CBD Oil For Dental Anxiety: Use This Natural Method to Stop Anxiety Fast

Are you afraid to go to the dentist? You’re not alone. One out of every four people has dental anxiety. Dental phobia is more common than a phobia of heights! (1CBD Oil for dental anxiety is an excellent solution. Science and user reports agree: taking CBD reduces anxiety. (Plus, it’s great for your dental health in other ways!)

My patients benefit from a dose of CBD right before dental procedures. But there’s a lot of misinformation out there around hemp and CBD oil benefits.

I have good news for you.

I’m going to explain how to use CBD oil for anxiety to calm dental fears but also for pain, inflammation, better sleep, and even faster healing after dental procedures

What is CBD oil?

CBD, or cannabidiol, is one of the two major compounds found in cannabis and hemp plants. THC is the major compound in cannabis that causes the “high” of marijuana. On the other hand, CBD is non-psychoactive, which means it doesn’t cause a “high.”

It can help with mental function, though. That’s why many people take CBD oil for anxiety and depression.

Testing cannabidiol is pretty complicated for scientists because of legal roadblocks. Even so, there are some exciting studies on what CBD can do—and the results are astounding.

Taking CBD oil for anxiety can also help with inflammation, pain, neurological issues, and more. (2)

CBD is an oil extract, but it’s not strongly antibacterial like most essential oil products. That’s why I love it! (Killing all the bacteria in your mouth might sound like a good idea, but it’s not. You can wreck your oral microbiome that way, which will lead to more oral and dental woes down the road.)

Besides relieving “going to the dentist anxiety,” I suggest my patients use CBD oil for pain, which is often caused by inflammation from dental work. CBD is one of the most powerful anti-inflammatory compounds in the world and generally causes zero side effects. You can’t say that about any medication prescribed for pain!

You might see CBD oil labeled “hemp oil.” It’s available in several forms like capsules, sprays, and oil extracts.

6 CBD Oil Benefits For Better Dental and Oral Health

You might want to try CBD oil if you have:

  • Symptoms of anxiety about dental procedures or visits (even dental phobia)
  • Poor sleep quality
  • Chronic dental/oral pain
  • Teeth sensitivity to hot and cold
  • Digestive problems after using anesthesia or numbing agents
  • Receding gums
  • Gum disease (periodontitis, gingivitis, etc.)

Let’s look at some of the benefits of CBD for dental anxiety and other conditions related to the health of your mouth and teeth.

1. Take CBD Oil for Anxiety to Reduce Fear at the Dentist

Does CBD relieve anxiety?

Several studies have found that both CBD oil and full cannabis help reduce anxiety. (3, 4, 5, 6)

Statistics tell us many people are scared of the dentist. That’s why CBD for dental anxiety has become my go-to remedy. I’ve seen the improvements my patients experience after taking CBD for dental anxiety.

If you’re wondering how to deal with dental anxiety, CBD may benefit you.


For adult patients: Take 1.5 milligrams of CBD oil in capsule form for every 10 pounds you weigh the night before a procedure. Repeat the same amount the morning of your procedure. Most people will take between 15-30 milligrams.

For children: take between 8-10 drops of CBD oil in spray form the morning of the procedure.

CBD Oil Dosage for Anxiety at the Dentist:
For adult patients: Take 1.5 milligrams of CBD oil in capsule form for every 10 pounds you weigh the night before a procedure. Repeat the same amount the morning of your procedure. Most people will take between 15-30 milligrams.
For children: take between 8-10 drops of CBD oil in spray form the morning of the procedure.

2. CBD Improves Sleep Quality

Several studies show CBD oil might help you sleep better. (7)

If you’re getting eight hours of sleep a lot but your sleep ability sucks, your body is aging faster than it should. Bad sleep ability equals more disease, worse immunity, and a lot of other nasty stuff.

But what does that have to do with your oral and dental health?

It turns out… a lot.

One of the ways poor sleep causes problems in the mouth is by interrupted breathing. You can mouth tape for better sleep, which can help you avoid mouth breathing. Yet, many of us actually sleep with our mouths wide open—a major cause of cavities and a red flag for sleep apnea. You might also notice your teeth look yellower over time, a result of fast-aging teeth.

