
Showing posts from November, 2019

The greater New York Dental Convention?

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays of the year. It reminds us to be grateful for what we have and hopefully we can spend this time with our loved friends and family. Dentists, like many other small business owners usually close the day after  but we in NY have an additional tradition; We attend our Greater  NY dental convention that is held annually at the Jacob Javits Center. It runs  every year from the Friday to Wednesday, following Thanksgiving. On Friday Through Wednesday, continuing ed classes are offered given by lecturers from all over the country. My office suite mate, Dr. Steven Moss, has spent the last year attending other meetings, scouting for potential lecturers from around the country. He informs me that this meeting has a new feature, the CE Passport . For a $595 onetime fee (or $895 for them and their entire staff), attendees are free to go to any and all lectures at the convention in 2019. As he excitedly relates: "This is a terrific deal!" , 

Adult Dentistry: It’s Never Too Late for Dental Care

Good News for Grown-Ups “Adulting” can be hard. Between rent, bills, kids, a career, and other responsibilities, it can be tough to make time for yourself. But independence, parenting, fulfilling work, and the wisdom that comes with age can be pretty fantastic, too. So how does your oral healthcare fit into a grown-up lifestyle? Blue Wave Dental serves adults from all over Walnut Creek. Read more for our tips on how to care for your oral health at this particular stage in life. Priorities : You manage a lot on any given day. Brushing your teeth and making a dental appointment may not feel like the most pressing of matters, but you know they are important in the long run—so you do it. Family Life : Many people are more motivated to take care of themselves when good habits easily fit in with family life, and others are looking to you to set a positive example. Whether you are caring for children or aging parents, preventative oral healthcare is more likely to happen when done toget

Mouthguards – Do They Really Work?

Sore jaw? Restless nights? Play sports? If any of these apply to you, you might be surprised to hear that you could use a mouthguard! Functions of Mouthguards Mouthguards are solid pieces of plastic that keep your teeth and jaw in a specific resting position. The basic function of a mouthguard is protection. Mouthguards help prevent accidental mouth injuries, ease pain from grinding your teeth, and can even help patients with trouble sleeping. They usually only cover the top row of teeth, but can sometimes be made to cover the bottom row too. You can buy a mouthguard pre-made, custom-made, or use the “boil and bite” method for something in the middle. Custom mouthguards from your Salt Lake City dentists offer the highest level of protection and the most comfortable fit, but no matter where you get your mouthguard, actually wearing it is the most important part. Types of Mouthguards All mouthguards look and function mostly the same, but they might be slightly different based on th

5 Common Dental Myths: Fact or Fiction?

When it comes to ridiculous beliefs on dental hygiene and treatment, we’ve heard just about everything. However, the most dangerous ones usually aren’t quite so over the top. Unfortunately, a number of dental myths are floating all over the world, so your San Luis Obispo dentist is here to put an end to the misinformation. Don’t feel bad if you have believed one or more of these at some point, you’re not the only one, but do make sure to give us a call at Michael Colleran, DDS if you have any questions or concerns. If your gums are bleeding, don’t brush them The idea behind this false claim is that bleeding gums need to be allowed time to heal before they should be brushed, when in fact, gums bleed because they haven’t been brushed enough! This is because bacteria buildup around and beneath the gum line has irritated the gums. If your gums are bleeding, it means you have gingivitis, or worse, advanced gum disease and you should see us right away. Sensitive teeth are a sign of ca

Are Your Teeth Safe from Coffee Stains?

First things first, put your worries away! We are not about to tell you that your coffee drinking days are over. We know that each shot of caffeine is crucial and we cherish our coffee, too! Here at Family Dental Health , we want to educate you on what causes coffee stains and what you can do to fight them. It’s no secret how Portland residents feel about their coffee, and we’re not about to get in the way of that love. However, we will help you keep your smile healthy and beautiful[LINK]  with tips that won’t drastically affect your lifestyle. Dr. Case and the rest of us at Family Dental Health are your oral health allies! So let’s start off with the basics. Why does coffee stain your teeth? Coffee is one of the biggest offenders when it comes to stained teeth, and the discoloration can be so bad it mimics cigarette stains. So what’s the secret? What can you do to keep your teeth shiny, but still get your caffeine fix? Coffee and its Active Ingredient: Caffeine It is best for y

