What are five elements for successfully writing a dental blog post?
I find that writing a blog comes easier when I write about a subject I know. There is less research involved. The subject matter should be of interest not only to myself but to my potential readers. For a dental blog aimed at lay people the subject matter that is of interest to them is about our procedures. My most well read posts are about root canals and problems associated with them. Evidently there are a lot of people who are concerned about root canals and whether they work. That being the case I have over 800 posts so far and I personally am a little burnt out on writing about dental procedures and have of late branched out to more personal subject matters. That being said let me give a potential dental blog writer some of my insider tips.
1) Choose a good tittle, preferably one that will tempt people to click on your blog post.
2) Add a picture or video to your blog since internet views are more likely to click on blogs with visual content.
3) I usually write and edit my blog over a period of several days. My first draft just gets my thoughts on "paper" but it almost always requires editing to improve it's grammar and readability. I almost always show a close to finished draft to some "test readers" to get their thoughts. Some posts don't make the final cut because my readers think my subject matter is not up to snuff . I believe it is a great idea to solicit feed back from a sample group of close friends before publishing my blog post since once a blog is posted it can't be taken back. If you are a neophyte blogger, have someone edit your copy for grammar and readability.
4) People do not like reading overly long blog posts and I try to keep my posts 300-500 words long. If I need more space I will consider a follow up post.
5)Try to stay positive and avoid rants. It is not unusual for something to happen that upsets me and I try to avoid writing a post while I am still upset. My posts come out better when I am over any initial upset, but instead can publish a rational and balanced post.
Of course there are many other elements that can be added to make a successful post, but these five are "secret sauce" for Ask Dr Spindel.
from Ask Dr. Spindel - http://lspindelnycdds.blogspot.com/2017/10/what-are-five-elements-for-successfully.html - http://lspindelnycdds.blogspot.com/
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