Covd, Covid,Covid and the holidays?

So... it truly  feels a lot like we are in prison. I am lucky enough or unlucky enough (denpending on one's point of view) to be let out for"work release" every day Monday- Thursday. I get to leave my appartment every day, travel to work and go home at the end of the day on public transportation wearing triple masks (N95, surgical type two and black Coppermask to cover up the other two masks).

So far so good, apparently My staff and I have remained Covid free even though our office has been open and increasingly busy since June 8th. It could be a lot worse, since we are not incarcerated in an actual jail and  choosing wisely to remain safe, and somewhat isolated, until things are more sorted out. 

This is sensible, since our goal is to put off getting this virus for as long as possible. The longer we delay getting it the better. Treatments are continuously improving  and multiple seemingly effective vaccines are about to be released. It  Now that the holidays are approaching celebrating in person with friends and family seems a very bad idea. That being said, it seems like "magical thinking " is also on the rise.  People are planning on  entertaining at home in small groups or dinning out in restaurants and want to believe this is safe. It probably is not without risk, since masks will probably not be worn and all attendees will be indoors sharing the communal air. If only one of the attendees is asymptomatic and contagious it could be a bid problem for all.

It is a sad fact that for the time being,  normal life is not entirely possible. Many businesses will fail, especially those whose success depends on cramming large numbers of people in small poorly ventilated in door spaces. Dinning and drinking require taking off masks and willingly exposing our selves and others to what ever viral particles lurk in the air.

Are we really all that spoiled that we can't serve our time and survive our 2020 isolation? As little orphan Annie informs us "The sun will come out ... tomorrow ( or sometime next year god willing) and we will have a return to normalcy, but for now its time for caution and wearing the best masks we can buy to protect our selves, our love ones and the rest of our communities. It's selfish and stupid not  to!

from Ask Dr. Spindel - -


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