
Showing posts from April, 2020

Dental Inlays & Onlays

Cracked, broken, and decayed teeth require restoration or they will break down further until they become infected and/or require extraction . At Natural Smiles Dentistry , our goal is to preserve your natural teeth for as long as possible. Depending on the extent and location of the damage, we will likely recommend an inlay, onlay, or crown . Different levels of the same idea, these restorative dentistry treatments are custom-made to protect your tooth and restore it to its full, healthy, and functioning condition. Another reason you may need an inlay, onlay, or crown is due to extensive tooth decay breaking down your tooth that requires more than a simple filling to fix, or an old filling that needs to be replaced. Here’s how these options compare: Fillings : only fill a small, center portion of the biting surface of your tooth; is not a treatment for extensive damage Inlays : fill a larger portion of the biting surface than a filling contained within the cusp Onlays : fill and

Salivary Diagnostics: What Can Your Saliva Reveal?

If you’ve tuned in to any crime scene investigation shows, you’ve probably heard of salivary testing, but did you know it’s becoming increasingly common in dental offices? Salivary testing has a bright future in medicine because of how much it can tell us about your state of health—both oral and overall. One of the reasons it’s especially important in the dental office is because we screen for oral cancer , and the number one culprit for diagnoses in recent years is human papillomavirus (HPV), which can be detected through saliva. Should I have my saliva tested? In a word, yes! Frankly, there are many conditions that can lie latent and manifest themselves in dangerous ways (such as heart disease and stroke, which both have links to gum disease ), but if you have your saliva assessed, you can take steps toward decreasing your risk. If you’d like to know more about why we recommend oral DNA testing and salivary diagnostics , we would love to speak with you. If you have questions or w

The fog of war and the Covid -19?

Seems like every day we learn new information about this virus. The facts we knew last week are different from the facts we know this week. With our information being updated daily it would seem like the best action to take is no action unless our efforts are essential to society. Most dental procedures are elective and few dental problems are life threatening. The exception is if a patient has an infection with swelling and or a great deal of pain that maybe an emergency that should be handled. Over the course of the last six weeks I have spoken to a small number (less than 10) patients who had "emergencies". Most of them involved a broken tooth, a loose crown  or a question regarding the urgency of a dental problem they might be experiencing. Now I should add that there a few dental practices that I have on call that will readily treat patients with dental emergencies and when my patients call I have a discussion with them about their problem. Since they are patients

Coronavirus Impact Survey for Dentists – Your Help Is Needed

Lanmark360 is surveying practicing US-based dentists to learn more about the impact of COVID-19 on your practice and to gain insights that would be beneficial to all dentists as we emerge from the pandemic. Your input would be well-appreciated, and vital to the community. The survey will take less than 10 minutes and for completion you will receive a $10 Amazon gift card code via email. If you are a dentist, please consider participating and do so soon as the survey will not be open much longer. Click to participate:   from The Dental Geek®

Free social media campaign to stay in touch with your patients during the coronavirus crisis

Since the onset of coronavirus, the dental industry has been hit hard and dental professionals are wondering how fast the recovery will be and what form it will take. Patients are the key to getting back to business as usual, and this free social media campaign can help! The “ Posts For My Patients ” campaign features five 20-second animated videos that convey timely oral health and overall health and wellness suggestions for patients who cannot see their dentist due to the quarantine. Dentists who visit the “ Posts for My Patients ” website can readily post any or all these free videos to their own social media sites with just a few quick clicks. Each video covers a different topic, including brushing, flossing, social distancing, checking in and eating well, and each is designed to remind patients that their dentist is always there for them and thinking of them, even during the quarantine. To see all five videos and how to share them on your social media platforms, click here .

Commercial Banks and PPP loan. The fix was in?

While I am grateful to be healthy and safe, I am increasingly concerned about finances. I applied for a ppp loan through my bank Chase. Chase is a large commercial bank and I do all my banking there.  I erroneously believed that my loyalty would be rewarded in difficult times. A colleague has an account at Chase but he also maintains a business and credit line with M&T bank which is smaller and more community based. He applied through M&T for his ppp loan and was funded. My application was initially rejected by Chase but  after 4-5 days of sustained effort I was able to make my application. Good right? Not so good. My application is pending and I was informed that all the funding has run out. In addition I received a follow up email informing me that I am in a queue waiting for a second round of expected funding but I should keep in mind that there are over 100,000 pending applications ahead of me. Their emails do not sound encouraging. My cynical side has a  suspicion t

Phase one reopening of dental offices?

