
Showing posts from May, 2017

The Science of Tooth Decay

If you’ve visited our blog before, you know that we love to talk about tooth decay. The chances are, everyone in Dubuque has had or will have tooth decay at one point. It is classified by the National Institutes of Health as the most prevalent disease in the world. Today we’re going to talk about a few of the factors involved in causing tooth decay and what you and Dr. James Fili can do to protect your smile. The unique makeup of your teeth Even within your own mouth, teeth vary widely in shape, size, and the quality and consistency of enamel formation. Some teeth are harder than others, and some, especially molars, may have deep fissures that can trap decay-causing bacteria. Additionally, defects in way enamel forms can cause yellow or brown areas on your teeth that are more susceptible to caries (tooth decay). The pH level in your mouth Research indicates that the acidity of your mouth plays an important role in facilitating tooth decay. A low pH (an acidic state) allows decay

The Benefits of Composite Fillings

Traditionally, dentists have used what’s known as amalgam, or special metal alloys, to fill cavities. However, modern dental medicine has advanced to the point that Dr. Barry & Dr. Love can offer Columbus patients a much better option for filling holes caused by tooth decay: composite fillings. At Lifetime Dental Health , we would like to educate you on the benefits of tooth-colored, composite fillings, so please let this article serve as your personal fillings fact sheet. The History of Fillings Once upon a time, the choices for dental restoration materials were limited. Records dating back as far as 659 A.D. tell us that amalgams (mixtures of silver, mercury, tin, and/or copper) have been used widely for more than 1300 years. There have been a number of scientific disputes (referred to as the amalgam war) over the health concerns of using mercury, but the American Dental Association has always defended the safety of amalgam fillings. Until recently, amalgam fillings were fav

The Best Way to Replace Missing Teeth

We all remember losing our teeth as children and being delighted to find money from the tooth fairy under our pillow, but it’s just not as fun as an adult. According to the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, adults between the ages of 20 and 64 have an average of 25 permanent teeth remaining, which is three shy of a full set (minus wisdom teeth). Dr. Jeremy Gordon wants everyone in St. Augustine to know that replacing a missing tooth is important to your dental health. Read on for more information and please give Gordon Dental Associates a call with any questions or concerns. Missing Teeth & Dental Health When people lose teeth in movies it’s usually from something high-impact and exciting, like getting kicked in the face. However, the leading cause of tooth loss is actually gum disease . If you are a St. Augustine adult who has lost a tooth in the back of your mouth, you might be inclined to ignore it if it doesn’t affect your smile. Unfortunately, missi

Sugar: Teeth’s Worst Nightmare

People in the United States eat more sugar than any other country in the world! (It’s a good thing we also have some of the best dentists in the world.) You hear it all the time: “sugar rots your teeth.” But is it true? What exactly does sugar do to your teeth and why is it so bad? Dr. Michael Colleran in San Luis Obispo tells us why below. After reading that fact above, you might want to learn more about this substance that’s added to nearly every product at the grocery store. Sugar 101 All food causes some build up on your teeth. After eating and drinking, little bits of food get left behind in your mouth. But out of all the food we eat, sugar does the worst damage to your teeth. Even healthy food like milk, bread, and produce naturally contain some natural sugar, but these foods also contain necessary vitamins and nutrients. Eaten in healthy amounts, your body has no problem breaking down this sugar with the other food bits on your teeth. The problem is when you eat food that

A Guide to Cavity Prevention

Imagine this- you have come to see Dr. David Case  for a cleaning and routine check-up. The cleaning goes well, but then Dr. David Case tells you that you have a cavity. You’ve been dreading the possibility of this news and now you fear that something must be wrong, since you have been brushing and flossing regularly. We at Family Dental Health see this happen every day and we want to put your mind at ease. Cavities are very common and usually a simple fix for Dr. David Case. Use this guide to learn about what cavities are and how you can prevent them. Cavities: The Basics Cavities  are caused by tooth decay, which is a byproduct of too much plaque. Here’s how it works. Every day, our saliva breaks down the food we eat into bacteria and then into acid, which mixes with the saliva and forms the nuisance commonly referred to as plaque. Remarkably, it only takes 20 minutes for plaque to form on your teeth after eating. Plaque is corrosive to the outer layer of your teeth (enamel). I

