
Showing posts from November, 2017

How do you pack cord?

Packing cord is a probably a dying art, but if margins are subgingival and they need to be captured , the gingiva needs retraction. To properly pack cord, it's best to get any bleeding to stop before attempting to pack cord. If the sulcus is too moist it is much harder getting the cord to stay in the sulcus ( it tends to float out when it is overly wet). Placing a finish line subgingivally often causes bleeding, since the gingiva can be abraded. I personally like creating one mm long bevels sub gingivally especially on the proximal  portions of my preparations and this definitely tends to cause bleeding. If the finish line is placed only .5 mm subgingivally, impressioning and cord packing is usually easier, but if there is any appreciable gingival recession the margin of my restoration becomes visible ( not a good thing with ceramometal restorations). To stop any bleeding I use  Ultradent's Viscostat ( a ferric sulfate preparation that is gentle for the gingiva). It is applie

How to Clean Teeth Like a Dentist

Oral hygiene is the foundation of good dental health. Brushing and flossing regularly is the best way to keep your Columbus smile healthy and clean. Consider this your personal tutorial on the art of dental hygiene, instructed by Dr. Barry, Dr. Love, and the expert hygienists at Lifetime Dental Health .   Toothbrush, Toothpaste, Floss, and Mouthwash Before we talk technique, we need to make sure you have the right tools for the job. You’re going to need a toothbrush, fluoride toothpaste, and floss. Pick whatever floss is most comfortable for you and any toothpaste that you like, provided it has fluoride. Mouthwash is not required, but some Columbus residents really like the extra health boost you get from a good swish and gargle. How do you pick a good toothbrush? Here are the basics: Always go with soft bristles. Medium or hard bristles can damage enamel. Choose a brush that fits your mouth. The head of the brush should be small enough to reach all the way behind your back t

Senior Dentistry: Embrace Healthy Aging

Someone once said, “Do not regret growing older. It is a privilege denied to many.” How true! It can be disorienting and frustrating to watch your health change with age, but you don’t have to accept poor oral health and tooth loss as just a part of the game. On the contrary, your oral health is just as important now as ever, and it’s linked closely with your overall health and wellness. Embrace healthy, preventative dental hygiene and reap the benefits of improved wellness and vitality during a season of life with so much to look forward to. When it comes to senior health and dentistry, Dr. Brewer shares the top concerns you may have, and how to address them: Gum Disease A shocking 70% of adults over 65-years-old have gum disease, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention . Gum disease is the leading cause of tooth loss among seniors. Gum disease is an epidemic of inflammation. It’s your body’s way of trying to kill germs infecting the gum tissues. Chronic e

Warning Signs of Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Nicknamed for the fact that they come into your mouth (and your life) by the time you are finally mature and supposedly “wise”, wisdom teeth are simply molars in the far back of your mouth. Whether or not these molars cause you problems is anyone’s guess, but if you’re experiencing some specific pain in your gums and jaw, you may be wondering if you have impacted wisdom teeth. Dr. Gordon takes care of wisdom teeth from all around St. Augustine! Let us tell you more about impacted wisdom teeth and what to do if you have them. What are Impacted Wisdom Teeth? Your wisdom teeth are the third and final set of molars you’ll get. They usually come in when you are between 17 and 21 years old, though some people’s wisdom teeth won’t come until much later, or never at all. (Does that mean they never become wise? Hard to say.) As with all teeth, wisdom teeth are expected to break through the gums and become totally visible when they emerge. However, in some situations, wisdom teeth stay deep

Need a Tooth Extraction? Don’t Be Afraid!

We’ve all had a toothache at some point or another. While you should always consult your San Luis Obispo dentist, it’s not always a serious problem. Often, the issue can be fixed with a filling or a root canal. However, many San Luis Obispo residents have found themselves in a situation where the tooth is not salvageable, and the only solution is for Dr. Colleran to perform an extraction, or remove the tooth. Today, Dr. Colleran at Michael Colleran, DDS would like to talk about what you can expect from an extraction and why it’s not something to fear! Pulling Teeth isn’t like “Pulling Teeth” Anymore Just like root canals, tooth extractions have a pretty bad reputation. Many San Luis Obispo folks may refer to something difficult by saying it was, “like pulling teeth.” However, Dr. Colleran will be the first one to tell you that the technology and techniques of modern dentistry have made the process of extracting a tooth fairly simple and with minimal discomfort to the patients. As

Veneers Can Give You Back Your Smile!