Try using CBD oil under the tongue or in tablets before bed. Not only will you sleep more soundly, you can also cut down on cavities, gum disease, and teeth discoloration. If you’re not sure you sleep well, try using a home sleep test app to find out.

3. CBD Relieves Pain

Do you struggle with chronic tooth pain? If you’re overly sensitive to hot and cold or find yourself massaging aching jaws, give CBD a try.

To be clear: Pain in your teeth and mouth may equal the need for a trip to the dentist. But does CBD help with tooth pain for people who just have more sensitive teeth? It does!

Although THC is the compound most people associate with pain relief, CBD calms certain pain receptors, too. CBD is great for pain, in part, because it reduces inflammation. (7)

I like to recommend patients take CBD oil for pain while recovering from dental work or surgery. Many medications prescribed as treatment options after major dental work are extremely addictive and come with a long list of side effects. Especially for manageable pain, it’s not always worth the risk.

Instead, take CBD oil! It’s one of the safest ways to effectively treat pain after you’ve been to the dentist.

4. CBD Minimizes Tummy Troubles

Nausea is a common issue immediately following dental work, particularly if you need anesthesia. Taking CBD can reduce nausea and prevent some vomiting. (8)

If you’re receiving anesthesia, like for wisdom tooth removal, take CBD oil in capsules or under your tongue beforehand. It shouldn’t interact with anything you’re given to be put under.

5. CBD Might Help Heal Gum Disease

The research here is limited, but CBD oil may help your gums stay healthy.

It’s only been tested in animals so far, but during periodontitis, CBD prevents severe inflammation and some bone loss. (9) Add CBD oil to your daily dental routine if you struggle with inflamed or receding gums.

6. Other Benefits of CBD

The mouth is a mirror of what’s happening in the rest of your body. For example, people with diabetes have a much higher risk for gum disease. (10) That’s just one way the health of your mouth and teeth are connected.

Since that’s true, it’s valuable to know what else CBD may be able to do for your health.

CBD has shown promise for treating or improving symptoms of:

  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Diabetes (11)
  • Epilepsy
  • Schizophrenia (2)
  • Cancer (12)
  • Huntington’s disease
  • Colitis
  • Heart disease (13)

Types of CBD You Can Try

There are five basic forms of CBD, with the first three being most common: (14)

  • CBD oil
  • CBD isolate
  • CBD wax
  • CBD crystals
  • CBD e-liquids (for vape pens)

Some of these are included in various types of tinctures, gels, capsules, or creams.

Depending on how you take it, CBD is bioavailable at various levels. Bioavailability means how effectively and for how long your body can use a particular substance.

With ingestion, you may not experience the effects of CBD for dental anxiety for a few hours. You can use spray or put the oil directly under your tongue (holding for about 30 seconds) for much quicker absorption. This CBD oil gets into the bloodstream via your mucous membranes.

CBD wax and isolate are extremely concentrated forms of CBD, typically used by people in heavy chronic pain. Various methods of using CBD isolate or wax is thought to give a quicker result.

I prefer CBD oil, as it’s easier to find a reputable brand and it’s such a versatile form of the product. To ingest it, put 15-30 milligrams in an empty supplement capsule or buy pre-capsuled CBD oil.

Some companies have begun to produce CBD water, gum, or toothpaste. There’s very little research here, but they may be other helpful ways to use CBD for dental anxiety. One company created a mouthwash with CBD which may help reduce inflammation in the mouth.

How to Choose the Right CBD Oil for Anxiety

With so many options, it can get overwhelming to pick the right CBD for dental anxiety. Make sure to do your research before buying CBD.

