
Showing posts from August, 2017

The Tooth About Teeth Grinding

Headaches in Seattle are a dime a dozen. We all know the frustration of having your day interrupted by throbbing, shooting pains in the head. If you suffer from frequent headaches that never seem to go away, Dr. Gollofon  would like you to know about bruxism , or teeth grinding, a common condition that Seattle residents rarely know they have. At AJ Gollofon, DDS , we love spreading the news about all things dental health, so here is some headache information that just might change your life. Bruxism and Headaches You may not be aware of it, but everyone clenches and grinds their teeth at some point, to some degree. It’s a natural reaction to stress. During the day, you might catch yourself doing it and consciously stop, but during the night, you are unaware of it and will naturally grind much harder. Unfortunately, some people in Seattle have such problems with bruxism that they may experience: Frequent, painful headaches Damaged, worn-down teeth and surrounding tissues TMJ/TMD

Why You Can’t Afford to Ignore Bleeding Gums

One of the most common and destructive myths about dental hygiene  is that it’s normal for gums to bleed. Dr. Fili  would like everyone in Dubuque to know that this is not the case! Imagine if we weren’t talking about gums- should any part of your body start to bleed whenever you touch it? The truth about bleeding gums is they are a sign of infection and/or irritation and can lead to serious problems that go way beyond your mouth if left untreated. Please read this article and educate yourself on how to keep your family’s teeth and gums safe. Gums Are Not Supposed to Bleed No matter what you may have heard, gums are never supposed to bleed. If your gums are bleeding during brushing or flossing, it is likely because you have a mild form of gum disease, known as gingivitis. It may also be because you are brushing too hard or flossing too deep into the gum tissue. Whatever the reason, bleeding gums is a sign that something isn’t quite right with your dental hygiene routine and it may

The Oral-Systemic Link: Risk Factors for Tooth Decay

Did you know the same plaque that decays your teeth can cause major heart problems? What if you could fight plaque and heart failure both by improving your oral health? Dr. Colleran  in San Luis Obispo is here to tell you more! Someone dies from a heart attack every minute , according to the American Heart Association , and most heart attacks (and 85% of strokes) are caused by cholesterol build-up – aka plaque . But there is good news. You can work with your San Luis Obispo dentist and your doctor to understand and minimize your risk factors for developing plaque and tooth decay. Risk Factors for Tooth Decay In 2010, tooth decay was the most common condition in the world! Everyone struggles with tooth decay and plaque build-up for reasons unique to their own body and lifestyle. By learning what puts you most at risk for decay, you are investing in your health for the long term. It’s a Two-Way Street Your oral health affects your whole body Your overall health affects your oral

Updating your Health History May Help Save Your Teeth

Although you might think of your general health and your dental health as two separate categories, they are much more connected than the average Salt Lake City resident would suspect. Just like the information you provide to your doctor helps him/her keep your health in good shape, Dr. Brickley & Dr. Provine  depend on your input for optimum dental health. We at Natural Smiles Dentistry like to go above and beyond for our Salt Lake City patients, but we need your help to make sure you get the quality dental care you deserve. Here are a few reasons why: The average Salt Lake City resident might not think to mention to their dentist what’s going on with their physical health, but you’d be surprised how much that information can make a difference in your oral care. Dr. Brickley & Dr. Provine needs to be able to see the whole picture so that we can keep your teeth healthy and beautiful. Diabetes and Dental Health 750,000 Americans are diagnosed with diabetes every year. Howeve

HPV and Oral Cancer: What you need to know

We love to talk about the fun and interesting sides of oral health, but today, there is something much more serious on our minds. We care about the health of everyone in Lexington, and as dental care professionals, we feel it is our duty to educate you on how to be as safe and healthy as you can be. While you have probably heard of the human papilloma virus and oral cancer, most people don’t know that they are linked. Here is some information from Dr. Brewer about the topic. If you have any questions, please feel free to give Brewer Family Dental a (859) 554-4799 . What is HPV? Human papilloma virus refers to a family of nearly 200 strains that infect the epithelial cells of skin and mucous membranes, such as the inside of the mouth, tongue, tonsils, throat, vulva, vagina, cervix, penis (through the urethral opening), and the anus. HPV is transmitted primarily through sexual contact (oral and genital) and it is one of the most common viruses in the country. According to the CDC, 8 o

Fun Dental Facts…Did You Know?

