
Showing posts from January, 2022

Do N95 masks protect adequately against Covid Omnicron?

 I have been using N95s since June of 2020 and have treated numerous unmasked patients while in my office and at NYU College of Dentistry. Actually I "double mask" using a type II or type III surgical mask as an outer covering. The second mask keeps my N95 from getting overly soiled and allows me to get multiple uses out of each N-95 mask. The masks I wear are "genuine" and not counterfeits. The have a NIOSH label and actual numbers stamped on the masks. These masks are either given to m by the dental school or purchased in batches from Schein dental. For most of this time I have taken the subway home from work and lately the trains are getting more crowded. Invariably there are multiple riders either not wearing a mask or wearing one improperly (often they are seated next to me). To the best of my knowledge, I have not contracted Covid. My conclusion is that N95's offer significant protection from Covid, including the Omnicron varient. We have been giving

Re-credentialing with Delta is easy?

  The answer is apparently not, at least in my experience. Last November I received a Re-credentialing packet and I gathered all the appropriate paper work, filled out the application as instructed, and scanned everything into a pdf format on my computer. I emailed everything to the address indicated on the application ( and asked them to let me know if anything more was needed. When I received no response, I assumed that all was well. This Monday my office manager brought me another letter informing me that Delta had contacted me multiple times asking me to re-certify and I had not responded and if they didn't hear from me shortly they would be forced to take me off their panel. I looked over the information and now they had a different email address to send the application and documents to ( I forwarded my original email to the new address. Buried somewhere in the new paperwork was a phone number (Credential Unit 866-689-7884)  that I could