Not sure what to ask? Here are some of the questions I like to ask a vendor about my CBD oil:

  • Is your product made from 100% USDA-certified organic hemp? I only buy CBD from organic hemp. That way, you don’t risk unnecessary exposure to pesticides.
  • Who produces your CBD product? Reputable sellers should be able to provide the names of their CBD manufacturers.
  • How much of this product is actually CBD? Avoid fillers. Make sure you get something that is 100% CBD. Some brands add a tiny amount of peppermint extract or other flavors, but that should barely dilute the CBD. You don’t want to get a CBD oil with other essential oils in it or diluted with carrier oils.
  • Who performs your third-party testing? This is a key question to ask. Because supplements can be produced by any company, there are shoddy products on the market. Ask for the name of the third-party testing company and do a quick web search to verify it’s an authentic testing facility.
  • What dosage do you recommend? This will vary by product. However, I like to use a product that lists exactly how much CBD oil I should be using. That shows me they’re confident in the amount of CBD in the product and its potency.
  • Is your hemp grown in the United States? Sourcing matters with CBD oil. You might pay extra for a US-grown variety, but the standards of American growers tend to be higher (or at least more transparent) than elsewhere.

Any type of natural product carries risks, as the supplement industry isn’t as tightly regulated as medications and food. Be cautious as you purchase CBD products.

I also like to find good user reviews. Seeing many people happy with their results helps me know I’m getting something that works.

How to Deal With Dental Anxiety

I understand that many people avoid the dentist because of anxiety and fear. Using CBD for dental anxiety is one great way to reduce this burden, but there are a few other options you can try.

First, go to the dentist regularly. The longer you go between cleanings, the more creative your mind can get about what might happen. Keeping yourself accountable to keep up with visits will desensitize you from anxiety about the dentist.

Make sure you floss at home. Many of my patients have fear of pain from flossing. If you floss at home on a normal basis, you’ll discover the pain is negligible! I tell patients who haven’t been to the dentist in awhile to floss at least one tooth before they come in to get used to the sensation.

Choose the right dentist for you. Feel free to ask as many questions as you need and don’t let anyone bully you. You have the right to any second opinions or dentist transfers you want. If your dentist makes you feel guilty or anxious, it’s probably time to look elsewhere.

When I have a patient with dental anxiety, I practice compassion, communication, and distraction.

A good dentist should be gentle and compassionate in response to your fear. S/he will give you details about what’s happening and answer any questions you ask with helpful answers. Your dentist should also know how to distract you from the major cause of your fear and draw your focus to something to keep you calm.

If you struggle with full dental phobia, you may want to pick a dentist who uses therapy dogs. This can be something that makes you want to go back to the dentist!

Caution For Using CBD for Dental Anxiety

Limited available research suggests that CBD causes little to no side effects. THC, the psychoactive compound in cannabis, does come with some dangers. However, using products very low in THC and high in CBD aren’t known to be dangerous.

The states who have “officially” legalized CBD all approve its use for people of any age. (15) High-quality CBD oil is safe for both children and adults.

Some sources claim that cannabidiol (CBD) is a form of cannabis and is, therefore, a “Schedule I” drug. However, the Agricultural Act of 2014 protects farmers, manufacturers, and sellers in the US to grow and distribute hemp products, including CBD, to the public. It is 100% legal to buy or sell CBD oil from hemp in any state in the US, regardless of state laws regarding cannabis.

As with any substance, there is a small chance you could be allergic to CBD. Try a patch test on your skin: Put one or two drops of CBD oil on the skin of your upper thigh, then wait 24 hours. After a day has passed, check for raised bumps or other signs of allergic reaction. Doing this before you use CBD oil for anxiety for the first time ensures that you don’t have this (extremely rare) allergy.

The Bottom Line: CBD for dental anxiety works.

Finally, there’s a natural solution to the question: “How can I calm my anxiety before going to the dentist?”

CBD oil for anxiety is an amazing way to help reduce fear before a dental procedure. It’s safe for kids and adults and is associated with no known side effects.

In addition, CBD may help keep your tummy calm after undergoing anesthesia. It also improves sleep quality, which is important for good dental and oral health. CBD is a major anti-inflammatory and is great for many types of pain, both acute and chronic.

When looking for CBD oil, search for a product that is 100% CBD with no fillers. Purchase only organically sourced products, grown in the USA, accompanied by third-party testing certifications.

What is your favorite use for CBD?

read next: 6 Ways to Ease Your Child’s Dental Anxiety

The post CBD Oil For Dental Anxiety: Use This Natural Method to Stop Anxiety Fast appeared first on Ask the Dentist.

from Ask the Dentist https://askthedentist.com/cbd-oil-dental-anxiety/


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