
Showing posts from February, 2023

Dental Serfdom?

According to the dictionary a serf is "a servant or laborer of olden times who was treated as part of the land worked on and went along with the land if it was sold"  and now a days it seems that healthcare workers are being bought and sold by large corporations and this analogy seems more and more apropos. I read an article today in the Wall Street Journal about CVS negotiating buying a chain of Doctor clinics from Oak Street Health. According to the article  "CVS's deal would be the latest in a series of moves by a range of players, including health insurers to acquire clinics and doctors focused on primary care. Of special interest to the buyers are clinics that manage and treat patients with chronic health conditions such as diabetes, whose care can be costly if not managed closely" It is clear that the hope is that through "greater efficiency" managing and preventing worsening conditions may save money and lead to greater profits for the own