The Tooth About Teeth Grinding

Headaches in Las Vegas are a dime a dozen. We all know the frustration of having your day interrupted by throbbing, shooting pains in the head. If you suffer from frequent headaches that never seem to go away, we would like you to know about bruxism, or teeth grinding, a common condition that Las Vegas residents rarely know they have. At Wagner Dental, we love spreading the news about all things dental health, so here is some headache information that just might change your life. Bruxism and Headaches You may not be aware of it, but everyone clenches and grinds their teeth at some point, to some degree. It’s a natural reaction to stress. During the day, you might catch yourself doing it and consciously stop, but during the night, you are unaware of it and will naturally grind much harder. Unfortunately, some people in Las Vegas have such problems with bruxism that they may experience: Frequent, painful headaches Damaged, worn-down teeth and surrounding tissues TMJ/TMD Accordin

I’d Rather Have a Root Canal

Have you ever heard someone say, “It was worse than a root canal?” Most of us in Lexington are used to hearing root canals compared some genuinely unpleasant circumstances, but Dr. Brewer would like set the record straight and talk about how root canals can do some serious dental good. As always, we are happy to answer any questions you may have, so please feel free to give Brewer Family Dental a (859) 554-4799 . Root Canals Save Teeth Here it comes, the question on everyone’s mind – why on Earth would you want a root canal?! There is one thing all dentists in Lexington and beyond will agree on – saving your natural teeth is always the best option. There are many ways that Dr. Brewer can replace missing or damaged teeth[LINK], but nothing is as good as the real thing. If you have a tooth with inflamed or infected pulp, a root canal, or endodontic treatment, can get rid of infection and save it. Thus, root canals are preferable to extraction. Here are some more advantages of endodon

5 Common Questions about Sedation Dentistry

For many Charlotte residents, one thing stands in the way of a healthy, beautiful smile – fear of the dentist!  Even routine cleanings can be scary for folks with dental phobia. However, at Central Avenue Dental we have made it our business to offer you the most comfortable dental experience possible, which is why Dr. Michael Berglass offers sedation dentistry services . There’s a lot of misinformation floating around, so here are the facts about sedation dentistry. What is sedation dentistry? For millions of Americans, even the thought of visiting the dentist is terrifying. As a result, many people avoid dentists altogether and miss out on a healthy, happy smile. Sedation dentistry is the answer to dental anxiety, aimed at relaxing patients for a comfortable, enjoyable experience. Who is it for? Sedation dentistry is generally intended for Charlotte residents whose fear of the dentist might prevent them getting the dental care they need. If you suffer from dental anxiety, sedatio

The Importance of Dental X-Rays

The technology of dental medicine is advancing by the minute. There are now sophisticated techniques for diagnosing and tracking oral cancer, correcting crooked teeth in less than a year, treating periodontitis (advanced gum disease) without surgery, and many more. Yet, when it comes down to diagnosing issues and creating an effective treatment plan, nothing beats a fresh set of X-rays. Dr. Rizvi uses dental X-rays to see the whole picture, in order to keep your teeth healthy, bright, and beautiful. If you are a Plantation resident with questions about how X-rays work, read on, and don’t hesitate to call My Dentist for Life with any concerns. What are X-rays? X-rays have been around since 1895, when Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen first discovered that his cathode ray tube could penetrate black paper and cast shadows of solid objects. X-rays are on a shorter wavelength than visible light and pass through soft tissue in the human body, providing a detailed picture of what’s going on inside.

