The Tooth shall set you free?

I don't know if everyone is this way, but I suspect they are. When I have a problem and don't take care of it, it weighs on me, until I resolve it. The other day, I got the eye exam I needed in order to renew my NY state driver's license online. I had been putting it off because I didn't want to take time off from work to schedule my appointment. One day, when I had a few cancellations I found an eye doctor who could see me and afterwards I was able to finally renew my driver's license.

I get the same feeling when I don't take care of one of my own tooth problems. A while ago I chipped the edges of one of my lower anterior teeth on the lingual. Afterwards although it didn't show but every time my tongue touched the tooth I felt its roughness. I was apprehensive about having my dentist fix this small chip. I wasn't sure he would fix it the way I wanted it done and I even thought about fixing it my self using mirrors (Yes, dentists can be obsessive even about our own teeth).

At some point this year, I found the time to go see my dentist. I repeated the Nike montre to myself "Just do it!" and went. Of course my dentist, Dr. Bradley Cutler.  a fantastic dentist, made short work of repairing two small chips on my lower anterior teeth, and ever since I feel that a weight has been removed from my shoulders.

This feeling and it's resolution is explained by a phenomenon that my mother ( a self proclaimed very smart woman) came up with. She had a scatological term for it that I will not repeat, but I will instead paraphrase it... When you have something that is causing you pain and then fix it, you feel great! This is true in life, since happiness is not a steady state but instead is relative. We get happy when our situation improves!

So this is especially true with our teeth since when they are not right it clearly bothers us and when they are fixed our mood improves and we feel better like a weight has been removed from our psyche. So if you have a tooth problem, stop waiting and have it fixed since the (fixed) tooth will truly set you free!

from Ask Dr. Spindel - -


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