There are a lot of discussions among dentists about how and when we should reopen our offices. The American Dental Association , our local dental societies,  the CDC  and  local departments of health , will surely offer their advice as time goes on, but for now what are my thoughts (being closed for over a month, I've had plenty of time to think this over)? The answer to when is likely to be When the active virus load in the general population is low and this can only be determined by accurate testing of our population. Hopefully easy and accurate tests will become available. Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be a centralized effort, by the federal government , to develop one accurate test. To the best of my knowledge there is no federal "testing czar" who has been appointed and so far our president has taken the approach of allowing private industry to fast track their development of tests. There seem to be a large number of tests being developed by multiple

Oral Cancer – Prevention & Early Detection

Cancer is always a scary word—but it doesn’t have to be the last word. Equipped with good information and the best doctors, you can feel empowered to navigate whatever stands before you or your loved one. Oral cancer is common, affecting approximately 50,000 Americans every year. If you have more questions about oral cancer, read more below from the Las Vegas dentists of Wagner Dental . Signs of Oral Cancer Oral cancer is most common among people ages 41-60, and men are at a greater risk of developing it than women. Oral cancer can affect your tongue, cheeks, lips, sinuses, throat, teeth, gums, and roof of the mouth or below your tongue. Unfortunately, it is often detected later than many other types of cancer. This is one reason why it’s so important to know your body and what’s normal (or not) for you. The earlier you can detect any sign of changes in your mouth, the better.  Regular visits to the dentist include regular screenings for abnormalities that may be signs of oral ca

Bonding: A Perfect Smile is Always in Style

Whether you’ve never been thrilled with your smile, or it lacks the luster it once had, dental bonding is a multipurpose cosmetic and restorative dental procedure that can be performed on patients of all ages. Bonding has the capability to fill gaps, correct damage, and refurbish the overall structure and look of your teeth. Gordon Dental Associates wants every patient to feel good about their smile, but if you feel less than confident in yours, we may recommend a simple and affordable treatment called dental bonding. What is the Bonding Procedure? There are two different types of dental bonding: direct composite bonding and adhesive bonding. Adhesive bonding attaches a separate restoration to a tooth, so that type of bonding is used for veneers, crowns, bridges, inlays, and onlays . This article will focus on direct composite bonding, which is its own minimally invasive smile makeover procedure—and the one most people think of when they hear the terms “bonding” or “dental bon

What to Do in a Dental Emergency

Accidents are never planned and rarely anticipated, but good dental care is always ready and available 24/7. Like all medical emergencies, dental emergencies require quality care, and fast! Here’s what to do if you think you have a dental emergency on your hands. What is a Dental Emergency? If you are in a lot of pain or have experienced trauma that puts your oral health at risk, you should seek emergency dental treatment immediately. Sports impact, chewing hard food, using teeth as scissors, and infections can all cause a dental emergency. Pain and swelling, discoloration of gums or teeth, or a broken or knocked-out tooth should send you to Blue Wave Dental immediately. Dental emergencies can lead to complicated health issues if left untreated. What to Do in a Dental Emergency In any dental emergency, call your Walnut Creek dentist and make an appointment right away. Even if the office is closed, our dentists are on call and available to help. At the same time, clean and treat

Do You Snore or Have Sleep Apnea? Get MAD!

We don’t mean the emotion, though you just might be feeling it if you or your loved ones have been losing sleep because of snoring or obstructive sleep apnea . MAD is the abbreviation for M andibular A dvancement D evice, and it’s a type of oral appliance that could help you and your family experience restful sleep again. MADs work by keeping your mandible (jawbone) and tongue in a forward position to prevent airway restriction, which can cause snoring and the cessation of your breathing while you sleep. There are different types of MADs , but to ensure the most comfortable fit made of durable materials, we recommend scheduling a visit to Michael Colleran, DDS ! Find What Works for You Oral Appliance Therapy (OAT) has been found to help many sleep apnea sufferers that would like an alternative to CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) machines. Your San Luis Obispo dentist can evaluate your case and help you determine whether it’s an option you should consider. Either way, it’s