Biofilm: The Most Important Film of the Year

Biofilm is quite literally a “film” or layer of biological matter that forms on teeth, in sink pipes, on river rocks, and more. Biofilm is made of many different things. Think of it as concrete, which contains cement as well as a slew of other materials. It’s likely you’ve been aware of biofilm on your teeth when they feel slimy or fuzzy instead of smooth and clean. The Las Vegas dentists of Wagner Dental explain more below about biofilm and the role it plays in your oral wellness. My Teeth Aren’t Cold, Why Do They Need Sweaters? It’s true; the texture of biofilm can feel like fuzzy little sweaters on your teeth. Biofilm occurs when bacteria stick to a wet environment, creating a slimy layer of microorganisms and random debris. Biofilm is a diverse and highly organized group of biological matter all webbed together. Some of the microorganisms are neutral but some are pathogenic and cause a lot of problems for your oral and overall health. This slimy layer includes multiple kinds

Top 5 Causes of Tooth Sensitivity

If you’re one of the 40 million Americans with sensitive teeth, you must be familiar with the painful zing that follows a hot drink, a bite of ice cream, or just a deep breath of cold air. These and other elements can cause a sudden discomfort if you have sensitive teeth, also called dentin hypersensitivity. Each of your teeth has an important protected layer called enamel. If your enamel gets worn down, your teeth can become more sensitive over time. Your enamel is the visible, white part of the tooth and it protects the softer, inner layers of each tooth. Receding gums can also reveal sensitive parts of the tooth that aren’t protected by enamel. If you’re living with sensitive teeth, it’s good to know what causes the pain and how to avoid it. You should also talk with your St. Augustine dentists about how to treat sensitive teeth and prevent further damage to your enamel or gums. Causes of Sensitivity Underneath your enamel is a part of the tooth called the dentin. Dentin is

Breastfeeding & Dental Work

If you’re a new mom or about to be one, you’re likely already used to putting your needs second to the needs of this beautiful new little person in your life – but maintaining good oral hygiene is still important for keeping you and your baby in tiptop shape. If something happens and you need dental work, it shouldn’t prevent you from breastfeeding regularly or from seeking the treatment you need. The Brooklyn dentists of Park Slope Dental Arts can explain how prioritizing your own health needs is safe and important during this stage of a woman’s life. Dental Procedures Safe for Breastfeeding You shouldn’t be surprised to hear that regular brushing and flossing are safe for breastfeeding mothers. In fact, it’s probably never felt more luxurious! Especially as you’re likely eating everything in sight (and perhaps indulging in sweet treats, too), it’s a good idea to keep those pearly whites as clean and healthy as possible. We know how difficult it is to take care of yourself with

It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane, It’s…Invisalign®!

If you have a crooked tooth, odd spaces between your teeth or a poor bite, you might be considering all of your orthodontic options. Orthodontics is a specialty in dentistry that realigns your bite and teeth for the best possible look and function. Did you know that our ancestors actually had naturally larger jaws? This meant they had more room in their mouths for all of their teeth to fit comfortably. But over time, due to genetic changes, human mouths are smaller than ever before. One out of every five people will have a problem with how their teeth fit and line up in their mouths! Invisalign® is one great option for the modern human who wants straighter teeth, without unsightly metal brackets and wires. If for any reason you aren’t fully comfortable with your smile, Gwinn dentist Dr. Gwendolyn Buck wants you to know your options. Read more below about orthodontics and Invisalign. Malocclusion When your mouth is closed, your top teeth should rest comfortably on top and a little

Late for an Important Date: When Baby Teeth Don’t Fall Out

Most kids lose their baby teeth—also called primary teeth—in a distinct sequence at set intervals.  Children’s baby teeth come out naturally starting around age six, becoming progressively looser as they fall out (sometimes with a little extra wiggling because the Tooth Fairy is expected to visit). Sometimes baby tooth loss doesn’t happen in the usual order, and a permanent tooth appears prior to the loss of the primary tooth, which leads to a double row of front teeth. While this is a common pediatric dental concern that should be addressed, it is no cause for alarm and rarely has long-term negative effects. When the loss of a primary tooth and subsequent eruption of a permanent tooth takes over a year longer than the anticipated date, that primary tooth is considered over-retained . Are you concerned because your child’s baby tooth isn’t falling out, or the permanent tooth hasn’t appeared yet? Palm Harbor pediatric dentist Dr. Mark Dawoud discusses over-retained baby teeth and pos

What’s Lurking in Your Saliva?

