How Baby Teeth Help Mouths Grow Up Right

Every Las Vegas parent remembers seeing their baby’s first teeth emerge, watching the rest pop up, and finally cheering as their child loses their first baby tooth, all in the blink of an eye! In fact, baby teeth come and go so quickly that some people are led believe they don’t have an impact on a child’s dental health later in life. Dr. Ron Wagner, Dr. Kent Wagner, Dr. Rich Cannon, Dr. Tom Lawler, and Dr. Richard Nelson want you to know that that couldn’t be further from the truth! At Wagner Dental, we are committed to giving our community access to reliable information on dental care, so here are the facts about why baby teeth matter.

A Guide to Baby Teeth

Baby teeth, also known as deciduous, primary, milk, or lacteal teeth, are a set of 20 teeth that will be in your child’s mouth for most of their childhood. Although baby teeth usually emerge at around 6 months, they begin forming in the womb as early as 16 weeks. By age 3, all Las Vegas children should have all 20 of their baby teeth. By age 13, all their permanent teeth (except for wisdom teeth) will have come in.

Why Baby Teeth Matter

Your child’s primary teeth play a crucial role in their life. They may only be around for the first few years, but they set the stage for dental health and proper development in the future. Here’s what Dr. Ron Wagner, Dr. Kent Wagner, Dr. Rich Cannon, Dr. Tom Lawler, and Dr. Richard Nelson would like every Las Vegas parent to know about primary teeth:

  1. They make chewing possible so that babies can learn to eat solid food
  2. They help kids learn to speak quickly and clearly
  3. They save space for permanent teeth as children’s’ mouths grow
  4. They help kids learn the importance of dental hygiene

Taking Care of Baby Teeth

The best way to ensure lifelong dental health is to teach your kids about dental hygiene with consistent, but fun routines. Brush their teeth twice a day and floss them at least once a day. Most importantly, make sure to visit Dr. Ron Wagner, Dr. Kent Wagner, Dr. Rich Cannon, Dr. Tom Lawler, and Dr. Richard Nelson when your baby’s first teeth emerge, and then twice a year after that for regular checkups and cleanings. At Wagner Dental, we love to help Las Vegas families maintain great oral health, so please give us a call if you have any questions.


from Wagner Dental


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