Lemon Juice – The Good, the Bad, & the Sour

In a great tale of opposites, lemon juice can be both acidic and basic, or alkaline. Read on to find out why people are talking about this, and what it means for your oral and overall health . What is pH and why does it matter? Drinking lemon juice (usually diluted in a glass of water or added to a cup of tea) is a beloved health tonic among fans of natural medicine. Potential benefits include lower cholesterol, lower inflammation in the body, and increased metabolism and energy. Lemon also contains high levels of antioxidants and vitamin C that boost your immune system. On a scale from 0-14, a pH of 7 is neutral (pure water) while numbers below 7 are acidic (unhealthy), and above 7 are basic or alkaline (healthy). Believers in holistic health blame many ailments on the body’s pH being too low or too acidic. Increasing your body’s pH is called “alkalizing.” Lemon juice in its natural state is acidic with a pH of about 2, but once metabolized it actually becomes alkaline with a pH

Crack Down on Cracked Tooth Syndrome

Cracked tooth syndrome ( CTS ), also known as cracked cusp syndrome or split tooth syndrome, is a painful condition that results from a crack in one of your teeth. CTS can mean anything from a tiny hairline split in the crown to a fracture that goes all the way to the root. If you have a nasty toothache and remember biting down on something hard, it’s time to call Dr. Brickey & Dr. Provine . Don’t worry though, because the dental professionals at Natural Smiles Dentistry are committed to giving you the best oral care that Salt Lake City has to offer. To find out more about cracked tooth syndrome, read on. Symptoms of Cracked Tooth Syndrome Although this condition can vary a little bit for everyone, here are some common signs you may have cracked tooth or cracked cusp syndrome: Biting down in a certain area causes sharp pain The pain goes away shortly after you have finished chewing or biting You have localized sensitivity to hot or cold, and sticky, sweet, or sour foods Y

Prevention vs. Treatment of Oral Health

The World Health Organization defines health as “A state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” Sadly, in our fast-paced culture, many of us settle for less-than-healthy or even truly sick conditions every day. We allow ourselves to be tired, achy, stressed and in pain more often than not. Why? Because it’s hard to prioritize our long-term health in a world of so many immediate needs competing for our attention. But long-term health is actually the most important need of all. Without our health, we won’t truly be able to enjoy life or contribute to a greater good. Dr. AJ Gollofon offers a few points on how to seek wellness and prevent oral health problems before they even start. Starting Upstream It’s easier to stop pollution from entering a stream in the first place than to try cleaning up the mess afterward. By starting upstream and taking your preventative health seriously, you will see immediate benefits and avoi

Dental Insurance FAQ: The Basics

We at Northern Trails Dental Care understand that dental insurance can be a tricky thing to navigate. Evaluating dental plans and considering deductibles, benefits, which treatments are covered, and the mountain of other information insurance companies provide can be a headache in and of itself. Dr. Buck wants every Gwinn resident to have the power to control their own health, so here’s a simplified guide to the basics of dental health insurance. As always, if you have a question, don’t be afraid to give us a call ! Dental Insurance Dental insurance is an excellent investment that helps Gwinn residents ensure a lifetime of healthy smiles. However, in order to get the best value from your dental insurance, there are a few things you need to know. Here are the answers to the most common questions we hear at Northern Trails Dental Care: What is dental insurance? Having dental insurance means that an insurance provider will pay for a percentage of the dental care that you need every

Why has the time come for minimally invasive endodontics?

Recently, I have seen a couple of presentations about "Mininally Invasive" Root canals. These were given by root canal specialists who are attempting to minimize the amount of tooth structure that needs to be removed in order to successfully complete endodontic treatments. The reasoning behind these tooth conservative endodontic treatments is that to achieve long lasting results it may help to conserve dentin both of the pulpal chamber and in the canal itself.  Previously we have been taught to try and achieve " straight line access " that will make it easier to instument the delicate apical three mm at the canal terminus. Straight line access when used in combination with crown down technique makes apical zipping (transportation of the terminus) less likely since the instruments involved in the final shapping can be used minimally in a gentle fashion. The thinking is that making our access to the root canal system easier will make our success more likely and impr

Bike to Work Day

Advanced Aesthetic Dentistry is excited to announce they’ll be participating in Bike to Work Day! We love our home in Denver, and we know our patients do, too. Biking to and from work can allow us to enjoy the scenery along the way, nurture the environment, avoid traffic jams, and improve our health. Visit for more information and to register. You can map your route, join a group of bicyclists, and order a tee shirt to commemorate the day. Don’t forget to stop by and refuel at our breakfast station, located on the Cherry Creek Bike Trail near 12 th Avenue and Speer Blvd! from Advanced Aesthetic Dentistry

You can't handle the truth?

