
Showing posts from January, 2017

Why do you attend so much continuing education?

In the last 12 months  I have participated in a great deal of continuing education.  Probably in excess of 90 hours. I have learned a lot and a better dentist for my participation. Sometimes it makes me uncomfortable because even thought I consider myself a competent dentist with high standards, it is clear that dentistry has many aspects and there are many great dentists, some of whom are better at certain aspects than me! While attending  continuing ed courses  I sometimes experience an emotional rollercoaster. First I want to find fault with them. Why are they doing their procedures that way?Its different than the tried and true way I normally do it!  As I continue to watch , and see their results I may start re-evaluating my procedures.... maybe I should make some changes?... At breaks I invariably find other dentists to discuss the presentation. What do they think? By the end of the presentation I usually have decided to make some minor changes in a treatment protocol. I proba

People love us on Yelp?

We have eleven reviews on Yelp, four of which were posted in the last twelve months. Accordingly, I have just received a congratulations letter from Yelp that proudly recognizes our practice for "the positive ratings and reviews you've earned on Yelp in the last year: a 5 out of 5 star rating, and 10 reviews. Our visitors love Lawrence Spindel, DDS!" Wow! I would like to thank my patients for adding enough 5 star reviews on Yelp to be recognized by this website. I am pleased for sure! That being said, I probably won't be displaying the People Love Us on Yelp sticker that was sent along with my notification since I don't like commercial looking stickers in my waiting room or operatories, but It's definitely nice to get recognition. We will do our best to continue serving our patients in the style that they are accustomed to and if we are lucky we will get more 5 star reviews on internet sites in 2017. from Ask Dr. Spindel - - htt

To Be or Not To Be Sugar-Free: The Facts About Common Sweeteners

To Be or Not To Be Sugar-Free: The Facts About Common Sweeteners Originally created for people that can’t consume regular sugars, alternative and artificial sweeteners have become extremely popular in Gwinn in all kinds of different products. From chewing gum to diet soda, Dr. Buck  wants you to know which of these options are best for your dental and general health, so here are the facts about a few of the most common sweeteners. If you have any questions, please feel free to call Northern Trails Dental Care . The Big Five Sugar Substitutes The benefits of natural and artificial sugar-free sweeteners were first recognized as a safe option for diabetics, but have since exploded in popularity because food, beverage, candy, and snack companies have discovered that it is easier to sell fewer calories. In addition, Gwinn residents with a sweet tooth know that artificial sweeteners are notorious for their ability to ruin your portion control. All of the following substances are consider

How Dental Sealants Keep Cavities at Bay!

How Dental Sealants Keep Cavities at Bay! If you are a parent, you probably know how difficult it is to get St. Augustine children to brush and floss regularly. On top of that, young children often lack the necessary motor skills to properly care for their teeth. At Gordon Dental Associates, we want your whole family to have excellent dental health , so here’s some information on how Dr. Gordon can help protect your kids from tooth decay. If you have any questions or would like to schedule a consultation , please give us a call. Kids & Cavities In the back teeth, there are countless nooks and crannies that toothbrushes (and even floss) can’t quite get to. Referred to as pits and fissures, these areas on the chewing surfaces of the molars and premolars are particularly susceptible to tooth decay in children between the ages of 6 and 14. Food can easily get stuck in the tiny grooves and remain for long periods of time, which, combined with bacteria, creates the perfect environmen

5 Common Questions about Sedation Dentistry

For many Lexington residents, one thing stands in the way of a healthy, beautiful smile fear of the dentist. Routine cleanings can be scary for folks with dental phobia. However, at Brewer Family Dental we have made it our business to offer you the most comfortable dental experience possible, which is why Dr. Brewer offers sedation dentistry services. There’s a lot of misinformation floating around, so here are the facts about sedation dentistry. What is sedation dentistry? For millions of Americans, even the thought of visiting the dentist is terrifying. As a result, many people avoid dentists altogether and miss out on a healthy, happy smile. Sedation dentistry is the answer to dental anxiety, aimed at relaxing patients for a comfortable, enjoyable experience. Who is it for? Sedation dentistry is generally intended for Lexington residents whose fear of the dentist might prevent them getting the dental care they need. If you suffer from dental anxiety, sedation dentistry might be