Having a great smile is a privilege that everyone in Seattle should enjoy. The confidence that comes from having genuine pride in your pearly whites is irreplaceable. However, many of us struggle with imperfections in our teeth. Broken, chipped, cracked, stained, and crooked teeth can really put a damper on your smile. At A.J. Gollofon, DDS, we know how much a healthy, happy smile means to Seattle residents, so we’d like to talk about how Dr. Gollofon can help get you the smile you deserve with veneers . What are Veneers? Veneers are thin layers of composite, or dental porcelain that are placed on the surface of a tooth to correct cosmetic and functional issues. Invented in 1928 by Charles Pincus, veneers were originally intended to give movie stars perfect teeth for the silver screen. Back then, they were only temporary due to a lack of competent adhesive, but modern dental medicine has advanced to the point that veneers can last for up to 30 years, and are nearly identical to natur

The Benefits of Composite Fillings

Traditionally, dentists have used what’s known as amalgam, or special metal alloys, to fill cavities. However, modern dental medicine has advanced to the point that Dr. Berglass can offer Charlotte patients a much better option for filling holes caused by tooth decay: composite fillings. At Central Avenue Dental , we would like to educate you on the benefits of tooth-colored, composite fillings, so please let this article serve as your personal fillings fact sheet. The History of Fillings Once upon a time, the choices for dental restoration materials were limited. Records dating back as far as 659 A.D. tell us that amalgams (mixtures of silver, mercury, tin, and/or copper) have been used widely for more than 1300 years. There have been a number of scientific disputes (referred to as the amalgam war) over the health concerns of using mercury, but the American Dental Association has always defended the safety of amalgam fillings. Until recently, amalgam fillings were favored because

Replace Missing Teeth – Dentures & Dental Implants

So you’re missing a tooth—or a few! An apple a day will not take care of this one, unfortunately. It’s time to consider dentures or dental implants. A variety of personal and practical factors will determine which solution is best for your new smile. Don’t feel lost among all the pros and cons of choosing a tooth-replacement plan. Family Dental Health in Portland is an experienced practice you can trust to  help guide you on your journey from missing teeth toward a complete, natural, and healthy smile. Not your grandma’s dentures Thankfully, time and technology  have greatly improved the denture experience for our patients. Today, dentures look and feel more natural than ever before. Dentures  are a whole set of false teeth held into your gums with secure bonding glue. This can be an affordable option if you need to replace multiple teeth. For added stability, functionality, and peace of mind, dentures can also be secured with dental implants. Added security with dental implants I

Amazon’s Best Cyber Monday Deals for Dental

I dislike Cyber Monday hysteria. Personally, I like to keep a running list of “big ticket” items and then check them out on Cyber Monday. That way, I know what I’m hunting for and don’t get distracted by things I don’t need. However, this is the best time of year to invest in that electric toothbrush you’ve been considering. You’ll find great deals on electric toothbrushes today – stock up for the whole family. We’ve rounded up the best deals on Amazon today for the Oral Care section: electric toothbrushes, replacement heads, toothpaste, and kids. For some of these deals, you have to clip an instant coupon on Amazon’s site to have the deal price applied at checkout. Happy saving!   Electric Toothbrushes Oral-B Vitality Floss for $16.99 (list price $26.21) Oral-B Pro 500 for $21.95 (list price $43.99) Philips Sonicare DiamondClean Smart Electric  for $159  (list price $230) Philips Sonicare Essence for $24.95 (list price $49.99) Oral-B 6000 SmartSeries for $89.00 (list p

The Story of Caries Prevention

If we told you that your mouth is the site of a constant battle between teeth and bacteria, would you believe us? Alright, maybe it’s not that dramatic, but the fact that Gwinn teeth are always at risk of developing dental caries is no exaggeration. In case you’ve never heard about caries, Dr. Buck is going to take this opportunity to shed some light on what it is, how to stop it, and what Northern Trails Dental Care can do to help. Dental Caries, Tooth Decay, and Cavities What do dental caries and tooth decay have in common? A lot – actually, they are the exact same thing. When bacteria interact with carbohydrates as they are broken down in the mouth, they ferment and produce lactic acid, which eats away at the structures of the teeth. Considered the most prevalent chronic disease among adults and children, this condition is called dental caries, or tooth decay. Without proper care and regular dental appointments, the acid from bacteria will eat away the surface layer of the tooth,

