
Showing posts from October, 2018

Smile Direct vs Invisalign?

This tittle is a little misleading because based on a little online research it seems that presently Smile Direct trays are manufactured by Invisalign and it owns19% of Smile Direct. Smile Direct explains that their process is a more affordable version of tooth movement and is supervised by dentists via tele dentistry. Their Blog maintains that" SmileDirectClub  aligners are designed for minor to moderate teeth correction, including gaps, crowding, rotation, and some bite correction" (In my opinion, these are the exact type of cases that Invisalign works best for, but there is a diffence in treatment protocols. Invisalign providers  often use attachments and proximal reduction to better accomplish these movements. Even so many Invisalign patients require refinements to achieve results approximating the planned results shown in their initial Clincheck. ) The Smile Direct blog goes on to explain how to start the process: "Take our free, 30-second  Smile Assessme

Trick or Treat?

When I was young I loved halloween and I was a champion trick or treater. I would stay out for hours. Often I had to return home with one full bag of treats and before going back out so I could fill up another. In those days, kids weren't as well supervised as they are now and my parents didn't seem to mind if their 10 year old went out trick or treating after dark. I kept my stash in my bedroom and feasted for the next month on my haul. All was good, at least until my teeth invariably started hurting and when I eventually went to the dentist he always found a cavity or two that needed filling.  I guess those may have been the "golden days for dentistry", but probably not so much for teeth! Now most parents are hopefully smarter and shouldn't encourage their kids to spend so much time trick or treating. Eating candy is clearly bad for teeth and eating lots of candy is a really bad idea. That being true, how should a parent handle halloween? I am not really s

Orthodontics 101

A healthy, beautiful smile is important for your overall health and life satisfaction. If your teeth are too close to each other, too far apart, too crooked, or if they fit together uncomfortably when your mouth is closed, it’s likely you have malocclusion. From the root words “mal” for bad, and “occlusion” for closed, malocclusion refers to a poor position of your teeth when your mouth is closed. The solution for malocclusion is orthodontics to straighten your teeth. (The root word “ortho” means straight.) The specific position of your mouth when it’s closed is called your bite. Your bite can be either healthy or unhealthy, and an unhealthy bite can cause all sorts of problems. Kids and adults alike can benefit from fixing an improper bite. Needing orthodontic treatment is a good example of when cosmetic dentistry is both beautiful and practical. Denver dentist, Dr. Paini shares all you need to know about getting orthodontic treatment at Advanced Aesthetic Dentistry. Types of Orth

Have You Been Avoiding the Dentist?

We’ve all got our reasons. Money. Time. The fear of pain. Juggling insurance. Facing one more reminder that we really should be flossing more. Any of these might cause us to avoid and put off regular visits to the dentist. Has it been so long since your last dental appointment that you’re not even sure how to find a dentist you can trust? Or perhaps you know and love your dentist but you dread the idea of trying to catch up on life with the hygienist while your mouth is being propped open by a tiny plastic jack. (Yes, we think about that too!) San Luis Obispo dentist, Dr. Colleran , and our staff are happy to help you prioritize your dental health, which is why we go to great lengths to remove any barrier that might keep you from stepping through our doors. Sedation options , flexible payment plans , plentiful office hours, and a skilled dental team can help you achieve your best smile. Our relaxed office is comfortable from the waiting room to the dentist chair. Michael Colleran, D

Do I Have Herpes? Cold Sores 101

Cold sore. Fever blister. Herpes Simplex Virus-1. These babies go by a lot of different names, but the experience is always the same: Telltale burning or itching near the lip Red bump appears a day or so later Bump becomes a cluster of blisters Blisters dry up and scab over The scab falls off The whole process usually takes two weeks or less. Infamous for irritating pain and ruining first dates everywhere, cold sores sure wreak a lot of havoc for something so small. A cold sore is a symptom of the herpes simplex virus-1 (HSV-1) in your system. HSV-1 is so common that most people are exposed to it in childhood. Many people can have and spread the virus without ever actually having a cold sore. Catching & Spreading a Cold Sore Sadly, once you catch HSV-1, there is no permanent cure. Thankfully, it won’t do much harm. If you have HSV-1, you might occasionally experience cold sores with long periods between each outbreak. This is because HSV-1 has the habit of “sleeping” o