Sure, dentistry is serious medicine, and daily dental hygiene  is a top priority. But teeth can be pretty fun, too! And fascinating. For starters, have you ever seen the full sets of baby teeth and adult teeth present in a child’s head x-ray? Go ahead, look it up. Wagner Dental in Las Vegas treats our patients professionally and joyfully, because teeth are cool. Take Dr. Ron Wagner, Dr. Kent Wagner, Dr.Rich Cannon, Dr. Tom Lawler & Dr.Richard Nelson’s word for it, there’s much to learn and admire about even the most average set of teeth. Facts About People& Teeth According to a survey by Time Magazine, 59% of people would rather visit the dentist than have to listen to one end of a cell-phone conversation. By age 17, 78% of Americans have had at least 1 cavity. Gum disease  is the leading cause of tooth loss for people over the age of 35. Tooth prints are as unique as fingerprints. About 5 million teeth per year fall out due to sports-related accidents. Babies have 20

Fluoride: Good or Bad?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the fluoridation of drinking water is ranked among the ten greatest public health achievements of 20 th century America. However, a quick search of the internet tells us that fluoride is actually toxic if ingested in large enough quantities. So which is it? Do the health benefits outweigh the negatives of fluoride in toothpaste and drinking water? We at Lifetime Dental Health know that Columbus folks care a great deal about their health, so we’ve put this article together to examine the facts and help you come to your own decision. As always, we are happy to answer any questions you might have, so feel free to give us a call! Why Use Fluoride in the First Place? In order to understand the controversy, we must first understand what led to putting fluoride in toothpaste and water. Even today, dental caries (tooth decay) is considered the most prevalent chronic disease in children and adults. With that in mind, it’s not har

A Guide to Cavity Prevention

Imagine this- you have come to see Dr. Berglass  for a cleaning and routine check-up. The cleaning goes well, but then Dr. Berglass tells you that you have a cavity. You’ve been dreading the possibility of this news and now you fear that something must be wrong, since you have been brushing and flossing regularly. We at Central Avenue Dental see this happen every day and we want to put your mind at ease. Cavities are very common and usually a simple fix for Dr. Berglass. Use this guide to learn about what cavities are and how you can prevent them. Cavities: The Basics Cavities  are caused by tooth decay, which is a byproduct of too much plaque. Here’s how it works. Every day, our saliva breaks down the food we eat into bacteria and then into acid, which mixes with the saliva and forms the nuisance commonly referred to as plaque. Remarkably, it only takes 20 minutes for plaque to form on your teeth after eating. Plaque is corrosive to the outer layer of your teeth (enamel). If p

Don’t Eat That: A Healthy Diet for a Healthy Mouth

Some foods will help you grow healthy teeth and keep them forever. Some foods will prevent you from growing healthy teeth, or will harm the ones you already have. You can grow and maintain strong, healthy teeth by eating a diet your mouth (and your body) will truly love. Diet is Everything The word diet has earned a bad reputation over the years as a verb that means eating less to lose weight, but it’s actually a noun and a powerful way you can give yourself the best life possible. Your diet is simply the food you eat, and most of us are trying our best to eat wholesome food with just a few sweet treats here and there. Good food sets the stage for a healthy life. Nutrition is vital to growing healthy muscles and bones. And guess what—your teeth are bones, too! Good nutrition helps your body fight infections that cause decay and disease in your mouth and the rest of your body. Not only will a healthy diet help you have more energy, a better attention span, and the strength to enjoy

The Benefits of Composite Fillings

Traditionally, dentists have used what’s known as amalgam, or special metal alloys, to fill cavities. However, modern dental medicine has advanced to the point that Dr. David Case  can offer Portland patients a much better option for filling holes caused by tooth decay: composite fillings. At Family Dental Health , we would like to educate you on the benefits of tooth-colored, composite fillings, so please let this article serve as your personal fillings fact sheet. The History of Fillings Once upon a time, the choices for dental restoration materials were limited. Records dating back as far as 659 A.D. tell us that amalgams (mixtures of silver, mercury, tin, and/or copper) have been used widely for more than 1300 years. There have been a number of scientific disputes (referred to as the amalgam war) over the health concerns of using mercury, but the American Dental Association has always defended the safety of amalgam fillings. Until recently, amalgam fillings were favored because

Sleep Apnea in Children

You may think being exhausted simply comes with the territory of being a parent (and it does), but there may also be a serious medical condition causing your child to wake up often throughout the night – sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is most commonly found in adults, but can also, in rare cases affect children. Dr. Rizvi, dentist at My Dentist for Life in Plantation cares about treating your little ones. Read below to learn more about how dentists can diagnose and treat sleep apnea. Sleep Apnea & Its Effects Sleep apnea occurs when breathing becomes shallow or pauses completely while you’re asleep. It can be caused by your tongue or tonsils being too large and blocking your airway, the collapse of soft tissues in the back of the throat, or by your brain not sending the proper signals to keep breathing while you sleep. Sleep apnea causes a lot of problems for children, the most obvious being restless sleep. Other problems can include failure to thrive, slower developmental milestone