Fluoride: Good or Bad?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the fluoridation of drinking water is ranked among the ten greatest public health achievements of 20 th century America. However, a quick search of the internet tells us that fluoride is actually toxic if ingested in large enough quantities. So which is it? Do the health benefits outweigh the negatives of fluoride in toothpaste and drinking water? We at My Dentist for Life know that Plantation folks care a great deal about their health, so we’ve put this article together to examine the facts and help you come to your own decision. As always, we are happy to answer any questions you might have, so feel free to give us a call ! Why Use Fluoride in the First Place? In order to understand the controversy, we must first to understand what led to putting fluoride in toothpaste and water. Even today, dental caries (tooth decay) is considered the most prevalent chronic disease in children and adults. With that in mind, it’s not

4 Facts about Dental Implants

Many Las Vegas residents will lose a tooth at some point in their lives, but that doesn’t mean your smile needs to suffer. There are numerous ways to fix a lost tooth , but today, Dr. Ron Wagner, Dr. Kent Wagner, Dr. Rich Cannon, Dr. Tom Lawler & Dr. Richard Nelson  would like to educate you about the best option for a healthy smile that will last a lifetime: dental implants . If you have any questions or would like to schedule a consultation , don’t hesitate to give us at Wagner Dental a call. Implants function just like real teeth If you are looking for a solution that will preserve and improve the health of your mouth, implants are the way to go. Although dentures and bridges  can help simulate the function of real teeth, they do not stimulate the jawbone. Implants are placed directly into the jawbone, just like the root of a tooth. As a result, they can put a stop to painful, damaging reabsorption, so that you never have to deal with that “sunken in” look. On top of that, imp

Relief from Dry, Chapped, & Cracked Lips

We’re no strangers to extreme temperatures and dry weather in Dubuque, and our lips are proof. Most of us experience chapped lips at some point during the year; it’s not uncommon to see lips suffering from annoying, painful cracks. Here at Dubuque Periodontics  we keep abreast of the oral health needs of Dubuque, so here are a few tips from Dr. Fili  about how to keep your lips healthy, kissable, and free to eat and drink whatever you crave! Do You Have Dry, Chapped, or Cracked Lips? Not sure? Here are some telltale signs: 1. Sensitive or painful lips 2. Smiling hurts 3. You lick your lips often 4. Your lips show clear signs of peeling or cracking 5. You bleed from the corners of your mouth 6. You have open sores or marks on your lips How to Get Rid of Cracked Lips Dry, chapped, and cracked lips can be caused by environmental factors, such as climate change, sun damage, and wind exposure. Cracked lips can also be the result of skin disorders, medication side effects, and alle

Essential Oils – The Potentially Unhealthy Ingredient in your “Healthy” Toothpaste

Without a doubt, natural alternatives to mainstream commercial toothpastes are usually a better choice for your oral health. However an all natural solution is not always what it seems. Our mouths are similar to our guts in that they house a living, breathing microbiome of bacteria. Our oral microbiomes contain both good and bad bacteria. The key to a healthy mouth, teeth, and fresh breath is finding the best balance of these bacteria. This is not accomplished by continuously and indiscriminately killing bacteria in your mouth with mouthwashes and toothpastes. Contrary to what most of us have been told for the majority of our lives, it isn’t a good idea to blast the bacteria in your mouth with products such as Listerine mouthwash, which claims to ‘kill 99% of germs.’ When you use products that kill bad bacteria, those same products can also harm good bacteria. Being the health-conscious person you are, you’d probably prefer to see ‘peppermint oil’ on a tube of toothpaste over ‘su

I’d Rather Have a Root Canal

Have you ever heard someone say, “It was worse than a root canal?” Most of us in Denver are used to hearing root canals compared to some genuinely unpleasant circumstances, but Dr. Paini would like to set the record straight and talk about how root canals can do some serious dental good. Root Canals Save Teeth Here it comes, the question on everyone’s mind – why on Earth would you want a root canal?! There is one thing all dentists in Denver and beyond will agree on – saving your natural teeth is always the best option. There are many ways that Dr. Paini can replace missing or damaged teeth , but nothing is as good as the real thing. If you have a tooth with inflamed or infected pulp, a root canal can eliminate the infection and save it. Thus, root canals are preferable to extraction. Here are some more advantages of endodontic root canal treatment: Natural appearance Efficient chewing Tolerance of normal bite force and sensation Surrounding teeth are protected from extra wear

How late are you open?