Cosmetic Dentistry – A Beautiful Smile is a Powerful Thing

There is a law of nature that states: “function follows form.” This saying means that how something appears determines how it works. For example, you may own many screwdrivers of different sizes and shapes (form) to loosen all different kinds of screws (function). Think of a watering can with a long spout that’s perfect for pouring water right where you want it, versus one with a broad spout meant to cover large areas more quickly. When you think about it, this principle also applies to your smile. A mouth with missing teeth isn’t nearly as functional as a mouth with a full set of chompers. Enter: cosmetic dentistry. While the word “cosmetic” makes these treatments sound optional, many times they are necessary to improve physical function or mental and emotional well-being. Read more from Drs. Wagner, Cannon, Lawler, and Nelson to learn about cosmetic dentistry and the positive impact it can have on your life. Types of Cosmetic Dentistry Whitening — an absolute favorite when it c

Oxygen Therapy – A Breath of Fresh Air

Your Dubuque dentist, Dr. Fili at Dubuque Periodontics knows that no two patients are alike. Everyone deserves a personalized approach to oral health – but what is something no patient (or even human) can live without? Air—or more specifically, oxygen. The Power of Ozone in Dentistry Oxygen is essential for your cellular health and has an overall positive effect on your body. For that reason, it can be utilized to improve your dental experience. Some dental offices use oxygen therapy to create a calm environment during treatment of acute dental issues or even preventative visits. Oxygen therapy delivers 100% pure, medical-grade oxygen. When three atoms of oxygen bind together, they form ozone, the same matter that protects and nourishes our environment. Oxygen can be applied as ozone gas, ozonated water, or ozonated olive oil. This completely painless treatment works with your body’s natural functions to achieve a multitude of benefits. Increased exposure to pure oxygen has been f

Don’t Get Kicked in the Teeth – At Least Wear a Mouthguard

According to the American Dental Association , at least 13% of all injuries to the mouth occur during sports activities. While helmets, shoulder pads, shin guards, and the like do a great job of protecting most of the body, Dr. Case would like to make sure that every athlete knows how to keep their teeth safe from harm. No Portland parent should have to worry about their child’s teeth during games, so at Family Dental Health we would like to talk about how to take sports safety to the next level. Mouthguards and Sports Safety In Portland, we live for a good game. Our athletes train hard to win, so it’s not hard to imagine why they don’t shy away from contact. However, that doesn’t mean that your family has to suffer the consequences of a sports-related oral injury. Mouthguards are the key to oral safety in sports. When to Get a Mouthguard Let’s say your child has decided to sign up for a high school team, or maybe you’ve joined a local sports league. Now you’re wondering – do I r

Ice Cravings – A Sign of Something Worse?

We all know someone who asks for extra ice just so they can chew on it. And we’ve probably all heard that chewing ice is not healthy for your teeth. So what’s the truth? Is it best to put a stop to ice chewing? Absolutely, and for more reasons than most people are aware of. Dr. Gollofon wants all Seattle residents to know why chewing ice is a bad habit, so please read on for the facts!  Why should I stop chewing ice? Ice is hard. So hard, in fact, that pitting it against your teeth regularly will most certainly result in damage to your enamel. If you have pagophagia (the fancy name for ice cravings), it’s likely that Dr. Gollofon will need to perform enamel restoration treatments, which are pricey and can be quite uncomfortable. However, that is not the most pressing reason to be aware of an ice chewing habit. Recent research indicates that pagophagia may actually be a sign of anemia (a lack of iron in the blood), which can lead to serious health complications if left untreated.

Gum Disease – More Than Just Gums

Your Mouth: A Picture of Health Did you know that when a dentist looks at your mouth, they can tell a lot more than just how often you’re brushing? It’s true: your oral health is like a window into your lifestyle and habits. Dr. Gordon at Gordon Dental Associates should know. We’ve seen mouths from all over St. Augustine in our office! If you’re not taking care of the rest of your body, your gums will give it away. Hormones, sickness, stress, diet, smoking, prescription medicine, and more can all affect your gum health, and that goes both ways. If you don’t take care of your gums, the consequences will stretch beyond just your mouth. Unhealthy gums can lead to an unhealthy heart, diabetes, pregnancy complications, memory problems, tooth decay, and more. Your mouth is naturally good at washing away and fighting germs. But without proper oral hygiene, those bacteria can lead to gum disease. When it comes to your oral health, it’s more than just pearly white teeth you want. Healthy gu