Often new patients start with an emergency visit. Usually its best to take an x-ray of the tooth that's bothering them and try to eliminate their emergency. While I am often tempted to suggest we do a more comprehensive radiographic examination on an "emergency" visit, it usually is not the best idea. I was taught, by a mentor dentist, that when a patient comes in with a problem, its best to try and help them right away in order to "win their confidence".There  is some wisdom there, since talking alone doesn't engender trust as much as successfully handling their emergency. Also giving too much "bad news" to a patient their very first visit is not a recipe for success! Last week a youngish patient came in with a perio abcess on tooth #31. I could probe 10+ mm. Instead of just taking one radiograph of the tooth in question  and handling her emergency , I suggested a full set of Radiographs. I figured that her perio condition might not be isolate

Need a Tooth Extraction? Don’t Be Afraid!

We’ve all had a toothache at some point at some point or another. While you should always consult your Lexington dentist, it’s not always a serious problem. Often, the issue can be fixed with a filling or a root canal. However, many Lexington residents have found themselves in a situation where the tooth is not salvageable, and the only solution is for Dr. Brewer to perform an extraction, or remove the tooth. Today, Dr. Brewer at Brewer Family Dental would like to talk about what you can expect from an extraction and why it’s not something to fear! Pulling Teeth isn’t like “Pulling Teeth” Anymore Just like root canals, tooth extractions have a pretty bad reputation. Many Lexington folks may refer to something difficult by saying it was, “like pulling teeth.” However, Dr. Brewer will be the first one to tell you that the technology and techniques of modern dentistry have made the process of extracting a tooth fairly simple and with minimal discomfort to the patients. As long as you t

The Oral-Systemic Link: Risk Factors for Tooth Decay

Did you know the same plaque that decays your teeth can cause major heart problems? What if you could fight plaque and heart failure both by improving your oral health? Dr. David Case  in Portland is here to tell you more! Someone dies from a heart attack every minute , according to the American Heart Association , and most heart attacks (and 85% of strokes) are caused by cholesterol build-up – aka plaque . But there is good news. You can work with your Portland dentist and your doctor to understand and minimize your risk factors for developing plaque and tooth decay. Risk Factors for Tooth Decay In 2010, tooth decay was the most common condition in the world! Everyone struggles with tooth decay and plaque build-up for reasons unique to their own body and lifestyle. By learning what puts you most at risk for decay, you are investing in your health for the long term. It’s a Two-Way Street Your oral health affects your whole body Your overall health affects your oral health Gen

Crack Down on Cracked Tooth Syndrome

Cracked tooth syndrome ( CTS ), also known as cracked cusp syndrome or split tooth syndrome, is a painful condition that results from a crack in one of your teeth. CTS can mean anything from a tiny hairline split in the crown to a fracture that goes all the way to the root. If you have a nasty toothache and remember biting down on something hard, it’s time to call Dr. Barry & Dr. Love . Don’t worry though, because the dental professionals at Lifetime Dental Health are committed to giving you the best oral care that Columbus has to offer. To find out more about cracked tooth syndrome, read on. Symptoms of Cracked Tooth Syndrome Although this condition can vary a little bit for everyone, here are some common signs you may have cracked tooth or cracked cusp syndrome: Biting down in a certain area causes sharp pain The pain goes away shortly after you have finished chewing or biting You have localized sensitivity to hot or cold, and sticky, sweet, or sour foods You find that

