How to improve a patient's homecare?

This is something we attempt to do often in our dental practice. Our efforts start with a tour of the mouth. We give a patient a magnifying mirror and show them their gums, bleeding points after perioprobing, and non disclosed plaque. I usually "harvest the interproximal plaque using floss and then show them the creamy plaque that is on the previously clean floss. Then I explain that the film on the floss comprised of millions of bacteria. If possible, using a perio probe I gently insert it into the area where the plaque was harvested.  My patient contiues to watch with their mirror and can see the bleeding coming from the recently probed gingiva.

Basically my hygienist or myself are trying to make the consequences of their poor plaque control real to them. This is what hopefully will motivate them to do better. Afterwards I discuss toothbrushing and if they are not using a good type of electric toothbrush, I show them an inexpensive model that they can purchase (Oral B Vitality retails for about $20.00). and highly encourage them to use it.

Then we discuss what sort of cleaning between teeth would be best for them. This is really a discussion and they have a few options  that may work( floss, proxabrush, stimudents, Periopic, etc). We have some samples and have them try a couple to see what they like best. I really do not care which they use, as long as it is properly used on a regular basis (daily).  After this session I ask them to bring their new electric tooth brush with them to their next visit ( if they have one sceduled for treatment ). If my newly trained patient is not scheduled for a follow up appointment for treatment, I ask them to schedule a consultation appointment a week or two later so that I can check how they are doing.

A surprisingly large percentage of my patients who receive this training and follow up on my recommendations demonstrate a significant improvement in their plaque control and the health of the gingiva shows improvement as well.

from Ask Dr. Spindel - -


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