4 Facts about Dental Implants

Most Columbus residents will lose a tooth at some point in their lives, but that doesn’t mean your smile has to suffer. There are numerous ways to fix a lost tooth , but today, Dr. Barry & Dr. Love would like to educate you about the best option for a healthy smile that will last a lifetime: dental implants. Here are some facts about dental implants. If you have any questions or would like to schedule a consultation , don’t hesitate to give us at Lifetime Dental Columbus a call. Implants function just like real teeth If you are looking for a solution that will preserve and improve the health of your mouth, implants are the way to go. Although dentures and bridges can help simulate the function of real teeth, they do not stimulate the jawbone. Implants are placed directly in the jawbone, just like the root of a tooth. As a result, they can put a stop to painful, damaging reabsorption, so that you never have to deal with that “sunken in” look. On top of that, implants are stur

Fight Gingivitis at Home! 3 Reasons to Floss Every Day

Everybody knows that they should floss every day. But it just doesn’t always happen that way, does it?   We know that flossing is harder than brushing for a number of reasons, but we also know how important it is to your oral health. Dr. Paini wants all of our patients to floss every day, and we think one of the best ways to encourage you to floss is to give you some great reasons why you should .   Flossing is easier than ever If you avoid flossing because it’s hard or takes too much time, new technologies are now available to make your life easier. There are floss holders, floss picks, long handled flossing tools, and more to help you floss properly and quickly. All of these tools are made to take the time and hassle out of flossing, and hopefully help you work it into your daily oral hygiene routine. Tell your Advanced Aesthetic Dentistry hygienist what troubles you have and she can help recommend which tool might be right for you. Flossing saves you money Flossing might

Is Holistic Dentistry Right for Me?

Currently a hot topic of debate among dental and health professionals, holistic dentistry has gained popularity in recent years, alongside the movement toward naturopathic medicine. Dr. Rizvi at My Dentist for Life wants Plantation residents to understand the differences between the two approaches to dentistry, in order to make the most informed decision when choosing a dental health professional. What is Holistic Dentistry? Holistic dentistry is an approach to dental care that focuses on promoting overall health and wellness, rather than the treatment of specific disease. This practice places dental problems in the context of health issues elsewhere in the body, analyzing the patient’s entire physical, emotional, and even spiritual health. Holistic dentistry is heavily focused on the importance of the body’s chemical balance, and discredits traditional dental professionals and procedures for disrupting this balance through the use of mercury fillings, root canals, and fluoride. T

Protect Yourself from Oral Cancer

Dr. Berglass and all of us at Central Avenue Dental would like to take this opportunity to talk about oral cancer, the lives that are lost to it, and what it could mean for you and your family. Oral cancer is one of the only cancers that is actually becoming more common, and we want our Charlotte patients to know what it is and how to protect themselves. Oral cancer refers to mouth cancer, tongue cancer, throat cancer, tonsil cancer, and a number of others. This year alone, more than 5,000 people will lose the battle to some form of oral cancer. Dr. Berglass is teaming up with the entire healthcare community to beat this disease by teaching people everywhere about how to spot it and maintain low risk. *This post is not intended to diagnose or treat oral cancer. Its purpose is simply to inform Charlotte residents. If you suspect that you or a loved one may have oral cancer, come see Dr. Berglass as soon as possible.* Oral cancer is a group of diseases that can affect your body in a

Wondering How To Get White Teeth? 5 Common Brushing Mistakes

We all learned how to brush our teeth when we were about 3 or 4, so you’d think we have it mastered by now. Right? Unfortunately, probably not. We all make mistakes sometimes. And that’s okay! All that matters is that you’re dedicated to having the healthiest mouth possible. These five tips for how to get white teeth are just to help you take the best care of your mouth  between your visits to our Portland office. The biggest thing to remember is that any brushing is better than no brushing , so don’t be discouraged if you are making some mistakes. If you still have questions, try checking out our Oral Hygiene page , or always feel free to contact Dr. David Case today! Not Brushing for Long Enough – Do you know how long you’re really supposed to brush? Two minutes, twice a day , says the American Dental Hygienists Association. Try timing yourself tonight and see how you measure up. Chances are, you aren’t brushing for long enough, as the majority of Americans aren’t. Brushing for

Why You Should Know About Diabetes

You have probably heard of diabetes, but did you know that it affects more than seven million people and they aren’t even aware of it? According to the American Diabetes Association, three people will be diagnosed with diabetes during the minute it takes to read this paragraph. If diabetes hasn’t touched your life, you may think you’re safe, but Dr. Ron Wagner, Dr. Kent Wagner, Dr. Rich Cannon, Dr. Tom Lawler & Dr. Richard Nelson want all Las Vegas residents to know what it is, how to diagnose it, and how to protect yourself. Your health is important to us at Wagner Dental, so please read this article to find out how diabetes can harm your body AND your mouth. Diabetes: an American Epidemic Diabetes has cost so many Americans their lives it now ranks as a leading cause of death and disability. It represents a massive burden on our healthcare system and more than ¾ of a million new sufferers are diagnosed each year. So what is this mass murdering disease? Diabetes is a condition

Do Whitening Strips Actually Work?