Sugar: Teeth’s Worst Nightmare

People in the United States eat more sugar than any other country in the world. (Fortunately, we also have some of the best dentists in the world.) You hear it all the time: “sugar rots your teeth.” But is it true? What exactly does sugar do to your teeth and why is it so bad? You might want to learn more about this substance that is added to nearly every edible item in the grocery store. Gwinn dentist Dr. Buck tells us more below. Sugar 101 All food causes some buildup on your teeth. After eating and drinking, little bits of food are left behind in your mouth. Out of all the food we eat, sugar does the worst damage to your teeth. Even healthy foods like milk, bread, and produce contain some natural sugar, but these foods also contain necessary vitamins and nutrients. Eaten in healthy amounts, your body has no problem breaking down the natural sugars with the other food bits on your teeth. The problems begin when you eat food that has more sugar than nutritional value. Without pro

Adult Dentistry: It’s Never Too Late for Dental Care

Good News for Grown-Ups “Adulting” can be hard. Between rent, bills, kids, a career, and other responsibilities, it can be hard to make time for yourself. But independence, parenting, fulfilling work, and the wisdom that comes with age can be pretty fantastic, too. So how does your oral healthcare fit into a grown-up lifestyle? Central Avenue Dental serves adults from all over Charlotte. Read more for our tips on how to care for your oral health at this particular stage in life. Priorities : You manage a lot on any given day. Brushing your teeth and making a dental appointment may not feel like the most pressing of matters, but you know they are important in the long run—so you do it. Family Life : Many people are more motivated to take care of themselves when good habits easily fit in with family life and others are looking to you to set a positive example. Whether you are caring for children or aging parents, preventative oral health care is more likely to happen when done togeth

Sleep Apnea in Children

You may think being exhausted simply comes with the territory of being a parent (and it does), but there may also be a serious medical condition causing your child to wake up often throughout the night—sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is most commonly found in adults, but in rare cases can also affect children. Dr. Kevin Brewer, dentist at Brewer Family Dental in Lexington cares about treating your little ones. Read below to learn more about how dentists can treat sleep apnea. Sleep Apnea & Its Effects Sleep apnea occurs when breathing becomes shallow or pauses completely while you’re asleep. It can be caused by your tongue or tonsils being too large and blocking your airway, the collapse of soft tissues in the back of the throat, or by your brain not sending the proper signals to keep breathing while you sleep. Sleep apnea causes a lot of problems for children, the most obvious being restless sleep. Other problems can include failure to thrive, slower developmental milestones, excessi

Dry Mouth: Consequences, Causes, and Treatments

Whether you recently tried a new mouthwash that is high in alcohol content, just ate a sleeve of saltine crackers, or are going through cancer treatments, the resulting dry mouth can be uncomfortable and embarrassing. Worse yet, that sticky feeling that isn’t easily fixed with a glass of water isn’t just annoying. Dry mouth can have a big impact on oral, dental, and even your overall health. Known medically as xerostomia, dry mouth reportedly affects around 10 percent of the population. ( 1 ) I suspect it’s much higher, though, as many people don’t realize they have it. The term “dry mouth” may conjure thoughts of a completely barren oral cavity that produces no moisture whatsoever. But even low production of saliva (less than the 1 to 2 liters produced by a healthy mouth) is cause for concern. Trained dentists can spot someone struggling with this condition, often before the patient realizes they’re experiencing it. And this is important because, when left untreated, dry mouth can w

Functional Dentistry: Everything You Need to Know

Despite spending more than $3 trillion on healthcare, the United States still loses nearly one million people to preventable diseases each year. ( 1 ) For this reason and others, more people have been integrating preventative, functional medicine into their wellness routines. Functional dentistry builds on this idea, applying a holistic approach to oral and dental care. I strongly believe that what happens in the mouth happens in the body, and science has supported this claim. ( 2 ) So while it’s good to maintain a healthy weight, take nutritional supplements, and adopt other lifestyle habits that support total body health, it may not be enough. Functional dentistry applies the same holistic approach to the mouth that functional medicine does to the body. And far from a “fad” or a new trend, functional dentistry relies on many of the same strategies that our ancestors used to keep their mouths healthy—before toothbrushes had even been invented. This article will outline the core pri