Living the dream?

Most of us have seen those advertisements for financial planners showing how people have scrimped,  saved and invested wisely so that when they achieve retirement age they will be able to fulfill their  dreams. I especially like the television commercial showing a couple happily bathing and cleaning an elephant in Africa.  After returning home it shows them speaking  with their financial planners, who  explains that they have saved enough to go back to African every year and help the elephants!

Now I do not know how  this couple managed to save enough  to fund their dreams but  some fortunate people, when retired, may feel the urge to "give back". This aspiration is clearly demonstrated by some of the  foundations that are set up . (  Gates foundation is a good current example). Some clearly have had careers where making money was the primary motivation and now look forward to giving back or doing some good for mankind.

I don't currently plan on retiring with a pot of gold but I feel like I am still living a fulfilling professional life and I don't have a dream for my retirement. Probably that's because I am living the dream right now.  I am teaching at the dental school part time, participating in a number of  study clubs and maintaining my private dental practice. All of my work activities involve helping others and though I may not have amassed enough money to start my own foundation or even fund a "high style" retirement life, I have no regrets. I find my work still satisfying and I love interacting with my students, my peers and my patients. Life in the slow lane currently does not sound appealing and every day I spend working I know I am helping others in a concrete and meaningful way.

from Ask Dr. Spindel - -


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