Dental Insurance FAQ: The Basics

We at Advanced Aesthetic Dentistry understand that dental insurance can be a tricky thing to navigate. Evaluating dental plans and considering deductibles, benefits, which treatments are covered, and the mountain of other information insurance companies provide can be a headache in and of itself. Dr. Paini wants every Denver resident to have the power to control their own health, so here’s a simplified guide to the basics of dental health insurance. As always, if you have a question, don’t be afraid to give us a call ! Dental Insurance Dental insurance is an excellent investment that helps Denver residents ensure a lifetime of healthy smiles. However, in order to get the best value from your dental insurance, there are a few things you need to know. Here are the answers to the most common questions we hear at Advanced Aesthetic Dentistry: What is dental insurance? Having dental insurance means that an insurance provider will pay for a percentage of the dental care that you need e

How Baby Teeth Help Mouths Grow Up Right

Every Gwinn parent remembers seeing their baby’s first teeth emerge, watching the rest pop up, and finally cheering as their child loses their first baby tooth, all in the blink of an eye! In fact, baby teeth come and go so quickly that some people are led believe they don’t have an impact on a child’s dental health later in life. Dr. Buck wants you to know that that couldn’t be further from the truth! At Northern Trails Dental Care , we are committed to giving our community access to reliable information on dental care, so here are the facts about why baby teeth matter. Feel free to give us a call with any questions. A Guide to Baby Teeth Baby teeth, also known as deciduous, primary, milk, or lacteal teeth, are a set of 20 teeth that will be in your child’s mouth for most of their childhood. Although baby teeth usually emerge at around 6 months, they begin forming in the womb as early as 16 weeks. By age 3, all Gwinn children should have all 20 of their baby teeth. By age 13, all

Are Dentists required to do Jury Duty?

In New York they are! I received a notice to serve once earlier this year and I asked for a postponement. I indicated that I would like to serve in August ( A slow month) Actually serving on a jury could be a financial hardship because a case could potentially go on for a week or two and my office has many bills that come due each month (rent, loans, salaries, american express, automatic debits, etc) , whether I am working or not. Just prior to my August vacation I received a notice that I received a notification that I was scheduled to report on August 21rst. I was instructed to call on the Friday before,  to find out if I was needed. I hoped that when I called I would be told not to come in (as had happened in the past), but when I called on the Friday night before,  I got some bad news... I was to report bright and early Monday morning no matter what. Needless to say I spent a somewhat uncomfortable weekend. I imagined that I would be assigned to a case and would have to serv

5-Minute Paleo Tuna Salad

My nephew Neal created this recipe and man, have I been hooked (ha!) ever since. Neal is one of those people who went paleo long before the rest of the family had even heard that term, so when he told me that this was his go-to lunch, I knew I had to try it out myself. The best part about this recipe? You don’t have to be a chef or have much cooking know-how to change things up. For example, I’ll swap out the avocado sometimes for Primal Kitchen mayo (one of my favorites) or I’ll swap out the bell peppers for cherry tomatoes. I don’t like being glued to a cookbook, especially when I’m putting together a meal that’s as utilitarian as lunch—once you make this recipe, you’ll be able to make it on auto pilot no problem. The recipe is very forgiving—throw in whatever looks good (or, if you’re like me, whatever is about to go bad and needs to get used!) This recipe is also awesome for your oral microbiome , thanks to the presence of avocado. Avocado is rich in prebiotic fiber, the stuff

Oral Thrush: Your Natural Guide for Diagnosing and Fixing Candida

Is something strange happening with your taste buds? Got a problem that’s on the tip of your tongue, prompting strange white spots, bizarre tastes, and cracked lips? The culprit might be oral thrush. Don’t panic! Managing oral thrush is easy with the right combination of medical intervention, and natural remedies. Here, you’ll find out how to recognize the signs of oral thrush and the risk factors that make you more susceptible to it! What’s more, we’ll give you a range of natural solutions for getting rid of discomfort fast! If you’re looking for a quick and easy solution to oral candida, you’ve come to the right place. Are You at Risk for Oral Thrush? Thrush is a byproduct of an infection caused by a yeast germ called Candida. The mouth is one of the most common sites of Candida infections – leading to oral thrush. Small amounts of Candida can live happily in the mouth, until a change of chemistry within the oral cavity leads to an overgrowth. Chemical changes can occur as a side