Healthy Mouth, Healthy Heart

We all know that it’s important to take care of our health, but that’s often easier said than done. Health and hygiene routines are an investment of your time every day. So, wouldn’t it be great if you could accomplish more by actually doing less? As it turns out, when it comes to oral health and heart health, you can! Taking care of one is actually taking care of the other. Count that as one less thing you have to do each day. Natural Smiles Dentistry explains how oral health and heart health are closely connected. How Your Mouth Affects Your Heart There are a number of ways that your oral health is directly related to your heart health . What we know for sure is: If you have gum disease , you have an increased risk of heart disease and stroke. Gum disease is a bacterial infection that causes inflammation, and it ranges in severity. Inflammation is a normal immune response in your body, but too much of it (like gum disease) is not good. Bacteria in your mouth enter your bloodstr

Does My Child Have to Have a Shot to Get Dental Work?

No one of any age gets shots in their mouth for fun, and fear of needles ( trypanophobia ) is a documented condition. Children may fear shots because they seem so unfamiliar, with a fear of potential pain. Does your child have to have a shot to get dental work? It will depend on the procedure being done, and what Park Slope Dental Arts advises. Pain relief methods that do not require a shot include: Topical anesthetic alone numbs the gums enough for most children to tolerate dental work. Nitrous oxide (laughing gas) can relax a child but isn’t appropriate for all kids. Oral sedation may be effective pain relief for young children receiving extensive care. Laser therapies can eliminate the need for shots. Some other ways to calm a child who fears shots: Demonstrate a small pinch on their arm to show how a shot could feel, substituting words like “sleepy juice” and “tickling your teeth” that seem less scary. Don’t lie about pain— but avoid horror stories! Have the child

Cosmetic Dentistry – A Beautiful Smile is a Powerful Thing

There is a law of nature that states: “function follows form.” This saying means that how something appears determines how it works. For example, you may own many screwdrivers of different sizes and shapes (form) to loosen all different kinds of screws (function). Think of a watering can with a long spout that’s perfect for pouring water right where you want it, versus one with a broad spout meant to cover large areas more quickly. When you think about it, this principle also applies to your smile. A mouth with missing teeth isn’t nearly as functional as a mouth with a full set of chompers. Enter: cosmetic dentistry. While the word “cosmetic” makes these treatments sound optional, many times they are necessary to improve physical function or mental and emotional well-being. Read more from Dr. William Darr to learn about cosmetic dentistry and the positive impact it can have on your life. Types of Cosmetic Dentistry Whitening   — an absolute favorite when it comes to confidence-boo

The Buzz on Electric Toothbrushes: Are They Really Worth the Investment?

Electric toothbrushes have been on the market for years now, and whether you’re a devout user or a critical skeptic, you may still be wondering: do they really work better , or have we all been duped? Dr. Gwendolyn Buck is here to break down some of the myths and separate fact from fiction to give us the spin on electric versus manual toothbrushes. What’s Wrong with Ol’ Trusty? Well, nothing… really. People have been brushing manually since the Middle Ages and continue to use manual toothbrushes effectively today. So why reinvent the wheel if it already rolls? Simple—technology and innovation drive us forward. Wheels today aren’t made of stone, they’re made from high-tech metals and rubber because we’ve discovered better materials and designs that fit our modern needs. Yes, they both accomplish the same end goal, but one is clearly more efficient than the other. So, the question becomes not what is wrong with manual toothbrushes, but what’s wrong with how we’re using them? With th

Top 5 Causes of Tooth Sensitivity

If you’re one of the 40 million Americans with sensitive teeth, you must be familiar with the painful zing that follows a hot drink, a bite of ice cream, or just a deep breath of cold air. These and other elements can cause a sudden discomfort if you have sensitive teeth, also called dentin hypersensitivity. Each of your teeth has an important protected layer called enamel. If your enamel gets worn down, your teeth can become more sensitive over time. Your enamel is the visible, white part of the tooth and it protects the softer, inner layers of each tooth. Receding gums can also reveal sensitive parts of the tooth that aren’t protected by enamel. If you’re living with sensitive teeth, it’s good to know what causes the pain and how to avoid it. You should also talk with Parrish dentist Dr. Richard Schnur about how to treat sensitive teeth and prevent further damage to your enamel or gums. Causes of Sensitivity Underneath your enamel is a part of the tooth called the dentin. Denti

