Coke bottle mouth?

Two weeks ago I examined a new patient, a 23 year old young man, who has buccal (towards the cheek) decay on most of his teeth. He has the dubious distinction of having more cavities than anyone I have ever examined. This week when I was filling one of his teeth he confessed that not only is he a coke drinker, but he sometimes falls asleep while sipping on a coke bottle.

Although I find this somewhat hard to understand ,t it does partially explain his rampant decay because it is well documented that "coke swishers" have high amounts of decay, especially when they have poor tooth brushing technique.

My new patient is very cooperative and I have asked him to purchase an oral b electric toothbrush and use it regularly. I plan on seeing him once or twice a week until we can restore all his decayed teeth. So far he has been a model patient and I am hopeful that we will be able to get his situation under control, especially if he stops drinking so much soda!

from Ask Dr. Spindel - -


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