The struggle is real?

I grew up raised by parents who told me I could do anything I set my mind to. For the most part what they taught me was more or less true, but high achievement isn't usually achieved without struggle and hard work. Doing things the easy way, may work well most of the times, but sometimes situations require extra effort and thought. Making the "impossible" possible in dentistry can involve complicated multidisciplinary treatment plans that are not easily accomplished. These patients treatments are not "low fruit", easy for the picking, but actually involve some unknowns, that make the dental journey that the patient will travel through, an adventure for both the dentist and the patient.

Some patients who desire an esthetic make over can be satisfied with a simple treatment plan involving one modality of treatment (bonding, veneers or Invisalign orthodontic movement for example. In these cases one practitioner can accomplish the entire treatment using just by implementing one of the tools in his or her tool kit. Sometimes a "hammer" (restorative restorations) is all that is needed, but sometimes we need to use a wrench (orthodontist) and a screwdriver (periodontist or oral surgeon) as well. Sometimes we even need to call in our plumber (endodontist) as well!

Some patients may entail more complicated  treatments. Patients mouths may present with multiple problems. Their teeth and bone may be in the wrong place to restore both functionally and esthetically. Dentists confronting these mouths often scratch their heads and then if they are not in the mood to "climb the dental version of Mount Everest" refer the patient out or come up with a simpler treatment plan that may not look or work as well, but is easier to achieve.

While the majority of my work involves simple single tooth restorations, occasionally I do enjoy a challenge, especially when it involves a long standing patient of mine. I feel that I owe them the best support I can offer and if it involves a lengthy dental journey together I am in for the duration. When done properly, these cases can make a big change in the life of my patient and are so satisfying to take part in. After all, in dentistry, helping others provides a great part of our satisfaction.  Afterwards ,whenever I see the patient during a recall appointment, I am often filled with pride that I was able, through my skill and efforts, to  achieve their excellent and lasting result.

from Ask Dr. Spindel - -


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