Corona Virus arrives in New York?

Corona virus has come to NYC. Last week we had  a couple of cases officially diagnosed and many more have been found since. Somewhat understandably, things are "calming down". The subway cars seem less crowded when I do my morning commute from Queens and my dental office phones seem eerily quiet.

While I haven't  see many people wearing masks on trains or in the streets,  New Yorkers are clearly practicing some social distancing but New Yorkers are a tough bunch and so far they are trudging to work. I  take the subway every day and I personally choose to board less crowded subway trains. I often choose a local subway train that originates at my Forest Hills stop , instead of faster, but more crowded express trains that travel from Queens to Manhattan. Once I get to my office I wash my hands well and continue to do so between every patient I see.

Last Friday I supervised students in the clinic at NYU College of dentistry and things were more or less normal with the exception that we were rationing masks. We had a full complement of faculty present and patient care continued without any interruption.

 Governor Cuomo has declared a state of emergency in New York and I expect that he will surely offer further  recommendations as things develop. He explained that at the moment containment is our strategy. Limit the spread of the virus. He advises New Yorkers to avoid large gathering. Essentially  he is advocating social distancing and increased testing of people with symptoms and those exposed to those diagnosed with Corona. He recommends that sick people stay home ( whether they have been tested or not). He recommends that subway riders choose trains that are not over crowded.   Furthermore he advised  workers who are able, to work from home.

He explained that for most people getting the Corona virus is survivable. Most  will recover from this virus. The most vulnerable portion of the the population are senior citizens or those who are immune compromised. They are at an increased risk of more serious illness and have a much higher fatality rate.

from Ask Dr. Spindel - -


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