Whitening strips are among the most popular health and beauty products in San Luis Obispo. Brightening up your pearly whites is a great way to give your smile a boost, and with all the over-the-counter options, there’s no reason not to pick one up and try it out. Dr. Michael Colleran wants you to be informed about every aspect of dental health, so here’s a guide to which whitening options can give your teeth a bright new shine. If you have any questions or would like to visit the office of Michael Colleran, DDS for a consultation, don’t hesitate to give us a call. Teeth Whitening : The Basics Nowadays, there are three basic types of in-home whitening: toothpastes and mouthwashes, whitening strips, and gel trays. While whitening toothpastes and mouthwashes are the least expensive products on the market, they are also the least effective at creating noticeable change in the short-term. This is because they don’t have a significant amount of the active ingredients in most whitening pr

Teeth Whitening in Seattle – How To Protect Your Smile

It’s easy to protect yourself from things you know will stain your teeth, but what about those mysterious offenders you didn’t even know are turning your pearly whites into dull yellows? It is not uncommon for Seattle residents to have stained teeth, but we at A.J. Gollofon, D.D.S. are going to give you the information on teeth whitening  you need to keep your teeth healthy and beautiful. Don’t forget to schedule regular cleanings , because Dr. AJ Gollofon is the expert on getting rid of stains and making sure they never get a chance to hurt your smile. Everybody knows that beverages like tea, coffee and red wine are some of the worst tooth-staining culprits around, but did you know that there are a number of other beverages that can take away from your beautiful smile? Sports drinks, white wine, and cranberry juice are not your teeth’s friends. Sports Drinks They replenish your electrolytes, so sports drinks are just generally healthy, right? Unfortunately, that is not the case. Due

Get Your Beauty Sleep Back with Sleep Apnea Treatment

Do you have a spouse or loved one that complains about your snoring? Do you wake up in the middle of the night gasping for air? Do you find that you are always exhausted during the day and just can’t seem to ever catch up on sleep? If these symptoms sound familiar, you may be one of many Dubuque residents suffering from sleep apnea. Dr. James Fili wants you to know you are not alone, there is a solution, and wants to help you get the restful sleep you deserve. Read on to learn about what sleep apnea is and how we can treat it. If you have any questions, our team at Dubuque Periodontics  is happy to answer them. Feel free to give us a call! Sleep Apnea and Your Health Getting restful sleep every night is a crucial part of your daily health. Although snoring may seem harmless, it is actually an indication that your breathing is obstructed, and may be a sign of sleep apnea. However, it’s important to note that if you snore occasionally, it does not necessarily mean that you have sleep a

How long should a night guard last?

In my practice, patients tend to wear the ones I have made for years.... that is if they take proper care of them. Last month a patient came in with a hard night guard that I had made that was nine years old!  That being the case, I believe that if your night guard lasts for 5 years or more you have gotten a good length of service. How to ensure they last a long time? They should be stored during the day in a protective container and kept moist. I counsel my patients not to leave them out on their night table wrapped in tissue paper(this could result in them being  accidentally discarded). Try not to drop them on hard ceramic floors found in most bathrooms since this fall could easily cause breakage. I counsel my patients to wash them in cold water and not use toothpaste to clean them (too abrasive). Most dishwashing soaps are OK. Also , commercial denture cleaner such as efferent are a good choice. Heat can cause these appliances to warp and should be avoided. Although the hard

Metlife-Action Required by February 2-,2017?