Veneers – Not Just for the Silver Screen

There’s a lot of hair and makeup that goes into making your favorite stars sparkle on the screen. And while we can’t all hire a professional artist to make us look perfect every day, there is a lasting solution to giving you that perfect Hollywood smile – veneers ! Tomball dentist Dr. Michael Cimino is an experienced and trusted provider of veneer treatments. What are Veneers? Veneers are a very strong, paper-thin cover over your teeth. They look just like real teeth, but even better. Veneers are often used to improve the look of teeth with spacing and alignment issues or staining problems . They can be applied wherever needed, on one tooth or a whole set. Which Celebrities Have Veneers? Veneers are a popular option for celebrities who spend their life (personal and professional) in front of the camera. When your smile determines your income, it just makes sense to invest in those pearly whites. So which stars have gotten veneers? Celine Dion Jim Carrey Zac Efron George Clo

Why Do Kids Need Space Maintainers?

If your child loses a tooth too soon or needs a baby tooth extracted due to decay, Dr. Mark Dawoud may recommend space maintainers to support their dental health. Space maintainers are custom-made acrylic or metal dental appliances that can either be removable or cemented into the mouth. Their purpose is to keep the space open for the future permanent tooth or teeth. Baby teeth are essential to the development of permanent teeth, jawbones and muscles, which guide those adult teeth into the place absent baby teeth once were. If there is no space for permanent teeth to grow, teeth can shift drastically enough for orthodontics to be needed. Not every child with premature baby tooth loss needs space maintainers, but a consultation with Harp Pediatric Dentistry is advisable to see if a space maintainer is the best solution. Your Palm Harbor pediatric dentist can also advise you about best practices for eating habits and oral hygiene for fixed space maintainers. Your child should be

Dental Cavitations: Definition, Facts, & Myths

Have you heard of dental cavitations? They can be big problems in your jawbone, but you may never know you have one. What are dental cavitations? There’s a lot of misinformation out there about dental cavitations. Some patients have been “led astray” because their doctors have misdiagnosed a dental cavitation.  Also, the fact that two major dental conditions sound similar can be confusing: dental cavitation and dental cavity . A dental cavitation is a term that is used to describe an area of damage in the jawbone. The dictionary defines a “cavitation” as an empty space formed within a solid object or body .  “Cavitation” is not a medical term, although it is used by dentists and other healthcare professionals.  A dental cavitation is an area of infection, inflammation, or necrosis within the jawbone.  If not treated correctly, it will fester, and toxic elements could spread to other areas of the body.  On the other hand, a dental cavity (known by dentist as “dental caries”

Dentists collecting unemployment and applying for a PPP loan?

The last time I collected unemployment was in 1977 for two months. Since I've been a dentist I was never eligible. As a self employed worker, I couldn't collect even when I was unemployed. Certainly as a business owner I never expected to be in a position  to collect unemployment benefits. Then again, we have never faced the Corona Pandemic. My last day seeing patients in my dental office was March 11th and I have been at home since then. I spent several days attempting to register online with the NYS unemployment office. After a number of attempts I was able to complete my online application and I was informed that now all I needed to do was speak with a representative over the phone to complete my application. After more than five hundred phone calls over the last week I am grateful to finally be on hold in a queue to speak with a representative. So far I have been on hold for an hour and forty five minutes I've got my fingers crossed. Yesterday I spent the day onl

Salivary Diagnostics: What Can Your Saliva Reveal?

If you’ve tuned in to any crime scene investigation shows, you’ve probably heard of salivary testing, but did you know it’s becoming increasingly common in dental offices? Salivary testing has a bright future in medicine because of how much it can tell us about your state of health—both oral and overall. One of the reasons it’s especially important in the dental office is because we screen for oral cancer , and the number one culprit for diagnoses in recent years is human papillomavirus (HPV), which can be detected through saliva. Should I have my saliva tested? In a word, yes! Frankly, there are many conditions that can lie latent and manifest themselves in dangerous ways (such as heart disease and stroke, which both have links to gum disease ), but if you have your saliva assessed, you can take steps toward decreasing your risk. If you’d like to know more about why we recommend oral DNA testing and salivary diagnostics , we would love to speak with you. If you have questions or w