Seven dental reasons for you to stoping smoking?

Ok, so Lauren Becall looks cool in this picture, but by now we all know that smoking is bad and likely to shorten a smokers life span. There have been plenty of articles on this subject. That being the case what are the "dental" reasons to stop a smoking habit?

1. Whiter teeth; smokers often experience a yellowing of their teeth caused by smoking. This usually is not just from surface stain but can also seem to seep deep inside and cause additional yellowing

2. Smoking can cause black stains to accumulate on teeth and also can cause black stains around the margins of bonded teeth

3. Smokers seem to have higher levels of alveolar bone loss than non smokers. Often this can cause their gingiva papillary areas to recede and many smokers exhibit "black triangles" apical to their teeth's contact areas.

4. Smokers have been shown to have higher rates of oral and pharyngeal cancers .

5. Smokers often exhibit smoker's breath, not a pleasant odor!

6 . Smokers experience more tooth loss than non smokers.

7. When there is a need to replace lost teeth, smokers have a greater number of problems after implant placements, probably due to their  compromised osseous vascularity.

I could go on and list more oral problems associated with smoking, but I believe the reader will get the gist; that smoking is bad not only for your overall health but also negatively affects the health of your mouth, as well as the look of your smile. If you are reading this post and are a smoker, why not consider quitting. Your mouth and your dental team will be happy that you did!

from Ask Dr. Spindel - -


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