Metlife has been sending out multiple letters to my office claiming after February 20th EFT (electronic fund transfer) will be their "only payment method for provider reimbursement going forward and in big bold type face " Your enrollment in EFT is required on or before February 20th, 2017." To me, these communications seem misleading, since they are sent to my office and we do not participate with the Metlife Insurance Plan. Of course Metlife is free to choose to send their reimbursement checks to my patients if they choose, but then I will have to bill Metlife patients for their care directly. As far as I can see, they can not force a non participating dentist to provide them access to his or her bank account. A call I placed to the Dental Society of the State of New York has confirmed this thought. While some dentists may welcome EFT since it may in fact save some labor for their staff by not having to open as much mail in order to process Metlife payments, for

Are Dentists being sent to digital hell?

I must admit that sometimes I feel that way! As a solo practitioner and the only "technical one" in my office, all digital problems seem to run through me. Between managing Windows 10 , Dexis and Dentrix, electronic Rx's , Ofc Wifi, my Bowers and Wilkerson Air Zeppelin, Digital photographs, and my digital electric drill, hardly a day goes by without me getting involved with helping to iron out a snafu either small or large. Don't get me wrong... I love geeking out over new technology and look forward to trying out newer technology but some days it can be a drag dealing with all the glitches and poor design of the programs we are using.  Allscripts runs our  electronic Rx's and evey three months it stops working until we change our password and often It asks for our previous password before allowing a new one to be set up. Of course this usually happens when I am behind schedule and trying to write a quick Rx for a patient while in my treatment room. Last w

Happy New Year-Out with the old and In with the new?

The office building that my dental practice resides  in (circa 1927) is undergoing a full on "modernization". We want to apologize  to our patients for any inconvenience they may experience. and to advise our patients  to allow  a little more time to get to our office.  Our  landlord is redoing our lobby, replacing our elevators, fire alarms and more. Right now our lobby looks like a war zone and fortunately one out of three of the elevators was  replaced and put back into service. Just in time, since I have been walking up and down six flights of stairs several times a day during the last month or two and my patients have been showing up late for their appointments complaining of long waits for the elevator.  Workman have been working on the buildings pointing ( the mortar between the bricks) and Often I can hear the sounds of construction in the air shaft near my business office. In New York, commercial tenants don't have much control of work schedules  and the work se

Diet Soda & Oral Health: What You Need to Know

In today’s calorie-obsessed culture, it can be hard to find the truth among all of the health-conscious noise. Often times, St. Augustine residents are misinformed and mislead about the health benefits of trends like cleanses, sugar alternatives, diets, organic vs. nonorganic, and a myriad of other common topics. Today Dr. Jeremy Gordon would like to clear up any misconceptions about dental health and diet soda. If you have any questions please call us at Gordon Dental Associates . Are Diet Sodas Healthy? The short answer is no. Originally conceived as low-calorie alternatives to one of America’s first commercial legacies, diet sodas have become extremely popular amidst our country’s battle to lose weight. There’s only one little problem – diet sodas are only marginally better than regular soda. Compared to water, diet soda has zero nutritional value and contains many ingredients that are harmful outside of moderation. Diet Soda & Dental Health Diet soft drinks are not good

Gentle Dental Care in Plantation

What if You Haven’t Been to the Dentist for Several Years? Life is busy and we all have a long list of priorities to take care of, so it’s not hard to imagine that any number of things can get in the way of your regular dental hygiene routine, checkups and cleanings with Dr. Rizvi. You might just wake up one day and realize that you haven’t been to the dentist in years! That’s why we want to tell all our Plantation patients about the gentle dental care we provide and why regular visits to Dr. Rizvi are so important. What happens over many years of dental neglect? Do your teeth turn black and fall out of your head? What if you are really good about flossing and brushing, but don’t go to the dentist? What are the consequences of putting your dental health on the back burner? The most important thing to remember is that your dental health is in your hands. Dr. Rizvi wants all the folks in Plantation to enjoy healthy mouths and proud smiles, but only you have the power to make it happ

Get Your Smile Back with Dental Implants

Don’t let dentures or gaps in your teeth take away your confidence! Talk to Dr. Brickey & Dr. Provine about dental implants and get started on a path to reclaiming your smile! Natural Smiles Dentistry offers the best dental implant technology available and we love to help our Salt Lake City patients regain their confidence with a beautiful, healthy mouth. What are Dental Implants for? The best way to explain dental implants is to describe exactly what they do. If you have a missing tooth, Dr. Brickey & Dr. Provine will put an implant in its place. This implant will take root in the jawbone (just a like a real tooth), protect the bone and integrity of your face, and function just as a real tooth would. Only you and Dr. Brickey & Dr. Provine will know it’s an implant. If you have lost any teeth in the past, the bone around the lost tooth or teeth will soon go through a process called reabsorption, which can compromise the structure of your face and create a distinctly un

Veneers Can Give You Back Your Smile!

