Dr. Gollofon at AJ Gollofon, DDS in Seattle offers professional placement and restoration of dental implants, so let us tell you more about them and how they can help protect your greatest asset and secure your smile! How Do Dental Implants Work? Teeth have even more going on under the surface of your gums than above. What you see when you look at your teeth is the hard, white crown. (See, you knew you must be royalty!) Then, like a plant, each tooth has a

5 Common Questions About Sedation Dentistry

For many Gwinn residents, one thing stands in the way of a healthy, beautiful smile – fear of the dentist!  Even routine cleanings can be scary for folks with dental phobia. However, at Northern Trails Dental Care we have made it our business to offer you the most comfortable dental experience possible, which is why Dr. Buck offers sedation dentistry services. There’s a lot of misinformation floating around, so here are the facts about sedation dentistry . What is sedation dentistry? For millions of Americans, even the thought of visiting the dentist is terrifying. As a result, many people avoid dentists altogether and miss out on a healthy, happy smile. Sedation dentistry is the answer to dental anxiety, aimed at relaxing patients for a comfortable, enjoyable experience. Who is it for? Sedation dentistry is generally intended for those whose fear of the dentist might prevent them from getting the dental care they need. If you suffer from dental anxiety, sedation dentistry might

Local Anesthetic – Is it Safe?

If you get to go on a tropical vacation, your ability to feel the warm sun and the smooth sand is crucial to enjoying the atmosphere. There are, however, times in life when you would rather not feel anything. Getting a dental procedure can be one of those times—as important as the procedure might be. In that case, thank goodness for modern medicine and anesthesia. Ancient dentists used a number of herbs and drugs to numb their patients. Thankfully, today, you have the option of completely safe and effective anesthesia. Lexington dentist Dr. Kevin Brewer shares more below about what anesthesia is and when you might need it. What is Anesthesia? Anesthesia is medicine most well known for dulling pain. The root-word “an” means without and “aesthesis” means feeling. Anesthesia literally means “without feeling.” That perfectly describes how most people want to feel if they need to get a cavity filled or a tooth pulled. Anesthesia can also help you feel relaxed during your treatment and

Brushing with Braces: Cleaning Every Nook & Cranny

If braces are in your future, or you have just had them placed, you may be wondering just how the heck to work around them when flossing and brushing. We’d love to calm your mind by reminding you those wires and brackets are temporary visitors, hanging out to help correct the bite and achieve a smile anyone would feel confident flashing. Yes, there will be a learning curve while our favorite curve on your face is a work in progress, but Chamblee Orthodontics is confident in your abilities and wants to fill you in on just how important it is to be diligent in your oral hygiene routine—while going through orthodontic treatment, and afterward, too! Bands, Brackets & Wires—Oh My! The anatomy of your mouth is more complex than what we see with our eyes alone, while the anatomy of your braces is fairly simple (and visible, unlike the pulp, nerves, and roots of your teeth). This might lead you to believe your typical hygiene regimen won’t require much change. We hate to break it to yo