Your Options for Teeth Straightening

Maybe Mona Lisa would have cracked a real smile if she had been more confident in her teeth! All jokes aside, you don’t have to live every day in embarrassment of your own smile. Orthodontic treatments today are much more desirable than those of yesteryear. There are a lot of good reasons to straighten your teeth, both functional and aesthetic. And there are a lot of good times in your life to commit to a treatment – like now! But how do you decide among all of your options for teeth straightening? Dr. Michael Colleran is an experienced dentist in San Luis Obispo and can help you understand your options. A Healthy Bite In an ideal world, your top teeth should rest down and in line with their opposing tooth on the bottom. This helps you smile, chew, and speak smoothly. If you have any problems with this, like a crooked tooth or odd spacing between teeth, you’ve got an improper bite. Improper bites (also called malocclusion) can cause overbite, under bite, and cross bite. An imprope

Why Wisdom Teeth are Not So Wise

Most Plantation folks have had some exposure to the concept of wisdom teeth. Perhaps you have had yours removed, are considering a removal, or Dr. Rizvi has just shown you an X-Ray with the infamous third molars creeping into view. It’s common to hear patients ask how they are removed, but we rarely hear people talking about the reasons for getting rid of wisdom teeth. Today, we at My Dentist for Life are going to explain what wisdom teeth are, why they don’t deserve to stay in your mouth, and how we can help! As always, feel free to call us with any questions or concerns. What are Wisdom Teeth? Wisdom teeth are the third set of adult molars. Unlike the rest of your adult teeth, they appear many years later, typically between the ages of 17 and 25. Most people get four wisdom teeth (one in each back corner), but some get fewer, some get more, and some lucky folks never get any. Despite their name, wisdom teeth do not confer any special knowledge or enlightenment upon their owners.

Why You Can’t Afford to Ignore Bleeding Gums

One of the most common and destructive myths about dental hygiene is that it’s normal for gums to bleed. Dr. Ron Wagner, Dr. Kent Wagner, Dr. Rich Cannon, Dr. Tom Lawler & Dr. Rich Nelso n would like everyone in Las Vegas to know that this is not the case! Imagine if we weren’t talking about gums- should any part of your body start to bleed whenever you touch it? The truth about bleeding gums is they are a sign of infection and/or irritation and can lead to serious problems that go way beyond your mouth if left untreated. Please read this article and educate yourself on how to keep your family’s teeth and gums safe. Gums Are Not Supposed to Bleed No matter what you may have heard, gums are never supposed to bleed. If your gums are bleeding during brushing or flossing, it is likely because you have a mild form of gum disease, known as gingivitis. It may also be because you are brushing too hard or flossing too deep into the gum tissue. Whatever the reason, bleeding gums are a si

Updating your Health History May Help Save Your Teeth

Although you might think of your general health and your dental health as two separate categories, they are much more connected than the average St. Augustine resident would suspect. Just like the information you provide to your doctor helps him/her keep your health in good shape, Dr. Jeremy Gordon depends on your input for optimum dental health. We at Gordon Dental Associates like to go above and beyond for our St. Augustine patients, but we need your help to make sure you get the quality dental care you deserve. The average St. Augustine resident might not think to mention to their dentist what’s going on with their physical health, but you’d be surprised how much that information can make a difference in your oral care. Dr. Jeremy Gordon needs to be able to see the whole picture so that we can keep your teeth healthy and beautiful. Diabetes & Dental Health 750,000 Americans are diagnosed with diabetes every year. However, few diabetes sufferers know the full extent of the d

Are Your Teeth Safe From Coffee Stains?

