Fees for Teledentistry?

While some dentists are billing for  Teledentistry, I think charging patients for "virtual appointments"  sends a negative message. Yes,  we should be available for phone, Facetime or Zoom consultations with our patients . In my opinion, It's better for dentists to step up to the plate and show real concern for patients and it will be interpreted as truly sincere  if we are not billing them for their remote consultation.

Let's face it, the fees generated by assessing fees for these consultations will not make much of a difference in the bottom line for dental practices but it ay send a negative message to patients unable to receive actual on site treatment due to our offices closure. Billing them for on line consultations is "rubbing salt into the wound".  This is the time to show genuine empathy and concern. Billing our patients for taking their calls undercuts  this goal and don't kid yourself, patients will remember how we their dentist respond to their emergencies.

While we can justify not seeing our patients for all but the most significant emergencies, we shouldn't charge them for our remote evaluations. After all these are the times that "try mens souls" and how we behave during times of crises may effect whether our patients choose to remain in our practices when things get back the "new normal".

from Ask Dr. Spindel - http://lspindelnycdds.blogspot.com/2020/05/fees-for-teledentistry.html - http://lspindelnycdds.blogspot.com/


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