What's the best job in 2017 according to US News and Wold Report?

US News and World Report must have a love affair with Dentistry since they have  rated our profession #1 again!  I must admit I always find it a little surprising that they think so highly of our calling, but I do love being a dentist. Its challenging, financially rewarding, and even after over 35 years, I still  I enjoy going into work each day.

That being said, when I have conversations  with other experienced dentists, they often express worry and some degree of pessimism.  " Are you busy?" they ask worriedly or  "Fee for service dentistry is on it way out!"..."The rents are way too high"....."I am thinking about giving up my office and joining a group practice"..."It's not what it used to be"..."the golden years of dentistry are over".

Griping by members of any profession is actually normal and I have heard negative information about dentistry from other dentists since I started in 1980. It seems that people like to complain and worry, even members of the number one profession!

What people are really complaining about is change. It seems like when we master one way of doing things someone comes up with an alternative way that may be better. When my office was built in 1946 , the two dentists who shared the office practiced without the help of a dental assistant and used belt driven low speed drills. They took their crown impressions with copper bands and often were capable of producing beautiful dentistry. They sterilized their instruments by boiling them and many of their patients wore partial or full dentures.

Although they were probably great dentists for their time, if they were alive and practiced in a similar manner today they would probably have their licenses removed by the board of dentistry. Dentistry will continue to experience pressure to change and a I expect that it will likely adapt for the better.

My son, David, has just sent out his applications to dental school and he is truly  excited. He worked last summer for my associate as a dental assistant and loved the experience. Even though he is sobered by the projected costs of attending dental school, he is still psyched... for him its damn the torpedoes and full speed ahead!

I am fairly certain, that if he gets in and completes his dental education, he will have a satisfying career. The world is constantly changing and  and young people  seem to be up to the task of dealing with challenges they will face.

from Ask Dr. Spindel - http://lspindelnycdds.blogspot.com/2017/07/whats-best-job-in-2017-according-to-us.html - http://lspindelnycdds.blogspot.com/


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