Saliva . Just the word can conjure an array of images in your imagination. From salivating at a delicious meal to studying Pavlov’s dogs to watching a baseball player spit, life is full of saliva! And that’s a good thing because saliva is very important for oral and overall health. Problems with saliva can lead to dry mouth, cavities , and bad breath. Read more below from Parrish dentist Dr. Rick Schnur to learn more about your saliva. Composition of Saliva Saliva is 98% water. It also contains electrolytes, mucus, enzymes, hormones, and antibodies. Saliva travels to all parts of your mouth via “saliva ducts.” Saliva is made in your salivary glands and the contents come from your blood. Ancient doctors believed saliva and blood were “brothers” when it comes to a person’s wellness. Because saliva is so similar to blood, research is growing on how to use saliva samples to test for diseases. Saliva samples are already used to test for HIV, but studies are finding you can also detect b

What to do when the dental laboratory doesn't follow the dentist s Rx's?

Sometimes even "good labs" don't bother to carefully read our RX's for lab work. For lay readers, who may not be familiar with dental lab prescriptions, this refers to the written instructions that we give labs in order for them to make restorations for patients. Usually I write detailed instructions and it can be frustrating when a lab doesn't follow them. This can happen for a number of reasons, including the obvious, that they don't care that much about our requests or they think they know better than the dentist sending them their work. Sometimes they actually may have a better way to create their restorations, but that doesn't excuse their failure to properly communicate this to us, prior to not following written instructions. If they feel there is a better way, they should call, email   or even text us with what they have in mind, prior to working on the restoration. Good communication is the key to good relationships and dentist or labs that f

Why does my mouth hurt when I open or close?

Although many dental patients complaints  are somewhat "tooth centric"( caused by tooth problems) , there are other causes of dental pain that are unrelated to the teeth per se.  The temporomandibular joint is a complicated structure that has multiple moving parts that when injured can cause pain on opening and closing motions. Sometimes the symptoms can stem from inflamed muscles involved with opening and closing , while others may have sustained injuries to the joint as well. Patients with damaged joints can experience many symptoms including clicking, crepidus( sound of loose particles grinding) tenderness in the soft tissue adjacent to the joint, locking of the jaw and asymmetric movement of the jaw to the side on opening and closing. The diagnosis of the exact nature of tmj injuries can be somewhat complicated. Dentists with proper training can conduct a hands on physical examination that can infer the nature of a patients injury, but  many dentists are not expert in

Bonding: A Perfect Smile is Always in Style

Whether you’ve never been thrilled with your smile, or it lacks the luster it once had, dental bonding is a multipurpose cosmetic and restorative dental procedure that can be performed on patients of all ages. Bonding has the capability to fill gaps, correct damage, and refurbish the overall structure and look of your teeth. Florida Smile Design wants every patient to feel good about their smile, but if you feel less than confident in yours, we may recommend a simple and affordable treatment called dental bonding. What is the Bonding Procedure? There are two different types of dental bonding: direct composite bonding and adhesive bonding. Adhesive bonding attaches a separate restoration to a tooth, so that type of bonding is used for veneers, bridges, crowns, inlays, and onlays . This article will focus on direct composite bonding, which is its own minimally invasive smile makeover procedure—and the one most people think of when they hear the terms “bonding” or “dental bonding.

Paying for no shows? Just say NO NO NO!

I just received an email from Zocdoc detailing their new pricing for the upcoming year. They plan on billing me for all new patients booked through their website $110 per booking. If a patient no shows they will bill us. If a patient cancels in less than 24 hrs, they will bill us, If a patient cancels their appointment more than 24 hours after booking their appointment they will bill us. I looked over the email and decided to opt out of receiving any new patients from ZocDoc this month and probably will continue not utilizing their site for new patient bookings. Zocdoc has pointed out that since I do not get many new patients booking through Zocdoc it may even cost less than the previous year, but  at the end of the day, their new policy doesn't sit well with me. I don't feel that I should have to pay for "phantom patients" , who can book and cancel or just not show up. The logic eludes me entirely. I realize that Zocdoc does quite a bit of advertising and most l

Don’t Get Kicked in the Teeth! The Importance of Mouthguards in Sports Safety

It’s no secret that Californians love sports! The folks around here work hard and play just as hard, whether it’s football, baseball, basketball, or numerous other high-impact sports that can cause harm to your family’s mouths—at least 13% of all oral injuries happen during sports activities. Walnut Creek dentist Dr. David Nisenboym wants you to know how to keep your teeth out of harm’s way and still enjoy a good game, so please read on to learn how to win big with a safe, healthy smile! It’s About More than Mouthguards We know what you’re thinking, mouthguards are the key to staying safe on the field, right? Yes, they are a big part of it, but it takes more than just a mouthguard to keep your kids from getting a chipped tooth while scoring a touchdown . Sports safety for oral health means getting the right mouthguard and wearing it the right way. After all, the best defense is a good offense! Do I Need a Mouthguard? If you or a member of your family is considering mouth protect