Having a great smile is a privilege that everyone in San Luis Obispo should enjoy. The confidence that comes from having genuine pride in your pearly whites is irreplaceable. However, many of us struggle with imperfections in our teeth. Broken, chipped, cracked, stained, and crooked teeth can really put a damper on your smile. At the office of Michael Colleran, DDS, we know how much a healthy, happy smile means to San Luis Obispo residents, so we’d like to talk about how Dr. Colleran can help get you the smile you deserve with veneers. What are Veneers? Veneers are thin layers of composite, or dental porcelain that are placed over the surface of a tooth to correct cosmetic and functional issues. Invented in 1928 by Charles Pincus, veneers were originally intended to give movie stars perfect teeth for the silver screen. Back then, they were only temporary due to a lack of competent adhesive, but modern dental medicine has advanced to the point that veneers can last for up to 30 years

Why Wisdom Teeth are Not So Wise

Most Charlotte folks have had some exposure to the concept of wisdom teeth. Perhaps you have had yours removed, are considering a removal, or Dr. Berglass has just shown you an X-Ray with the infamous third molars creeping into view. It’s common to hear patients ask how they are removed, but we rarely hear people talking about the reasons for getting rid of wisdom teeth. Today, we at Central Avenue Dental are going to explain what wisdom teeth are, why they don’t deserve to stay in your mouth, and how we can help! As always, feel free to call us with any questions or concerns. What are Wisdom Teeth? Wisdom teeth are the third set of adult molars. Unlike the rest of your adult teeth, they appear many years later, typically between the ages of 17 and 25. Most people get four wisdom teeth (one in each back corner), but some get fewer, some get more, and some lucky folks never get any. Despite their name, wisdom teeth do not confer any special knowledge or enlightenment upon their own

Fluoride: Good or Bad?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the fluoridation of drinking water is ranked among the ten greatest public health achievements of 20 th century America. However, a quick search of the internet tells us that fluoride is actually toxic if ingested in large enough quantities. So which is it? Do the health benefits outweigh the negatives of fluoride in toothpaste and drinking water? We at Advanced Aesthetic Dentistry know that Denver folks care a great deal about their health, so we’ve put this article together to examine the facts and help you come to your own decision. As always, we are happy to answer any questions you might have, so feel free to give us a call ! Why Use Fluoride in the First Place? In order to understand the controversy, we must first to understand what led to putting fluoride in toothpaste and water. Even today, dental caries (tooth decay) is considered the most prevalent chronic disease in children and adults. With that in mind, it’s

Ice Cravings – A Sign of Something Worse?

We all know someone who asks for extra ice just so they can chew on it. And we’ve probably all heard that chewing ice is not healthy for your teeth. So what’s the truth? Is it best to put a stop to ice chewing? Absolutely, and for more reasons than most people are aware of. Dr. David Case  wants all Portland residents to know why chewing ice is a bad habit, so please read on for the facts! Why should I stop chewing ice? Ice is hard. So hard, in fact, that pitting it against your teeth regularly will most certainly result in damage to your enamel. If you have pagophagia (the fancy name for ice cravings), it’s likely that Dr. David Case will need to perform enamel restoration treatments, which are pricey and can be quite uncomfortable. However, that is not the most pressing reason to be aware of an ice chewing habit. Recent research indicates that pagophagia may actually be a sign of anemia (a lack of iron in the blood), which can lead to serious health complications, if left untreate

The Benefits of Composite Fillings

Traditionally, dentists have used what’s known as amalgam, or special metal alloys, to fill cavities. However, modern dental medicine has advanced to the point that Dr. Ron Wagner, Dr. Kent Wagner, Dr. Rich Cannon, Dr. Tom Lawler & Dr. Richard Nelson can offer Las Vegas patients a much better option for filling holes caused by tooth decay: composite fillings. At Wagner Dental , we would like to educate you on the benefits of tooth-colored, composite fillings, so please let this article serve as your personal fillings fact sheet. The History of Fillings Once upon a time, the choices for dental restoration materials were limited. Records dating back as far as 659 A.D. tell us that amalgams (mixtures of silver, mercury, tin, and/or copper) have been used widely for more than 1300 years. There have been a number of scientific disputes (referred to as the amalgam war) over the health concerns of using mercury, but the American Dental Association has always defended the safety of am

Do Whitening Strips Actually Work?

