Here Comes the Sun!

Just today the NY Times quoted a study that showed that "The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are 94 percent effective at preventing hospitalization in older adults".

 Many of my patients are over 50 and most  are vaccinated.  More and more they are returning for their delayed dental care.  People are living longer and many expect to live past 80 years of age. Jane Brody published an article in today's Tmes that  maintains that the "secret to a happy and vibrant life is to strive to do what you love for as long as you can". Since taking care of  teeth has been demonstrated repeatedly to improve ones health and quality of life, neglecting your teeth seems like a poor choice.

 My office is located on 40th st between Madison and Park in a neighborhood that is sometimes called Murray Hill and sometimes Midtown East .  Things in the neighborhood are definitely picking up.  The foot traffic in our neighborhood seems to be increasing with each week and every since the CDC changed it's mask recommendations I have noticed more people going maskless while outside. I have even noticed a smattering of tourists looking at their maps.

Now that things are getting back to normal, why not visit your dentist for a check up and a cleaning. Most dental offices have been open for many months now and have established appropriate measures for delivering dental care safely even in the midst of our pandemic. 

If you want to book an appointment with us feel free to use our online appointment button that is on the home page ofoour office website: .  We'll be happy to see you and why not start the summer with a cleaning and the better smile that it can help maintain.

from Ask Dr. Spindel - -


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