Why do you prefer cementable vs screw retained implant restorations?

Probably better than 90% of my implant restorations that I place are of the cemented type. I utilize custom cad cam titanium abutments and keep my chamfer finishing lines close to the gingival margins ( I try to be within one mm or less). This makes having cement trapped around my restoration less likely.

The primary reason I use these rather than screw retained is that often implants are placed where the bone is and the resulting implant ends up better restored using a custom "angled" abutment. This custom abutment needs to be"angled" because the alignment of the implant is slightly different than than the alignment of the restoration that is needed ( the angulation of the internal implant screw is different than the angulation of the needed restoration) . A screw retained one piece restoration used in this situation may be difficult to insert or result in poor proximal contacts. This is especially true when the alignment of the proximal contacts is differs from the angulation of the implant. When this happens, making two good proximal contacts is not possible using a one piece screw retained implant restoration.

from Ask Dr. Spindel - http://lspindelnycdds.blogspot.com/


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