Connective tissue graft from the palate or allograft for root coverage procedures?

 Steven Moss, a periodontist who shares my dental office, has written this informative post on this topic.

Patients as well as dentists will sometimes ask me will I use a connective tissue graft from the palate or a dermal matrix .  How do I decide which is better? When I am deciding on which to use I keep in mind the nature and extent of recession, the health of the patient, and current level of attached gingiva tissue determines what type of graft to consider. When covering recession on multiple teeth, where more tissue is needed,  I am more likely to choose a dermal matrix.

the connective tissue graft  palatal graft involves a secondary surgical site , I can attest that after completing more than 800 of them they can heal quite uneventfully and rarely contribute to an issue of mild discomfort. The connective tissue from the palate contains  genetic information that essentially recodes the faulty muco gingival attachment and programs non elastic new gingiva to grow where there was none( or an inadequate amount ) as well as the ability to stand on its own covered or even when it is partially uncovered by an overlying flap of gingival epithelium . I have been using connective tissue from palatal host sites for root coverage procedures predictably since 1974 based on sound scientific clinical and histologic data.

Dermal matrix is wonderful too, 
but only if it can be covered 100 percent by host tissue for nutrition during the healing phase. It hasn’t been around as long and the color and texture of the new healing area may not be as natural looking as it is with host palatal connective tissue.

Both methods are sound modern and predictable techniques that need prior discussion between the patient referring doctor and periodontist.

About the author:  Steven Moss  is a Periodontist in New York City, who maintains a dental practice in  midtown Manhattan. For more information about his dental practice please visit his website at:

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