Only the lonely know why I cry?

"Only the lonely know why I cry. Only the lonely know the heartaches I've been through". These lyrics are really meant to be about lost love, but they can apply to the dental profession. Most dentists spend most of their professional lives focused on dealing with a very structures in the mouth and with patients not terribly excited to be in their company. "No offense doc, but I don't like being here" is a refrain most dentists commonly hear.

Not many people on the planet know how exactly we feel.  In the U.S. there are approximately one dentist per two thousand in population.  Most of us practice either solo or in a small group with another dentist or two. Sometimes it can be lonely dealing with our practices and our patients problems. Things crop up that we may not be sure how to deal with.

Partly to enhance my continuing education efforts and partly for the camaraderie they provide, I belong to three dental Study Clubs. Last night I attended one of the two Spear Study Clubs I belong to. We met at another members office in Tribeca ( a trendy part of NYC)  to talk, eat, share problems, and participate in conversation about presentations. These usually document patients treatment and the discussion we have can help sharpen our dental skills. Also in the course of the meeting usually members can share any problems that have cropped up in their practice. Sometimes a member may ask for advice about treatment planning a case and other times they may want to discuss a problem of another nature (such as buying a practice, discussing their associateships or staffing needs). Our members, in total,  have accumulated hundreds of years of dental experience and one of our members is likely to provide some helpful input, regardless of what type of problem is brought up.

We have three associated Spear Study Club chapters and Now is the time that our clubs renew. Accordingly, we are seeking a few new members for the upcoming year. If you are a dentist and are interested please contact me via my email: I will be happy to invite you as my guest to an upcoming meeting so you can experience what it's like attending one of our meetings. Most of our guests have reported enjoying the experience , so if you have been thinking about joining a club, why not contact me at the email address above since you have nothing to lose accept possibly your loneliness.

from Ask Dr. Spindel - -


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