Whitening strips are among the most popular health and beauty products in Columbus. Brightening up your pearly whites is a great way to give your smile a boost, and with all the over-the-counter options, there’s no reason not to pick one up and try it out. Dr. Barry & Dr. Love wants you to be informed about every aspect of dental health, so here’s a guide to which whitening options can give your teeth a bright new shine. If you have any questions or would like to visit Lifetime Dental Columbus for a consultation, don’t hesitate to give us a call. Teeth Whitening : The Basics Nowadays, there are three basic types of in-home whitening: toothpastes and mouthwashes, whitening strips, and gel trays. While whitening toothpastes and mouthwashes are the least expensive products on the market, they are also the least effective at creating noticeable change in the short-term. This is because they don’t have a significant amount of the active ingredients in most whitening products, which

Professional Dental Cleanings Make a Big Difference

You’ve been hearing it for years “make sure to visit Dr. Brewer twice a year for your regular cleanings.” Just in case you’ve ever wondered why regular dental cleanings are so important, we at Brewer Family Dental would like to take this opportunity to let Lexington residents in on some information you don’t often hear. Let this article serve as your personal guide to the benefits of getting your teeth cleaned. If you have any questions or find that you are suddenly inspired to visit Dr. Brewer for a cleaning, feel free to give us a call (859) 554-4799 ! Why You Should Get Your Teeth Professionally Cleaned Unfortunately, some folks in Lexington believe that visiting the dentist is unnecessary if you brush and floss regularly. That just isn’t the case. In addition to keeping your teeth clean and healthy, regular visits to our expert hygienists at Brewer Family Dental ensure that we can have a good look at your pearly whites and make sure nothing is wrong. If you don’t come in for

Diabetes and Oral Health: What Your Dentist Sees

It’s no secret that diabetes is a health condition that must be treated because of the problems it can cause throughout the body—including in your mouth.  Consider that nearly 26 million children and adults in the U.S. who, according to the American Diabetes Association , have diabetes. Seattle dentist, Dr. AJ Gollofon wants you to know the side effects diabetes can have on oral health. When people with diabetes experience high glucose levels, those levels could also be helping bacteria thrive—causing major problems for their teeth. Some diabetics have chronic inflammation and infections in their mouths. Because of the risk, it’s important that diabetics take extra special care of their teeth. People with diabetes have special oral are needs, so it’s vital that you share this information with your dentist. Common dental conditions associated with diabetes are tooth decay, gum disease , saliva gland dysfunction, infection, delayed healing and more. Everyone—especially those who have

Are Your Teeth Safe From Coffee Stains?

First things first, put your worries away! We are not about to tell you that your coffee drinking days are over. We know that each shot of caffeine is crucial and we cherish our coffee, too! Here at Dubuque Periodontics, we want to educate you on what causes coffee stains and what you can do to fight them. It’s no secret how Dubuque residents feel about their coffee, and we’re not about to get in the way of that love. However, we will help you keep your smile healthy and beautiful  with tips that won’t drastically affect your lifestyle. Dr. James Fili and the rest of us at Dubuque Periodontics are your oral health allies! So let’s start off with the basics. What makes coffee stain your teeth? Coffee is the one of the biggest offenders when it comes to stained teeth in Dubuque, and the discoloration can be so bad it mimics cigarette stains. So what’s the secret? What can you do to keep your teeth shiny, but still get your caffeine fix? Coffee and its Active Ingredient: Caffeine It

Stop Tooth Pain and Sensitivity Now!

Why Are My Teeth Sensitive? There are a ton of specialized toothpastes, mouthwashes, and toothbrushes available to Gwinn residents suffering from sensitive teeth. It is a very common problem that lots of products claim they can solve, but have you ever wondered why it exists? Today, we at Northern Trails Dental Care would like to explain what causes tooth sensitivity and how these products work. Dr. Buck wants everyone in Gwinn to enjoy a pain-free mouth, so feel free to give us a call with any questions or to setup a consultation. What Causes Sensitive Teeth?   Do you find yourself ordering beverages without ice, drinking room temperature water, and waiting a long time for your coffee or tea to cool down? If you do, it’s probably because you have sensitive teeth. Enamel, which covers of the crown of your teeth, is the hardest substance in your body; tooth roots have a similar substance called cementum. However, beneath those layers is a softer, more porous layer called dentin. Wh