Will the Gap in My Child’s Teeth Ever Close?

Diastema is the medical name for a space or gap between two teeth. While the most commonly gapped teeth are the two at upper front and center, a gap can occur between any two teeth. There are many potential causes for gapped teeth, including:

  • Teeth that are too small for the jawbone
  • Teeth that are missing or undersized
  • An oversized labial frenum (the piece of tissue that connects the inside of the upper lip to the gum just above the two front teeth)
  • Thumb sucking
  • Bone loss from gum disease

When children still have baby teeth, Coastal Pediatric Dentistry® recommends waiting it out until their permanent teeth come in. But what if the gap is in their permanent teeth? Will the space ever close? In the case of a size mismatch between permanent teeth and jaw size, the bad news is that the gap is likely there to stay without orthodontics. Gaps caused by gum disease will expand over time, so consistent oral hygiene is the best method to prevent those spaces from widening.

Other situations where gapped teeth occur may require restorative dentistry or frenectomy procedures. If you are concerned about a gap in your child’s teeth, contact your Bolivia pediatric dentists and schedule a consultation today.

The content of this blog is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of qualified health providers with questions you may have regarding medical conditions.

The post Will the Gap in My Child’s Teeth Ever Close? appeared first on Coastal Pediatric Dentistry.

from Coastal Pediatric Dentistry https://ccfdkids.com/will-the-gap-in-my-childs-teeth-ever-close/
Coastal Pediatric Dentistry
3071 Southport Supply Road, Hwy 211, Suite #1
Bolivia, NC 28422
(910) 444-2368


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