Your Top 3 Questions about Dental Botox Answered

Many people are familiar with Botox when it comes to cosmetic facial treatments to reduce wrinkles and fine lines. It’s one of the most popular procedures in the aesthetic field. However, many dentists are now starting to offer this treatment in their dental offices as well. Its muscle-relaxing properties are known to help support many dental conditions and treatments already offered at your local dentist’s office.

Read on to learn more about Botox, and to get answers to some of the most common questions asked about this popular dental procedure.

All You Need to Know about Botox for Dental Treatments

Botulinum toxin, or Botox, is an injection that comes from a neurotoxic protein. Although many people know it for its cosmetic use, it’s also being used more and more for therapeutic purposes. It can support dentists in both oral and maxillofacial procedures.

Botox injections inhibit the release of acetylcholine. When injected into the muscle, Botox attaches to nerve endings and blocks the transmission of nerve signals that cause muscle contractions. It affects only the motor neurons; when the muscle cannot contract, the motion that wrinkles the skin will also stop. Thus, the skin smooths out, and any muscle tension can be relieved.

This injection can help patients by reducing the intensity of muscle contractions or eliminating them altogether by causing temporary muscle paralysis. Dentists are using this procedure more and more to support patients who experience symptoms that cause them pain and tension in the face and jaw.

1. How long does Botox last?

When you visit your dentist for a Botox treatment, he or she will create a regular treatment plan to maintain your results. Depending on the severity of your condition, your dentist will recommend a certain dosage and how often to come back for touch-up treatments. Botox injections can last around three to six months, depending on your dosage.

Over time, muscle action will return to the face, so it is recommended for patients to return to their specialists to continue regular treatment.

How fast will I notice the results of Botox?

Depending on the location and the size of the muscle that received an injection, you may begin to see results within a few days to two weeks.

2. Why do dentists administer Botox?

The reason why dentists should administer Botox vary from patient to patient. Dentists may recommend Botox treatments to a patient who is experiencing certain pain or tension in the maxillofacial muscles. It is often a great option when other treatments do not work to relieve pain and muscle tension in the face and jaw, or when a patient is looking for a minimally invasive treatment option for their discomfort.

Botox injections can help treat conditions that cause face and jaw pain like bruxism and TMD, or other general symptoms of teeth grinding and clenching. It can also help dental patients who are experiencing trouble with new dentures by relaxing the muscles and helping them keep the prosthetic in their mouth. Orthodontic patients can also benefit from Botox, as it can help retrain the facial muscles during or after teeth alignment procedures.

Why should I go to the dentist for Botox?

Dentists are specialists in the oral and maxillofacial area, meaning they are knowledgeable about the location and structure of the nerve endings and muscles in a patient’s face. Because they are already familiar with this anatomy, they can better plan treatment with Botox. Our dentists Dr. Barry and Dr. Love are not only talented and experienced dentists, but they are also certified Botox doctors. This means they completed special training to learn how to administer Botox treatment properly and safely to support your oral health.

3. What are some benefits of Botox?

Botox injections can be a great option when other treatments have failed to resolve your issue. They work to relieve the muscle tension associated with clenching the teeth and the symptoms that come with it (headache, earache, and general pain in the face).

Botox is a minimally invasive procedure, so it’s great for patients who do not want to undergo more serious treatments like surgery.

This procedure can also help support other dental treatments. Many dentists utilize Botox in conjunction with other treatments when patients are experiencing muscle tension and muscle spasms. It can be paired with orthodontic or prosthodontic treatments, as well as used for patients experiencing TMD or bruxism.

Botox is not only great for its cosmetic uses, but it is growing more and more common as a useful therapeutic treatment.

Learn More about How Botox Can Support Your Dental Treatments

Are you curious about Botox and how you can benefit from it in your next dental treatment? Contact our certified Botox doctors today to learn more. We can answer more of your questions and help you develop a treatment plan to get the smile of your dreams.

The post Your Top 3 Questions about Dental Botox Answered appeared first on Lifetime Dental Health.

from Lifetime Dental Health


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