Oral Anatomy 101

Welcome to your mouth! A healthy mouth is necessary for a healthy life. You might be surprised how many different parts work together to make your mouth function. Read more below from Salt Lake City dentists Dr. Thomas Brickey and Dr. Laura Provine to get an in-depth look at the human mouth and how it works. Teeth The look and function of your teeth make your first impression and impact your daily life and confidence.  You’d also be lost (and very hungry) without these shining beauties. Adults have 32 teeth and babies have 20. The four different kinds of teeth you have are: Incisors in the front that bite and cut tough food like meat Canines tear food, like a big piece of bread off the loaf Premolars tear and crush food like salad greens Molars grind everything down small enough for you to swallow and digest The white, visible part of your tooth is called the crown and the invisible part under your gums is called the root. Teeth have three layers, and all three are very

Cosmetic Dentistry – A Beautiful Smile is a Powerful Thing

There is a law of nature that states: “function follows form.” This saying means that how something appears determines how it works. For example, you may own many screwdrivers of different sizes and shapes (form) to loosen all different kinds of screws (function). Think of a watering can with a long spout that’s perfect for pouring water right where you want it, versus one with a broad spout meant to cover large areas more quickly. When you think about it, this principle also applies to your smile. A mouth with missing teeth isn’t nearly as functional as a mouth with a full set of chompers. Enter: cosmetic dentistry. While the word “cosmetic” makes these treatments sound optional, many times they are necessary to improve physical function or mental and emotional well-being. Read more from San Luis Obispo dentist Dr. Michael Colleran to learn about cosmetic dentistry and the positive impact it can have on your life. Types of Cosmetic Dentistry Whitening  — an absolute favorite whe

Bad Breath: When Morning Breath Becomes Halitosis

It’s often said that a true friend will tell you if you have bad breath. Bad breath, formally known as halitosis , is embarrassing and can hold you back from truly enjoying your life and social situations. Like a good friend, Portland dentist Dr. David Case will tell it to you straight. Read more below to determine what to do about your bad breath. Is Bad Breath Normal? Yes. Sorry. But some bad breath is just unavoidable. Moderate and occasional bad breath is caused by the normal breakdown of foods for digestion. Most people don’t wake up with minty fresh breath because bacteria build up in your mouth overnight while you are sleeping. Keep normal bouts of bad breath at bay with good oral hygiene , by drinking plenty of water, and by chewing sugar-free gum containing xylitol. Lifestyle vs. Medical Causes of Bad Breath Your lifestyle or daily habits may cause you unusually bad breath. There are some things you can do every day to keep bad breath at bay: Brush your teeth twice a da

Is Natural Dentistry a Scam?

What if we told you that gum disease is linked with all sorts of other health issues such as heart disease, diabetes, pneumonia, birth defects, and chronic respiratory illness? If that were true—which it is—wouldn’t you want a dentist who doesn’t just look at your mouth, but instead looks at your whole body and health at once? That is the guiding principle behind natural dentistry. Read more below from Gordon Dental Associates to learn about natural dentistry and whether or not it’s right for you. What is Natural Dentistry? All dentists are aware of the oral-systemic link (a fancy way of saying how your oral health relates to your overall health), but different dentists and dental offices can be more or less committed to dental practices that consider your whole body. The goal of natural dentistry is to work holistically with your body’s natural functions of everyday life and healing. Natural dentistry is also called holistic dentistry or biocompatible dentistry. This means that

Destination Dentistry – Are the Savings Worth the Risk?

Ah, vacation. The sun, the sand, the… gauze in your mouth? Dental work and recovery might not be your preferred use of your precious vacation days, but some people are packing their bags and heading to exotic locations for dental work in hopes of saving money. As medical education and technology improve all around the world, destination dentistry or dental tourism is becoming an attractive option for many. Dental tourism is a kind of medical tourism and can reportedly save up to 70% of costs compared to getting dental work done in the US. Who Gets Destination Dentistry? You might have to be a little adventurous to leave your home country for something as vulnerable as dental work, but healthcare costs in the US prevent many people from getting dental work they might really need or want. Due to cheaper education, licensing, materials, and less bureaucracy in other countries, dentists abroad are able to charge a fraction of those in the US. The most common treatments for patients seeki