First things first, put your worries away! We are not about to tell you that your coffee drinking days are over. We know that each shot of caffeine is crucial and we cherish our coffee, too! Here at AJ Gollofon DDS, we want to educate you on what causes coffee stains and what you can do to fight them. It’s no secret how Seattle residents feel about their coffee, and we’re not about to get in the way of that love. However, we will help you keep your smile healthy and beautiful   with tips that won’t drastically affect your lifestyle. Dr. AJ Gollofon and the rest of us at AJ Gollofon DDS are your oral health allies! So let’s start off with the basics. What makes coffee stain your teeth? Coffee is one of the biggest offenders when it comes to stained teeth in Seattle, and the discoloration can be so bad it mimics cigarette stains. So what’s the secret? What can you do to keep your teeth shiny, but still get your caffeine fix? Coffee and its Active Ingredient: Caffeine It is best for

The Benefits of Composite Fillings

Traditionally, dentists have used what’s known as amalgam, or special metal alloys, to fill cavities. However, modern dental medicine has advanced to the point that Dr. Brickey & Dr. Provine can offer Salt Lake City patients a much better option for filling holes caused by tooth decay: composite fillings. At Natural Smiles Dentistry , we would like to educate you on the benefits of tooth-colored, composite fillings, so please let this article serve as your personal fillings fact sheet. The History of Fillings Once upon a time, the choices for dental restoration materials were limited. Records dating back as far as 659 A.D. tell us that amalgams (mixtures of silver, mercury, tin, and/or copper) have been used widely for more than 1300 years. There have been a number of scientific disputes (referred to as the amalgam war) over the health concerns of using mercury, but the American Dental Association has always defended the safety of amalgam fillings. Until recently, amalgam fil

History of the Toothbrush

If you had to give up your toothbrush or your car, which would it be? According to a recent survey, 42 percent of adults and 34 percent of teens would rather turn in their keys, computer, cell phone, or microwave than get rid of their toothbrush. It seems that many Dubuque residents love toothbrushes the way Dr. James Fili  does. We at Dubuque Periodontics would like to take this opportunity to celebrate the history of the toothbrush and talk about how to pick the right one. Did you know that toothbrushes were invented before soap, deodorant, and even toilets? The idea of the toothbrush is over 5,000 years old, although back then they were a lot different than what we have now. In ancient times, people used sticks, bones, and all manner of animal hair and products to brush their teeth and take care of their gums. The switch from animal hair to synthetic materials (for bristles) is fairly new, and mass production of toothbrushes has only existed for a couple of centuries. Today, you

Diet Soda and Dental Health: What You Need to Know

In today’s calorie-obsessed culture, it can be hard to find the truth among all of the health-conscious noise. Often times, Denver residents are misinformed and mislead about the health benefits of trends like as cleanses, sugar alternatives, diets, organic vs. nonorganic, and a myriad of other common topics. Today Dr. Paini would like to clear up any misconceptions about dental health and diet soda. If you have any questions please call us at Advanced Aesthetic Dentistry . Are Diet Sodas Healthy? The short answer is no. Originally conceived as low-calorie alternatives to one of America’s first commercial legacies, diet sodas have become extremely popular amidst our country’s battle to lose weight. There’s only one little problem – diet sodas are only marginally better than regular soda. Compared to water, diet soda has zero nutritional value and contains many ingredients that are harmful outside of moderation. Diet Soda & Dental Health Diet soft drinks are not good for your

Don’t Get Kicked in the Teeth – At Least Wear a Mouth Guard

According to the American Dental Association [ ], at least 13% of all injuries to the mouth occur during sports activities. While helmets, shoulder pads, shin guards, and the like do a great job of protecting most of the body, Dr. Michael Berglass would like to make sure that every athlete knows how to keep their teeth safe from harm. No Charlotte parent should have to worry about their child’s teeth during the game, so at Central Avenue Dental we would like to talk about how to take sports safety to the next level. Mouth Guards and Sports Safety In Charlotte, we live for a good game. Our athletes train hard to win, so it’s not hard to imagine why they don’t shy away from contact. However, that doesn’t mean that your family has to suffer the consequences of a sports-related oral injury. Mouth guards are the key to oral safety in sports. When to Get a Mouth Guard Let’s say your child has decided to sign up for a high school team, or maybe you’ve joined a loca