Miss Information?


A number of frontline healthcare workers are reticent about getting vaccinated to prevent a Covid 19 infection. They are full of excuses..."It's not proven to be safe"...."I don't like putting things in my body that I don't know enough about"..."They rushed out the vaccines"...etc. Frankly all of these reasons really mist the point. Healthcare workers are responsible for closely caring for vulnerable populations. 

We saw what happened in nursing homes and I suspect that many of the nursing home infections were spread by infected staff. Patients released from hospitals two weeks after having tested positive are unlikely to have been Covid spreaders.

As of now millions of people have received their vaccine and few have died. The few documented fatalities likely involved people who succumbed from other preexisting health problems. It's pretty clear that the risk to an individual and to the public from vaccinations is minuscule when compared to the risks caused by Covid infections and that is the take home message.

A reasonable analogy is someone who is afraid of flying cross country deciding  that they will drive their car instead, even though it is well documented that flying is statistically safer than driving. If you are a healthcare worker, do like the NIke ads advise and "Just Do It" for the sake of your family, your patents and your fellow healthcare workers!

from Ask Dr. Spindel - http://lspindelnycdds.blogspot.com/2021/02/miss-information.html - http://lspindelnycdds.blogspot.com/


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