Do N95 masks protect adequately against Covid Omnicron?

 I have been using N95s since June of 2020 and have treated numerous unmasked patients while in my office and at NYU College of Dentistry. Actually I "double mask" using a type II or type III surgical mask as an outer covering. The second mask keeps my N95 from getting overly soiled and allows me to get multiple uses out of each N-95 mask. The masks I wear are "genuine" and not counterfeits. The have a NIOSH label and actual numbers stamped on the masks. These masks are either given to m by the dental school or purchased in batches from Schein dental.

For most of this time I have taken the subway home from work and lately the trains are getting more crowded. Invariably there are multiple riders either not wearing a mask or wearing one improperly (often they are seated next to me). To the best of my knowledge, I have not contracted Covid. My conclusion is that N95's offer significant protection from Covid, including the Omnicron varient.

We have been giving out N95 masks in our dental goody bags that patients receive after their teeth are  cleaned. If they desire we give them on lesson on how to don and wear their new gift mask as well. While most of the patients are pleased a surprising number report that they don't like wearing the N95 masks. Usually we discuss the benefits of wearing them while on public transportation and shopping in stores. 

I explain that these may take some getting used to but will tend to keep them safe while they are out and about.  Hopefully my patients will benefit from wearing these masks and at least for a while avoid getting a breakthrough case of Covid. Even if Covid is here to stay, it seems prudent to avoid getting it for now, since some of the medicines that can be utilized in treating patients are in short supply and hospitals still have their hands full dealing with new Omnicron infections.

from Ask Dr. Spindel - -


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