Today after lunch I made the mistake of picking up the phone ( Ida was still eating). The person on the phone wanted to know how late we were open today. Since Thanksgiving is tomorrow, and our last patient was scheduled from three to four ,I was looking forward going home.  I really didn't know what I should answer, so I asked the caller " Why are you asking?" Now normally I am more polite, but this caller hadn't identified herself or explained the reason for her question.There was a somewhat awkward pause and then the caller explained that her husband had a toothache and would like to be seen. I could see, this was a call that Ida would be much better at handling, so I put the patient on hold and asked Ida if the caller could have her husband come right over. After all, I reasoned,  if they needed a referral, it would be better to not wait until all my specialists had left for the day. The caller then told Ida that her husband was in excruciating pain and need

What is rapid maxillary expansion?

As I understand it this relatively recent development involves a combination of flap surgery and cortical cuts in the alveolus housing anterior teeth. When the flap is reflected not only is the cortical bone "scribed" to allow more freedom for orthodontic expansion, and bone grafting is added as well. The purpose of this surgery is to both make orthodontic expansion of the maxilla  more feasible and to speed up the entire orthodontic process. I watched a lot of well documented case presented at a Spear Leadership summit last year and it seems like an intriguing procedure, but it certainly is somewhat invasive than nonsurgical orthodontics, since it involves a well elevated flap surgery, multiple cuts to the bones cortex and bone grafting as well. The proponents of this procedure claim it allows relatively rapid movements of teeth into positions that were previously only possible using even more invasive orthagnathic surgical procedures. Since I saw these presentations at Sp

The Story of Caries Prevention

If we told you that your mouth is the site of a constant battle between teeth and bacteria, would you believe us? Alright, maybe it’s not that dramatic, but the fact that Lexington teeth are always at risk of developing dental caries is no exaggeration. In case you’ve never heard about caries, Dr. Brewer is going to take this opportunity to shed some light on what it is, how to stop it, and what Brewer Family Dental can do to help. Dental Caries, Tooth Decay, and Cavities What do dental caries and tooth decay have in common? A lot – actually, they are the exact same thing. When bacteria interact with carbohydrates as they are broken down in the mouth, they ferment and produce lactic acid, which eats away at the structures of the teeth. Considered the most prevalent chronic disease among adults and children, this condition is called dental caries, or tooth decay. Without proper care and regular dental appointments, the acid from bacteria will eat away the surface layer of the tooth,

Best Electric Toothbrush, A Dentist’s Review

My Pick for Best Electric Toothbrush The best electric toothbrush for most people is the Oral-B Vitality Floss Action Electric Rechargeable Toothbrush : it’s a quality, rechargeable toothbrush that removes plaque consistently using high quality bristles. The Vitality is widely available, much cheaper than its competitors, and it is the brush I use myself and will readily recommend to anyone who wants to switch to an electric toothbrush. Do You Need an Electric Toothbrush? Not everyone needs an electric toothbrush. Some people brush perfectly well with a manual toothbrush: they have the proper technique , reach all the hard-to-access spots, and use the correct motion and pressure to clean teeth without scratching the enamel. The purpose of an electric toothbrush is to move in such a way that the human hand cannot—making it easier for you. Manual and electric toothbrushes can be equally effective—ONLY IF the proper technique is used. Problem is, proper technique is hard and an electr

How many dentists does it take to change a light bulb?

How many dentists does it take to change a light bulb?......Just one but it helps if he has his favorite repairman on speed dial! Towards the middle of my day my Belmont Excalibur operatory light blinked out. Fortunately for me I mostly use my Orascoptic light, that is attached to my loupes, to help me see intraorally.   Although I have a spare bulb for my dental unit and on a good day I’m pretty handy, I thought I should wait until the end of my day to try to change the bulb. I read the instruction supplied with my Belmont unit and it seemed fairly straight forward. All went well at first... I got the cover off , I loosened the diabolical spring holding the light bulb and all I had left , according to the Belmont instructions,  was to slide the metal piece at the end of a wire attached   to the bulb out of its housing and slide a new one in.   That sounded easy, but unfortunately the instructions   left out that the metal piece was hermetically sealed by a blue   plastic hous